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Chewing Gum


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I was a big gum chewer before W30. That was always my "go to" when I was trying not to eat. I still have cravings for it but hopefully they will go away eventually.

ME TOO! I was bad--I'd sit in front of my computer and chew gumball after gumball. I guess you could call me a chain chewer... LOL!

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I am on day 11, and gum was my go to also, to keep me occupied as well as for "breath" (I work with high school kids and am in their face all day). I have on occassion brushed my teeth at work, but I don't do it enough. I find that I am chewing the inside of my lip, which I don't like. I am trying to apply carmex to my lips to stop myself from doing this. I used to sip on a Latte as well, decaf, to keep my mind off food. I have tried black coffee, but seem to have lost the taste for it, and still crave gum!

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I haven't had a piece of gum since my first w30 started sept 17! At first I missed the "habit" of gum chewing. My breath was fine because even eating a ton of onion and garlic, the overall clean eating changed my breath. If I felt my breath was strong I'd eat some celery or an apple or munch on some fresh parsley. I calculated I've saved around $100 since giving up my gum habit and that's not counting the extra crap I'd buy every time I ran into the store to buy gum!

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Gum is the one thing I consistently miss (as I chewed it constantly) since starting the Whole30. However, I can say that it's getting easier on Day 53, just a small craving every once in a while. More the habit of chewing it immediately after eating something to freshen my mouth is when the craving hits.

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  • 1 year later...

I miss it. So much. It sucks.  I do it for breath freshening.  Guess I'll have to bring my toothbrush to work.  I just hate having the food breath.  It almost makes me hungry again, because I just keep thinking about chewing something to make my breath smell better.  GAH!

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