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Swiss Chard Wrap


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Sometimes and idea works, and you just have to share it!

I have seen the concept of swiss chard as a wrap before. but had never attempted it. In an effort to get more leafy greens in my life, I figured now is as good a time as any!

I washed the leaves, then cut off the stems. I then steamed them in my steamer basket for 2 minutes. This made them pliable. Pliable. Does not make them sound good, does it?

Anyways, I then layered with roast beef (compliant of course), homemade mayo, avocado smeared in, and julienned carrots. I then rolled them up tight.

They were not as messy as I expected them to be! The swiss chard held together beautifully! I did bloop a bit of mayo on the plate :).

Really good and I.am.stuffed.



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