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My name is Rali and I live in Sofia Bulgaria. I have several problem like insomnia, joint pain, swelling, fatigue, anxiety and about 15 kg (that is about 33 lbs) more than I should have. I needed a change so I started reading about LCHF diet and Paleo and somehow I saw this site and I love it.

More about me - age - 28, height - 1,65 m (5.4 ft), weight - 69 kg (about 152 lbs)... I eat a lot of sweets, chocolates, pasta, bread etc....

This is my first try for a Whole 30. I have some problems with the food here - we dont have a high control over the food in our stores but I will do my best to keep it as clean as possible.

So today 18.06 is my first day.

Breakfast - 3 eggs with ghee

Lunch - homemade mousaka with eggplants and minced meat (some garlic, parsley, pure tomato paste, mix from ghee (for preparation of the meat) and olive oil (for baking of the eggplants) and salt)

Afternoon snack - some raw nuts some raw almonds plus 2 nectarines

Dinner - ? :) Some pork ribs with avocado cucumber salad and few pieces water melon.

More about me and my whole30 tonight :)

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So for afternoon snack - some raw almonds plus 2 nectarines - I`m very hungry but I have nothing else at the moment that I can eat, so I must bring more food at work.

I have a headache so I took one aspirin, I hope it will help :ph34r: I assume that the headaches will last for the first couple of days but I`m hopping it will get better soon. If anyone can tell me how to deal with them will be great :wub:

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The headache is getting stronger and even after a good dinner I`m feeling very hungry. I had also a few pieces water melon and I`m wondering how much fruit is allowed and didnt I eat too much today? But I used to eat plenty of sweet things and so now I`m replacing them with fruits but I`m not sure if its ok to eat soo much fruit. :huh:

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Hi Rali,

I started today as well and have a pounding headached which I assume is from my lack of caffeine. From what I read, I believe that the point is not to replace sweets with fruit but hopefully someone who is more Whole30 savvy can weigh in on this for you. Good luck to you and hopefully you can get through it.

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All fruits are acceptable. The rules are:

1. Don't let fruit push veggies off your plate, just because it's more fun to eat. Veggies for the win (micronutrient-density-wise), so eat your veggies and then occasionally add some fruit.

2. Don't use fruit to prop up your sugar cravings. If you're snacking on lots of fruit because you miss your (insert other sugary food here), you're missing the point of the program.

Those should help you make good choices during your Whole30, and then adjust your own intake to whatever is right for you beyond.

Melissa Hartwig

So the fruit was wrong choise, but I assume this didnt corrupt my first day so badly that I must restart? But I will be more careful from now on.

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Hi Rali,

I started today as well and have a pounding headached which I assume is from my lack of caffeine. From what I read, I believe that the point is not to replace sweets with fruit but hopefully someone who is more Whole30 savvy can weigh in on this for you. Good luck to you and hopefully you can get through it.

Hi Jennyebn,

Yes its wrong to replace sweets with fruits but I hope I wont need to restart :) Thank you so much for your answer :) Do you gave up the coffee or just reduce the intake? I`m really happy that you did start today just like me, its very helpful to know that there is somebody in the exactly the same situation like me :)

ps. sorry for my bad english

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No problem. Yes, it is nice to have people who are in the same boat. I think the forums will be a very helpful and useful tool to have questions answers and receive support. I gave up coffee b/c I HATE it black. I'm going to purchase some coconut milk to use and hopefully that will help.


Don't apologize for your English.

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You might have needed to eat more for breakfast. Usually when I have eggs for breakfast I also have something else along with. Tomato salad, avocado, sweet potato, something like that.

Also unless you ate the whole watermelon that does not look like way too much fruit.

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befabdaily - No it was not a whole watermelon but I was a little confused about the fruits :)

Today 19.06 is my second day so here we go

Breakfast - some pork ribs from yesterday with 1/2 avocado - I`m still a little hungry but I will fix that in next days I assume I just have to eat more

Lunch - same as yesterday

Afternoon snack - same as luch because I had made a bigger lunch box

Dinner - one pork rib with 3 poched eggs and some cucumber

I might have to stop drinking coffee because after eating breakfast I usually have my first coffee for the day and when I drink it I get very very hungry? Is that possible? Also I think to make a blood test \I dont know exactly how you call this sorry\ and check my cholesterol etc. And I will make one after the Whole 30. I dont know if I should check my blood sugar levels?

I`m headache free for now :) But I`m a little tired :)

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I had no headache today :) I`m a bit tired and my leg is swollen but is a usual thing.

I had made a dessert - melon plus some coconut flakes and almond. I know that I must change my habits but I usually had eaten at least one chocolate, some candies and some ice cream by this time its 9pm here so I think this one dessert for the day is ok for now. I will try to change my relations with the food but I cant do it all for one day :)

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