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You say no dairy at all...but what about -->

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Thomas, dairy isn't off limits because of its fat content. It's off limits because for one, it creates an inflammatory reaction for many people. If you're doing your Whole30 on the vegetarian plan, you might be okay since SKRY seems similar to Greek yogurt--which is allowed on the vegetarian meal plan and I'd wait to see what a mod says to that.

But if you're doing a regular Whole30 it's not allow and a either starting over or adding extra days on at the end is a good idea.

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Hi, we don't get Skyr here but I gather it's a cultured milk dish very similar to yoghurt. The protein in it comes from the milk proteins so I'm afraid it is a no go on a W30. I always feel if you're doing a W30 you deserve to have 30 full clean days so I reckon the best thing would be to add those days on at the end if that's possible. Good luck

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Ok, thx.

Thankfully I'm only 2,5 days in my Whole30.

And yes, it's a lot like Greek yogurt, but has more protein.

I'm reading a lot paleo stuff these days, but did not get to 'what not to eat the first 30 days'

Used to live after the 'Zone' principles where you actually can eat everything......so this gonna be a fun ride.

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It helps to read through the official Whole30 guidelines several times... http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/5-the-official-whole30%C2%AE-program/

It took several read throughs for the information to sink in for me, but once it does, you can see that they answer every important question and most minor questions too.

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Hi Thomas, I don't know if you've read the book 'It Starts With Food', it really clearly lays everything out and the science reasons behind it all. If you here


and scroll down there's a whole bunch of free downloads including the quickstart guide, meal template etc which should keep you right. Good luck and keep us posted how you get on.

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Look at Whole 30 as a paleo's paleo--this is to help you really get clean, reset your relationship with food and then you can add back in as you see fit during your re-introduction, paying attention to how you feel. General Paleo, and Primal in particular, can be much more forgiving when eating dairy. There are those who are strict Paleo don't eat dairy at all, to those who do and Primal is fine with yogurt, cheese and cream, with in reason. It is really only just for 30 days! You can do it!

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