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torn between taking a longer way home and getting dinner ASAP, decided on a snack and the ride.

snack. emergency office Lara Bar (cashew cookie).

ride. 9.5 miles along the river and across the greenway. much hillier than the usual route. nice.

meal #3. leftover pot roast (farmer's market beef, carrot, onion, mushrooms, fire roasted tomatoes, garlic, cooked in the slow cooker) with extra mushrooms. avocado/cherry tomato salad. half a gingeraide kombucha. also pellegrino w/lemon. thirsty.

question. is it bad that I have cherry tomatoes at every meal? just wondering... :unsure:

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DAY 23

hanging out at home waiting for an 8am meeting, so no workout. Depending on how long it takes, I might bike to work, but probably not.

meal #1. three eggs scrambled with turkey and A LOT of spinach. strawberries. later, iced cold press.

meal #2. I seem to be out of everything, so I'm planning chipotle: carnitas, greens, pico, guac.

snack. sea snax!

meal #3. carrots, zucchini, summer squash, mushrooms and red onions, roasted with coconut oil and cumin. smoked chicken bratwurst. gingerade kombucha.

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DAY 24

meal #1. omlette with leftover roasted squach and zucchini. cherry tomatoes, basil, a little red onion, a little avocado. strawberries. Iced espresso.

pre-workout snack. none

workout: HEAVY PUSH-PULL. 3 sets of 8 reps with approx 1 minute of rest between sets, completed all three sets of each exercise before moving on to the next one. -used the same weight/setting for all three sets unless noted.

Machine Chest Press #6

Machine Row #5

Machine Leg Press w/200lbs

BB Squat*

Lat Pulldown #12 (70)

DB Shoulder Press (incline bench) w/25s

BB Deadlift*

Hamstring Curl #65

Front Plank

Side Plank


*BB Squat 135lbs

*BB Deadlift 115lbs

*had to wait and do Squat and Deadlift at the end because some guy was curling in the squat cage :rolleyes: . No time to do planks today, but maybe I'll add them to cardio tomorrow.

post-workout snack. 1oz piece gourmet grassfed (bold original) jerky while driving to the nursery. Some watermelon as I served the kids their snack.

meal #2. chicken salad (chicken breast, celery, cashews, grapes, scallions, mayo).

meal #3. grass-fed ribeye. broccoli, mushrooms and spinach sauteed in the fat from the ribeye. some homemade guac on the side. gingerade kombucha.

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DAY 25

the most crazy day of them all, but at least I found time to roast some sweet potatoes, make some slaw and throw some pork in the slow cooker yesterday.

meal #1. (on-the-run). 2 hard boiled eggs, 1oz piece gourmet grassfed jerkey, cherry tomatoes, 1/2 a small roasted sweet potato, sea snax. cold press.

workout: AGILITY CARDIO, 3 sets of each exersise.


side-to-side x 9 cones

forward-backward x 9 cones

Jump (reps for heart rate--zone 4)




*the good news: it took a lot longer to get into zone4 on these. bad news: had to cut things short with a wicked calf cramp during the third set. limped up to the stretching area to foam roll (again!) and called it a day. Sometimes my body is SO FRUSTRATING! :wacko:

post-workout snack. the rest of the sweet potato from meal #1.

meal #2. cumin-rubbed pork shoulder. slaw (napa cabbage, carrots, red bell pepper, red onion, cilantro, lime juice, olive oil, a little red boat fish sauce).

snack. Lara Bar (cashew cookie)

meal #3. big salad of herb mix, red onion, capers, cherry tomatoes, avocado w/olive oil/apple cider vinegar dressing. grass-fed beef burger, macadamia nut-oil mayo, bubbies pickle.

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DAY 26

still limping around...even after rolling with my nieces lacrosse ball and drinking natural calm (magnesium) last night..so I'm skipping the workout this am.

meal #1. 2 hard boiled eggs, roast beef, asparagus, cherry tomatoes. iced espresso.

meal #2. cumin-rubbed pork shoulder. slaw (napa cabbage, carrots, red bell pepper, red onion, cilantro, lime juice, olive oil, a little red boat fish sauce).

snack (badly needed, not enough lunch). almonds, banana.

meal #3. big salad of herb mix, red onion, capers, cherry tomatoes, avocado w/olive oil/apple cider vinegar dressing. grass-fed beef burger, macadamia nut-oil mayo, bubbies pickle.

Yeah, so these are the same exact meals as yesterday...mostly because I liked them, and I have leftovers. Tomorrow I need to remember to add something to that lunch (fat maybe?). I was hungry. oh and I rode my bike like usual.

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DAY 27

woke up late from a dream there was a raccoon living in the corner where I keep my recycling.

meal #1. 3 eggs scrambled with a little chicken sausage and a lot of mushrooms and spinach. iced espresso.

meal #2. cumin-rubbed pork shoulder. slaw (napa cabbage, carrots, red bell pepper, red onion, cilantro, lime juice, olive oil, a little red boat fish sauce). AGAIN, but this time adding some avocado and a little container of mayo too. we will see how it goes on the hunger.

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From the description, I'm surprised it wasn't holding you. Hopefully the avocado does the trick! 3 more days!

Yeah, I think it was mostly because I portioned what I thought should be one lunch, but was only able to eat half of it, then saved the other half for the next day...so really only half a lunch? also the fat thing.

now to stop interwebbing and start breakfasting!

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I lasted a little longer today, but I was still hungry by the time I was on my way home--really wanting chocolate and wine and egg salad (?!). SO I had a hard boiled egg while prepping dinner. It helped a little...my inner food critic would not allow egg salad for dinner alone.

meal #3. zoodles* squoodles with roasted salmon, cherry tomatoes, asparagus, shallot, olive oil, capers, a bit of ghee. blueberries. half a gingeraide kombucha.

*zuchinni noodles. now I know what to call them, thank you nom nom paleo. AND, OOPs, I didn't have any zuchinni, only summer squash. still good.

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DAY 28

feeling pretty down and tired. super stressful time at work, but maybe also cycle related (I'm actually tracking this now: day 21), hopefully exercise this morning will help.

pre-workout snack: hardboiled egg

workout: DENSITY SUPERSET, 3 sets of each pair before moving on to the next exercise, 1 minute (or more!) of rest between supersets. Unless noted, I did the same number of reps/same weight for all three sets.

A1=DB Chest Press 8 reps w/30 lbs dumbells.

A2=Pushups. 10 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps

B1=BB Squat 8 reps w/135lb

B2=Walking Lunges. 10 each side w/10lbs e

C1=Assisted Pullup 1st set: 10 w/110lbs* assistance; 2nd set: 8 w/110lbs assistance; 3rd set: 10 w/115lb assistance

C2=TRX Row** x12 then Curl w/15lbs e x 12 reps, 10 reps

*progress! :D

**didn't feel like interrupting someone who jumped on the TRX between my sets. I feel like the gym used to have two of these. they need two.

The goal here was to choose a weight geared around 8 reps with good form for the first exercise, and to fail at doing 12 reps for the second, similar exercise. good.

post-workout snack: some roasted sweet potato cubes and roast beef (applegate) right after the workout.

meal #1. more roasted sweet potato cubes and roast beef, 2 hard boiled eggs, cherry tomatoes. iced cold press. missing the broccoli, but I'm out.

meal #2. remarkably similar to what I've been having the last few days...but newly inspired by my co-workers' food truck aventure yesterday: bahn mi salad (roasted chicken thigh with salad of english cucumber, daikon radish, carrot, cilantro, kelp noodles tossed with olive oil/apple cider vinegar. avocado. a mix macadamia nut oil mayo/home-fermented sriracha/red boat fish sauce in a tiny container for dipping).

meal #3. out. roasted salmon w/herloom tomato salad. they brought three pieces of undercooked cauliflower in place of quinoa. nice try. ;) Salmon and tomatoes were good.

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DAY 29

meal #1. omlette w/chicken sausage, asparagus, cherry tomatoes. iced espresso.

meal #2. bahn mi salad (see day 28) w/extra cucumber and mixed greens. avocado. sauce.

packed some blueberries and jerky for a snack also. too much to do today, can't afford to be distracted or spacy.

snack. ate the blueberries and jerky.

meal #3. take-out bunless grassfed beef burger with arugula/tomato salad w/basalmic dressing. guac. a peach. gingeraide kombucha.

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DAY 30

these days keep getting weirder and weirder, no fault of the whole30, just my life. Worked late last night trying to finish some things up so i could take Friday/Monday off. Slept lateish (well, as late as I could considering my calf was cramping like crazy again in the night) SO, it's 9:30am, we don't leave for my backpacking weekend until noon, and I'm in weird limbo time. I might go in to the gym and foam roll or maybe take a yoga class this morning. Trying hard to be in "vacation mode." Who knew being on vacation required such hard work? :rolleyes:

Oh, and I'm done with my whole 30. yay me! I have considered doing another one right away (to join in the August madness) but I think it is better that I don't. I've been blaming the whole 30 for my choices a bit and I want to be the one making those good decisions even when I don't "have to." Also I want a glass of wine...maybe not today, but someday? ;)

Here's to a weekend in the woods, 30 days in the bank of getting my food right, and some serious (and hopefully fun) work on getting the rest of the whole 9 in gear. I'll probably post a wrap-up sometime when I return Monday night. Have a happy whole 30 weekend everyone!

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DAY 30

did you really think I would stop logging food on day 29? Oh no, my friends. I am a completist.

meal #1. 2 hard boiled eggs, roast beef roasted sweet potato cubes, cherry tomatoes, blueberries. iced espresso a bit later

meal #2. snacked on backpacking food on the road (left "lunch" in the cooler for meal #3). peach, jerky, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, and a little trail mix (macadamia nuts, sprouted almonds, coconut flakes, walnuts, gogi berries, currants, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds)

meal #3. chicken salad (chicken, celery, grapes, cilantro, cashews, mayo), citrus greens (steamed mustard greens w/lemon from the co-op hot bar).

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A bit of a wrap-up. In many ways, this whole 30 has been a success--it's a way of eating that makes a lot of sense to me, and feels good.

--my energy has gotten a bit better, if not 100% (better in part because of the DHEA and extra D that I started a couple weeks in)

--my allergy/respertory issues have improved, and I've learned that those correlate with stress (and no, stress has not gone away)--I think it is a bit of a victory to understand what's going on, even when i can't completely control it.

--most of the time I can eat three meals a day and feel good, not ravenous (with some tweaking on meals I'm sure I could improve on this one even more).

--my skin is so much better

--I feel really good and strong.

--even my calf calmed down and stopped with that cramping business.

--I feel GOOD when I eat this way.

And, now for the bad news. I tend to avoid weighing myself because there is way too much tied up in that number for me emotionally. I want to be able to accept myself as I am (however I am) and to have as much compassion for myself as I would for anyone else, but I also know I would be healthier weighing less. and maybe I was a little over-confident, sure that I had lost a little bit, but...nope...not a single pound less now than 30 days ago or 365 days ago. and I'm disappointed, and upset, and really mad at myself for getting worked up about it. Can't I just be happy that I'm a better biker now, and a better backpacker? Can't I be happy that I am STRONG? I guess not, or not all the time. clearly I have some more work to do.

so here's my plan: change nothing. because I'm incredibly stubborn and I still think I'm doing the right thing. so my body needs some more time? fine, I'll carry on, then.

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Missmary - just today I was honestly thinking to myself that you look slimmer, trimmer & healthier. I can SEE a difference for sure. And i know you are stronger, your workouts are tough and you always kick butt. You amaze me and you should be proud - so many people are not strong - strong is the new skinny, haven't you heard? Carry on then - you motivated me to start this, I hope I can finish as strong as you!

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Missmary - just today I was honestly thinking to myself that you look slimmer, trimmer & healthier. I can SEE a difference for sure. And i know you are stronger, your workouts are tough and you always kick butt. You amaze me and you should be proud - so many people are not strong - strong is the new skinny, haven't you heard? Carry on then - you motivated me to start this, I hope I can finish as strong as you!

Aw who needs to see 5lbs less on the scale with friends like that? :)

Missmary, you did great, you sound in top form, don't let that number bring you down, you're worth more than that.

Aw, thanks Ladies. You are right Derval, I'm lucky to have Alita around, and...it's not like I was going to reach some magic number and then stop exercising and start eating like crap :blink: . I was just disappointed (and disappointed that I was disappointed, if that makes any sense). I'll be all right. thanks again for supporting me! you ladies rock too, no doubt.

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  • 4 weeks later...

so, almost a month post-whole-30 and I thought it might be worth logging a little of my experience since then so I don't forget what I'm learning. Eating has been whole 30 with a few choices to go off plan. Here's a chronical of my off-roading for the record (in possibly, but not quite chronological order).

  1. A coctail and 2? or 3? glasses of white wine one night at a dinner party (I was tipsy and friend kept refilling...). Felt (and tasted!) good at the time, but woke up at 3am feeling like crap and continued to feel like crap for 3 or 4 days :(
  2. One (generous) glass of red wine at a resturant. Didn't taste that spectacular, woke up at 3am feeling like crap, but the crap subsided within a day or two.
  3. One square of 95% dark chocolate (soy free, etc.). Tasted like wax. so not worth it, but no adverse effects.
  4. Dairy, in the form of some salad dressing. Tasted like creme fraiche? (not listed on the menu/didn't ask enough questions of our waiter, ate it anyway). Result: stomach upset and two pimples within 2 hours.
  5. Non-gluten grains and sugar (and possibly dairy, but I checked, no soy!) in the form of one gluten-free cupcake. Heart racing like crazy before I even finished eating it. Noticable increased hunger (especially for carbs) over the next day or two, but no allergy-type symptoms. Feels silly that I felt the need to purchase and eat this one day after watching co-workers eat cupcakes at a baby shower (like I "deserved it" because I "missed out", etc.). dumb.
  6. The one remaining coconut milk-ice cream bar that has been in my freezer since pre-whole 30, eaten because of carb/sugar cravings from cupcake and because I "wanted to get rid of it so I wouldn't be tempted anymore" :huh:
  7. Sugar (also a bit of dairy likely in the filling) in two tiny french macaroons (the kind made with almond flour) purchased especially for me, while co-workers ate cupcakes for bosses birthday. Tasted good, no adverse effects, although one tiny french macaroon would have been plenty, and I've let the treat purchaser know that for next time. :)
  8. not technically off-road, but slacking a bit on nutrition surrounding my workouts, and it came back to bite me this morning--after two tough workouts in a row and no starchy carbs, I woke up feeling pretty depleted. Scrambled some sweet potato into my eggs and felt better pretty quick, but I guess I need to watch that more carefully. Taking a rest day today.

Alrighty then. I feel like I am doing pretty well riding my own bike actually, although the list seems long for 30 days, way more than 99% of my food has been right on plan. I'll do a weigh-in on my 30 days post-whole 30 mark and see how that's doing. (I know, I know, not a critical data-point). Anyway. Food is getting dialed in pretty well. now to handle stress a little better :blink:. onward.

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30+30 weigh-in: Lost one pound. 1 for the months of July and August, and it's not like I don't have it to lose. If I believed in the BMI standards I would be crying right now. But no, I'm not really upset in the slightest. I'm way too excited about some breakthroughs in the gym this morning to care.

Jump Rope Sets (continuous jumps--this thing has been my nemesis): 5, 2, 3, 30!, 30!, 30!

Box Jumps: +6" from my previous best. 3 sets of 10 with good form (added after completing my sets with the lower box, just because it went so well), I'll be adding more height next time for sure. :)

yay for fun in the gym and not caring about the scale at all. :P

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