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beet root sugar


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I was at a tea shop today trying to find a tea I like without sweetener. This has been my biggest issue on W30. I am not really much of a sweet eater, but I use sweetener in coffee and tea. I have given up coffee (because I also like cream and the coconut milk just seems like too many wasted calories). I have been drinking my tea plain but simply NOT enjoying it. At times I feel like I would kill for some sweetener ... any sweetener!! Once again, let me state: sweets are not usually an issue for me!!

I found a tea I loved at the tea shop and then was told they use "beet root sugar" to sweeten their samples. BLAH!! It was only a sip, so I won't start W30 over because of it, but since I had never heard of beet root sugar (and wouldn't know where to find it) I thought I should ask if is something I could use. I've only got 9 days to go on W30, but would really love to find something to use in my tea for the long haul.

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Hehe. Yeah if it doesn't say CANE sugar on the bag, it's beet sugar. It's amazing how on this journey we THINK that sweets aren't an issue for us until we start craving sweetener in our coffee or tea and go trying a million ways to find something that will work. I gave up my coffee all together because I realized that while I thought I loved coffee I really loved hot, sweet caffeinated drink. I have grown to love tea with a splash of coconut milk. Who knew?

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I was in that store - Teavana - and was trying to find the same thing, a tea I could drink without sugar or sweetener. I did leave with a couple of them but on tasting them I am SURE there is sugar in them on the dried fruits. I was unhappy about that. I've since experimented with a few different fruity/flowery herbal teas. Haven't been completely successful. My problem is I used to drink a latte every morning with brown sugar sweetener that was so good. Made with xylitol which my dentist says I should be eating. But I'm not doing it now.

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If you can find them, Twinings Infusions have many Whole30 safe options. I like Lemon & Ginger (Lemongrass), Cranberry & Pomegranate, Raspberry Strawberry and Loganberry. They're good both hot and cold. If I let a cup go cold, I reuse it with fizzy water for a refreshing iced tea.

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Give it time..... Before you know it you will no longer miss sweetener ...... And to pile on, coconut milk is one of the best ways to get Medium Chain triglycerides.... Converts strait into energy and will not make you fat.... It will turbocharge your day!!!

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Try some of the loose leaf teas with licorice root, I have a wonderful one here but it's Australian.... I also have raw organic cocoa powder with hot water sometimes. I have been having it for a few years, but stopped for my first whole30 as it had become a habit to have every night. It's nice with a splash of coconut cream too

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