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Day 3.

NO Sugar, grains, dairy, legumes...piece of cake (so far.)

But it's Friday night, I had a long day at work and this girl needs a beer!!!

I guess I'll be a hermit for the next month. I guess this Friday night shall be spent munchin' on kale chips and watching Game of Thrones.


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That was a really hard adjustment for me. I'm not on a whole30 anymore but it's pretty much how I eat 99% of the time. I go out now once a month and have some drinks and a treat. Last night it was a few cocktails, a beer, some bread with dinner, and ice cream. I want to die right now. I have horrible indigestion and I don't know how to explain this but I get these body twitches the day after. You will be amazed at how different your body feels without those beers. But yeah it's a huge adjustment. Eventually I learned to go out and drink seltzer and go to bars with pool tables so I could at least still enjoy the experience. Good luck and hang in there!

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I have a feeling that having some beers will be a bigger shock to your system if you were used to drinking a few at a time and go right back to that level. I've always been a lightweight and rarely have more than one drink at a time so I'm hoping my every now and then glass of wine won't wreck me post Whole30.

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The more W30s I do, the harder wine hits me when I do drink. There was a time in the somewhat recent past where I would have 1-3 glasses every night; now more than one glass takes me about two days to recover from. It's quickly becoming less and less worth it, although I still really miss the ritual and the deep, I'm-officially-not-going-anywhere, relaxation feelings I associate with having a glass of wine.

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Thank you! I have survived the weekend without a drink. And a birthday party without cake. Great Success! Now I have to make it through this evening, the sweet demon has kicked in and ALL I want to do is snack! I'm not even hungry. :(((

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Take it one day at a time. One dinner. One Friday. If you look at the whole 30 days at once it can be quite dissapointing to count how many days it will for your next beer.

Brainstorm other ways to wind down from a hard day/week...

  • pedi/mani
  • movie night
  • massage
  • obsess over pintrest (haha!)
  • try a new recipe, play some music in the kitchen and enjoy the experience
  • go out dancing

What are some other ways ya'll relax on a Friday night?

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I totally cannot do beer. Always leaves me bloated and sick. That's why I drink wine, if I drink, (and I will have wine again, I am sure). Although an ice cold beer, maybe Mexican, with a slice of lime.. but feeling that sick the next morning so is'nt worth it.

You can do it for 30 days! 1 weekend at a time...

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I've been enjoying how much the Whole30 has been making my husband and I rethink how we socialize. We've managed to go out several times in the past 20 days. Some of my weekend/winddown ideas:

  • Hit up a coffee shop for a pot of herbal tea, sparkling water, or cup of decaf.
  • Play a board, card, or video game.
  • Go to a movie (or rent one).
  • Go out for dinner someplace with some solid options.
  • I love the mani/pedi suggestion above -- that's one of my go-to social activities.
  • Hit up a public pool, lake, beach, etc. depending on what you have access to.
  • Spend some time reading for fun.
  • Work on a craft or other creative project.
  • Paint your own pottery or similar.
  • Visit a record or book store.
  • Wander around a spice store or other fun specialty shop.
  • Check out a local or state park -- we managed to convince some friends of ours to come fossil hunting with us in a city park here. It was really fun (and free).
  • Help someone else with something (offer babysitting, help someone paint a room or pack or sort things, etc.)

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