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Whole 30 Down Under


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Day 23

PwoS. Boiled egg mayo

WO jumping chins, bench press, seated rows 2x 8

4x15-20 lunges with rear foot on step, pushups, Romanian deadlift, standing dumbell rows.

PwoS shredded beets, carrot hard boiled egg

B chicken kale sautéed in coconut oil with 2 eggs

L: salad, roast beef, left over egg and mayo my daughter didn't eat sweet potato with coconut oil

S coffee with coconut milk

D lamb cutlets kohlrabi slaw.

No idea what was up with the hungrys as I had eaten heaps! Yes it was a very strenuous work out and I was tired and sore when I worked out the door of the gym but still surprised.

ETA I think I t might just be thwt extinction burst thing. Wanted sweet all day, the urge to have a drink after a rough day with the kids is massive. Tomorrow is another day

ETA: snacking on homemade sultanas and almonds..

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Day 24

Breakfast capsicum, kolhrabi hash cooked in coconut oil with 3 eggs.

S cucumber mayo and smoked salmon

L lefover kolhrabi, beet and apple salad, tinned salmon almonds

L 2 sweet potato, coconut oil, 2 eggs scrambled with coconut milk

D: red Thai fish curry.

No work out today.

Today I had the pleasure of meeting up with my actual first real life person from paleo-world. We are both on the same parenting forum and I was borrowing a dress for a party from her. It was cool to discuss coconut oil, mayo and weight training with a real human. Lol

We SOOO need to organise a whole 30 meet peeps!!

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Day 25..doing it tough. Had a really bad nights sleep last night, not sure what that was about but it hasn't helped my mood. Tired, low energy, kill all the things which I thought was all in the past. Hoping it goes SOON

B kolhrabi and spinach hash in coconut oil with 3 eggs and 1/2 an avo

WO jumping chins, 2x8 deadlifts, 4x15-20 squats with heels on plates, shoulder presses, step ups to bench, underhand grip lat pull downs.

Post work out snack 2 eggs, and a banana

L tuna, salad veg mayo

s almonds

D roast chock, ghee, pumpkin, carrots broccoli and greens, apple and a teaspoon almond butter.

My foul mood wasn't helped by going to Monty farmers market today which was a waste of time as none of the butchers were there today...grrr

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That might be a good thing, I have devoured a large part of the pork shoulder and half a kilo of 'bacon' in just the last two days.... Almost but not quite as bad as scoffing nuts..... Won't be cooking these agin for a bit, the salty crispiness is so morish... I can relate to these being labelled meat candy!

Hope tomorrow is a good day, happy australa day!

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Day 26...so close I can almost taste that latte!

B pumpkin, beetroot tops, chicken mushrooms in coconut oil with 2 eggs.

S parma ham? Compliment stuff from Aldi, thanks to whoever posted about that

L tuna egg mayo lettuce banana

D meatballs on cauliflower rice

I spent today traipsing around Doncaster looking for a frock for a function..exhausting stuff shopping. I think this way of eating is working as I noticed some nice definition i my back muscles in the mirrors. In the change room so feeling pretty happy to keep eating this way for a few more days at least. : )

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I'm in, not sure how I will go with the food since I cant tolerate onion and garlic but it has to be easier than a regular restaurant, and one I would like to try. I struggle to find time away from family commitments but I think I am free for a later lunch on Sat 9th, dinner on Sat 9th or lunch or breakfast on Sun 10th feb.....

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Day 27!

: ) 4 days to latte land!!

B chicken mushroom pumpkin spinach coconut oil eggs

S coffee

POWs chicken soup, teaspoon mayo

WO jumping chins, 2x8 barbell squats 4x15-20 barbell lunges rear foot elevated, push-ups, romanian deadlifts, dumbell rows

L sweet potato, coconut oil, meatballs

D turkey wings damn fine chicken style, cinnamon sweet potato chips, garden salad with avo.

S apple almond butter

: ) finish line is sight...I have so got this. Energy is back, feeling good...happy days.

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Day 28, where do I start! So bloody hungry today, freezing cold here which is probably why

B kale, chard, broccoli, coconut oil, 2 eggs, Parma

S coffee

L meatballs and sweet potato

SNACKS! Bowl of chicken soup, handful blueberries, 2 teaspoons coconut oil, walnuts, almonds, small bowl chicken stew

D big bowl chicken stew, sweet potato, coconut oil, blueberries, coconut milk, almond butter

This is a whole lotta food! Goodness me I have a dress I need to it into for a function! Lol

No workout today

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Im coming in massively late, but thought Id join the Aussie thread - Im based in Melbourne and on day 2. I usually eat fairly low carb, but more atkins so its going to be interesting cutting out the cheese (my one true weakness!!) oh and the alcohol!

So far so good though, Whole30 seems a bit more flexible than Atkins, especially in the fruit sense, I love fruit so its nice to be able to have the odd bit :)

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Hi Danni, this is actually glimmer's log, but there's often a lot of Aussies hanging around ;)

I'm ex-Atkins to and I've finally broken my fears of sweet potato, pineapple and other fruits. I haven't missed cheese as much as I thought I would, but I am hoping I can keep it after reintroduction. I think I'll have more cheese and less cream than before.

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For anyone keen to try Palate, this is the menu (sorry, it's PDF http://www.palate.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/PalateMenu2012-Nov.pdf )

I ate there in my first Whole30 week with a friend (pics here http://praxisproject.wordpress.com/2013/01/09/week1-whole30/ ) and they were very accommodating and even recommended extra protein. They have a pretty good idea of what's in everything, I only had to skip butter to be Whole30 compliant. I reckon they'd be able to make you what you want Juz. They're on Facebook if you want to ask them any tricky questions.

They unfortunately don't have coconut milk, so I'll take some coconut cream next time for my coffee.

Anyone free on Saturday the 2nd? It's first Saturday of the month so I'm contemplating a trip to Prahran Market and if I do, want Palate too :D

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Hi Dannie, good luck on your whole30

Mmm palate looks yum! No can do this Sat : ( , I bet their bacon would have sugar but you can only ask


B: sweet potato hash, coconut oil, scramble eggs with spinach and tomato

WO: jumping chins 2x8 chest press and seated rows 2x15-20 squats with raised heals, shoulder press, dumbell step ups and reverse grip lat pull downs.

L leftover chicken stew, an apple and some almonds

S ate some of the kids mango and coconut milk ice-cream

D steak and salad stuff

No time for pre-post work out snacks today, but didn't need/miss them. Not hungry after yesterday's "eat all the things" mood that descended upon me. My digestion has been...um..slow?...upset? No idea but something I ate yesterday, or maybe just how much I at hasn't agreed with me today and I have had a pain in the tum all day.

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