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Hi Whole30ers - I've been lurking for a very long time and have only posted a few times in the past as most of my activity is on Facebook Whole30 groups.   I've been actively living Whole30 on and off for the last 4 years and got through 2020 and all it entailed by focusing on keeping Whole30 compliant.    On January 1st I committed to doing a Whole100 as I still find when I come off a round that I stray back to sugar so I'm hoping that by doing 100 days that I might finally slay this sugar dragon.   I have no problems with any of the other areas after reintroduction but sugar is major for me - even if I don't add it to my reintroduction I find it creeps back in after a few weeks.

If anyone else has done 100 days in order to slay the sugar dragon I'd love to hear if it helped you.

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Hi there- I have never done 100 days- I don’t think I can go 100 days without wine! with that being said once I went 45 days and it really made a difference with my inflammation in my hands. I can understand how sugar can creep up- Are you eating it too much or are you striving for perfection ? When I tried to be “too good” is when I would plunge head first into junk food. I hope day 14 is awesome.



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I did 160+ days sugar free (from 20th July to Christmas Eve) - had 2 days at Christmas where I ate 2 chocolates and a piece of Christmas cake! Then restarted full whole30 on January 1st. For that 160 I remained fully dairy and grain free too- I find that they really charge up my sugar cravings. By cutting out those 3 permanently, you just eradicate so many options for junky/processed foods (most things in a packet contain at least 1 of those 3!). You can experiment with this in the reintroduction phase-  If it creeps in without you meaning it to in the reintroduction, maybe you need to more strict about what you reintroduce because somewhere along the line you’re stopping reading labels and that’s the moment when the sugar dragon is pouncing on you. But it’s brilliant that you’ve spotted it now, so this time you can change it, you’ve identified a really important behaviour that you can now focus on changing. 

I think I will always have a sugar dragon lurking somewhere, and that’s what keeps me 100% off it because I know that one taste could reignite it. I go through those 160 days by reminding myself that although I might want that sugar, I don’t want to be the person that eats that sugar. Long term gain/short term pain! 

This time round I intend to remain sugar, dairy and grain free for the whole year. At the moment that  seems manageable because we are held in our homes with nowhere to go (UK In full national lockdown!) but come summer when we can go out and go on holiday and see friends it might be more difficult.  

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Also- I didn’t do 160 full whole30! I reintroduced wine bin day 31! I’m not a complete animal!! 
Wine was the only thing I reintroduced though. I never really missed anything else. This time I might reintroduce Soy products though, because it allows for some vegetarian and vegan alternatives which I would like as the W30 can be expensive and meat heavy. 

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On 1/15/2021 at 4:35 AM, 50andstillhere said:

Hi there- I have never done 100 days- I don’t think I can go 100 days without wine! with that being said once I went 45 days and it really made a difference with my inflammation in my hands. I can understand how sugar can creep up- Are you eating it too much or are you striving for perfection ? When I tried to be “too good” is when I would plunge head first into junk food. I hope day 14 is awesome.



My problem is that I'll have some sugar and it'll lead to a full on binge.   I sit there and think I know I shouldn't have this but then I do and it does!!!!   Hoping that doing 100 days will help me be able to tell myself that one bite is ok and it doesn't have to lead to a full on binge.


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On 1/16/2021 at 10:16 AM, Rebecca001 said:

I think I will always have a sugar dragon lurking somewhere, and that’s what keeps me 100% off it because I know that one taste could reignite it. I go through those 160 days by reminding myself that although I might want that sugar, I don’t want to be the person that eats that sugar. Long term gain/short term pain! 

This time round I intend to remain sugar, dairy and grain free for the whole year. At the moment that  seems manageable because we are held in our homes with nowhere to go (UK In full national lockdown!) but come summer when we can go out and go on holiday and see friends it might be more difficult.  

Yes this is exactly what I am aiming for this time.   I'd been dairy and grain free for about 8 months and then had some before the round I did in December but I was fine having them and then stopping.   Sugar has a different effect on me and I think you are right - just don't allow myself to have even a bite.


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On 1/16/2021 at 10:19 AM, Rebecca001 said:

Also- I didn’t do 160 full whole30! I reintroduced wine bin day 31! I’m not a complete animal!! 
Wine was the only thing I reintroduced though. I never really missed anything else. This time I might reintroduce Soy products though, because it allows for some vegetarian and vegan alternatives which I would like as the W30 can be expensive and meat heavy. 

I don't particularly like alcohol so that doesn't bother me.   I plan this time maybe to bring in chickpeas at some point but that's the only thing I plan to reintroduce at the moment.

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On 1/16/2021 at 3:19 AM, Rebecca001 said:

I’m not a complete animal!!


Hubs and I have just been talking about this. We're half way through W30 #4 and almost everyday we say things like "why don't we just eat this way all the time?" because we always feel SO good when we do.  We have learned from previous re-intros what we're obviously sensitive to and have eliminated legumes and tightly limited dairy in our non-W30 days. But sugar is the creeper as everyone here already knows and, like you say Rebecca, grains rev up the sugar dragon something ferocious. So, after January 30 we're going to carry on with W30 principles and reintroduce wine and beer in moderation - no more 2-glasses-everynight-before-bed-because-it's-a-pandemic-and-life-is-boring-AF-and-what-else-is-there-to-do? I know that wine fuels my anxiety as well but I think sugar is the greater problem. I have done several dry weeks in the past year and haven't had the reduction in anxiety that I experienced 3 days after getting off sugar.

So - that's where I am at - making this a permanent diet choice is in the works. W30 principles plus wine for me.


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I find legumes (eg the yellow split peas which are now allowed in the 30 days) give me wild sugar cravings! So it’s not just the banned foods that can cause us trouble. I am so much happier when I eat zero sugar that’s it’s worth it for me, although it’s taken me years of trying moderation to come to that conclusion. 

maybe, going back to the OP, it’s more that you need to make sure when you do have it, it doesn’t creep in, but is a deliberate, mindful choice- that way you take it for what it really is. I ate a piece of Christmas cake and oh boy, it was delicious. But the icing was ludicrously sweet and I only at a tiny piece and I actually didn’t want anymore. If you don’t eat it mindfully (and certainly if it’s coming from other sources like dressings or non sweet foods and you don’t even see it) then you’re not really reintroducing it, you’re just having it, and that’s the moment the dragon catches you out 

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My last Whole30 was back in 2015, but in 2017 I was on a similar plan recommended by my doctor who specializes in women’s hormone issues. I did that for several months as I was overweight, having brain fog and swollen ankles. I never reintroduced dairy (except butter) or gluten.

34 minutes ago, Rebecca001 said:

I find legumes (eg the yellow split peas which are now allowed in the 30 days) give me wild sugar cravings

That plan had pea protein shakes and bars which have stevia. Recently I’ve still been drinking the shakes, but ditched them for the Whole30. Corn and beans are very problematic for me but very curious about the peas too! 

This Whole30 is much easier to navigate not having to deal with craving gluten and dairy. I think it’s also a good for me to have ghee and I should try not to return to regular butter. I can tolerate rice more than other grains and thats when the things start rolling downhill......jasmine rice, gluten free cookies, pasta, pretzels and then it’s the food with no brakes and all over puffiness, tiredness, crankiness that’s nearly the same as eating gluten. 

3 hours ago, Lorna from Canada said:

We have learned from previous re-intros what we're obviously sensitive to and have eliminated legumes and tightly limited dairy in our non-W30 days.

Dairy and gluten together is another pesky dragon, but I am finding that without them, when I reintroduce other problematic foods I am increasingly sensitive. 

3 hours ago, Lorna from Canada said:

no more 2-glasses-everynight-before-bed-because-it's-a-pandemic-and-life-is-boring-AF-and-what-else-is-there-to-do?

Some here! But it was fun while it lasted, wasn’t it??? 



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