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New Me, New Food! Whole30 Log

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I am just going to use this thread as a way to get feedback on my food. I already have a blog and will be blogging my way through Whole30, so just the food here!

DAY 1:

B: 3 HB Eggs, Red & Green Peppers, Blueberries & Coconut Milk

L: Huge Beef Salad with veggies and avo, banana

D: Salmon w/Brussel Sprouts, haven't decided if I will cook in coconut oil or in clarified butter yet.

I hoestly am having a hard time figuring out what to eat/do for breakfast Monday through Friday as I work and don't have any extra time in the AM.

For the past 2 months or so, it has been the same things M-F, and I am okay with that. 2 HB eggs, 1/2 cup blueberries & 2-4 ounces of coconut milk.

I don't have a refridgerator or microwave at work. So, I need to be able to pack something the night before that will stay good with a cold pack for about an hour. Any suggestions? I am thinking in the form of veggies mainly...I would like to keep the eggs and berries w/coconut milk if possible due to conveinence.

Thanks in advance to those who read and help out!

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Hi - I also work and bring my breakfast in with me. These have been my go to's:

2 HB eggs, small sweet potato with coconut butter, massaged kale salad

leftover chicken, small sweet potato with coconut butter, massaged kale salad

tuna salad made with avocado, kale salad and plantain chips to scoop

I pack my breakfasts three at a time. Kale salad keeps well. I bake and cut up the sweet potatoes when I'm packing the breakfasts and then just eat them cold, but you could also microwave a whole sweet potato right before you leave and it would still be warm when you got to work.

If you're good with your breakfast now but just want to add veggies, you could just take a bag of baby carrots. That would be super easy.

Good luck on your W30!

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I am into putting salsa from Whole Foods on boiled eggs in the morning. Usually three boiled eggs cut into quarters and 4 to 6 tablespoons of salsa. Salsa is okay to go without being chilled for an hour.

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Thanks, guys! Salsa with HB eggs, interesting! I will have to make up some of my salsa and try it out!

I haven't ventured into the land of sweet potatoes yet, so I am a bit warry...I think for right now I will grab some cold veggies and bring them along. I have always been the type that needs to dip them in something, which is why I didn't think of it! But, I found some Whole30 concious dips! :D

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Hi Shannon my friend!! :-D

You need to enter the sweet potato land! They are so good!

Do you have a good thermal lunch bag? Thermal will keep hot food hot as well as cold food cold. If you have one for each purpose you might not need the microwave or the fridge.

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You found me, lady! :D I know I really really need to enter into the sweet potatoe land, you should give me your favorite easy recipie and I will grab some this weekend. I don't have a thermal lunch bag, the one I have is so old it has holes! I do need to invest in a new one here quickly!

Mmmm salsa! I like to dip cucumbers in my guac and salsa, always have :D

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Day 2:

B: 3 HB Eggs, Salsa (home made), Blueberries & Coconut Milk

L: Turkey Lettuce Wraps w/Avo and tomatoe, summer sausage (found some that were compliant! Can't remember the name), Banana

D: Deconstructed Taco Salad (w/Guac) and I might eat more brussel sprouts

Had the brissel sprouts last night (for the second time ever), and I loved them! The loose leafs cooked up into nice chips too!


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You found me, lady! :D I know I really really need to enter into the sweet potatoe land, you should give me your favorite easy recipie and I will grab some this weekend. I don't have a thermal lunch bag, the one I have is so old it has holes! I do need to invest in a new one here quickly!

Mmmm salsa! I like to dip cucumbers in my guac and salsa, always have :D

Simplest for sweet potato, roast in the oven for an hour until soft (pierce them first), slice in half, scoop out, eat. Yum!

Or you can peel them and chop them in cubes, toss in coconut oil, add seasonings, and roast in the oven.

Or you can shred them and add them to anything really. :-)

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Day 3:

B: 3 Poached Eggs w/ Salsa and Bacon (found some without sugar!)

L: Salad w/Beef, avo and fixings & pickles

D: Deconstructed Taco Salad, last of it, and brussel sprouts.

This AM, I didn't have anymore HB eggs since I switched to 3 per day instead of 2 per day. So, I woke up a bit earlier to eat at home. Which ended up being 2.5 hours before I normally eat! I will be curious to see when I get hungry now! I normally don't get hungry and just make myself eat!

Rock on Day 3!

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Day 4:

B: 3 poached eggs, bacon, broccoli

L: Large Salad w/Chicken & Avocado

D: Hot Dogs (compliant) w/ large salad and orange

I might switch Lunch and Dinner, but we shall see!

I am running out of some foods, but can't do my full shopping trip until tomorrow. So, I have to be savy for dinner tonight and find some items to put on my salad!

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Day 6:

Today I am really lethargic, but I just don't think I slept well.

B: 3 HB Eggs, Salsa, Blueberries 2/Coconut Milk

L: Salad w/Beef, Avo, Tomatoes, Cucumber

D: 'Morning Mix'

Really hope I like this ground turkey since it goes in the 'Morning Mix', we shall see! Have a great Day 6 everyone!

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Day 8:

B: 3 HB Eggs, Salsa, Blueberries w/Coconut Milk

L: Turkey & Beef Salad w/Avo, Tomato, Cucumber and Banana

D: Pulled Chicken w/Roasted Pepper Sauce

Snack: Almonds

So, question for you all (or for those of you who are logging), I know with Whole30 you are not supposed to log so that you can figure out when your body is really full. I still log so I don't get out of the habit of it, my choice, I don't pay attention to the calories though. But, I was looking back over my log for the past week and noticed that I barely make it to 1,200 cals if I am lucky (without exercise). Most of the time it's in the 1000-1100 range. So, what are you all eating and what are your calories like?

Today I got it to 1266 if I eat everything on plan, that's because I am doing double the meat then I normally do for lunch, drinking my coconut milk AND eating a serving of almonds! Oy vey! The problem for me is that I am never hungry, maybe I should say rarely. So, to follow my hunger signals...I would end up eating two small meals a day!

I have engrained in me that I need to eat above my BMR (which has always been hard for me to do) and I don't want to go into starvation mode.


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Day 9:

M1 8:30 AM: 2 poached eggs w/salsa and bacon

M2 1:30 PM: Turkey, 1/2-1 whole Avo, 1 HB egg, tomato, cucumber, pickles and banana

M3 5:30 PM: Shredded Chicken w/Roasted Peppers and Broccoli

I am hoping to make it home in between work, errands and choir practice tonight so I can eat at 5:30 instead of 9 PM! We will see, I also have almonds for some more healthy fat.

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Most of us won't know how many calories we are eating because we aren't tracking. ;)

I have thought about doing it out of curiosity, but frankly I'm very happy not tracking and don't have any plans to ever go back to it. It feels strange at first, but I love that I am getting smaller without weighing and calculating recipes.

Are you hungry? After my first week I noticed I wasn't hungry and was eating very little. But my hunger came back. I think it was my body adapting to additional fat. (Did you log all your fat? Actually, your meals look low on fat. Do you add fat per the template? ) I mean, counting calories is notoriously inaccurate and also kind of pointless. Not to mention crazy-making and therefore counter productive to your goals.

Someone, I think Miss Mary, posted an excellent article about why calorie counting doesn't work (not emotionally but physically; a calorie is NOT a calorie--there are many factors that come into play.) But I'm not sure where it was. Maybe I can find it.

I totally get feeling guilty about not logging! In my W30 I logged on mFP in the "food notes" section. But I recently stopped even doing that and it feels good.

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