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LadyM's seduction continues (sur son propre velo)


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Great conversation!  I feel the same as Beets - one glass makes me feel ick but for some reason I'm attached to the ritual.  Interesting thing to mull over...  I'll be very interested to see how it plays out for you.  One thing that might help you stay strong in Boston is that you've almost already gone a quarter of the year without a drink!  Why stop now.  Now is the best time to go for a year.  If you give in now, especially based on social pressure and not your own desire, you'd have to start that year all over!  (that's the thought process that got me though W30s - why waste the time you've already put in?)

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I finally finished off the corned beef and root veggies last night, and sautéed some green cabbage with onion, green apple, sherry vinegar and caraway seeds since the cabbage was long gone. Is there any more perfect food than cabbage? I do love it so!


It's a short week for me since I'm heading to Boston Friday, and though it's officially spring break, my to-do list is a mile long. Looking forward to ticking things off that list and feeling a strong sense of accomplishment.


Had an amazing massage Friday--more than two hours long. This new MT I've been working with since October is really special. So grateful to have found her. Each massage is totally different and she really clues in to what my body needs with each session. Can def tell the difference between her and the kind of mechanized MT that gets churned out of trade school. She used more myofascial release and reiki rather than deep tissue, and energetically I feel a shift. Great stuff. And I'm going to see my new chiro this morning after barre, so I have every intention of feeling amazing by noon.


Enjoyed my third off-road meal of the year with a dear friend on the other side of the state. I had been longing for sushi, and it tasted every bit as good as I'd anticipated. I skipped the soy and ate my rainbow roll just with wasabi paste and pickled ginger. Then shared mochi for dessert. A little rice, a little sugar, maybe a touch of sneaky soy somewhere, and I felt no ill effects. Just happy! 


And ever so happy to return to the template immediately. Per usual.


While in different territory, I also made a Trader Joe's and Whole Foods run. Stocked up on unsalted Kerrygold, canned salmon, coconut milk, Maldon salt, and salsa. Also picked up a couple epic bars to have on hand when I travel this weekend. I remembered missmary saying the lamb ones were yuck, so I chose a beef one and a turkey one. It'll be compliant food that isn't sweet, anyway. I have RXbars, but they tend to set me up for failure, so I'll bring a couple for emergencies, but avoid them.


Ran twice last week instead of the four times I had planned. AF knocked the wind out of my sails, so I rested by doing barre and walking but less running. Went for a short and fast run yesterday no prob. Will plan for a slightly longer one this afternoon.


Managed to wake at 5 (in bed by 8!) and had a luxurious morning routine: pranayama, meditation, yoga, reading. This is the way to start the day. And happily, my schedule next term is conducive to a daily routine first thing. My goal in moving forward is to elevate my energy. I mean this in a quiet way. As in my internal vibration. I wish I could come up with language that is less goofy to describe it. I'll work on it. But in the meantime, I hope it translates OK.


All right. On to the day!

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Sounds like all is well.  And I'm glad your off roading was as good as anticipated.  Love, love sushi.  Even better that there were no ill effects.


Listening to your body in regards to running is definitely the smart thing to do.  You know you can do the distance, so not straining yourself makes sense.


I'm taking a page from your book and trying to get to sleep early tonight.  With husband away, that should be easy.  I think I need it after a couple of longer runs this weekend.


Glad the MT is working out so well and I hope your chiro appointment leaves you feeling as good as you expect.


I think I get what you're saying, internal energy, calm energy, not agitated antsy energy.  Enjoy your week of accomplishment and anticipating your upcoming trip!

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So far so good with my super productive week. I have a lot to accomplish still before my plane takes off before dawn on Friday.


Yesterday I was seized by hunger in the morning. Very unusual for me. Hard to tell if it was genuine or emotional or a little bit of both. I was working on sending out writing, revisiting old pieces that stir up a lot of emotion, and I partly feel like I slipped back into old bad stress eating with deadlines pressures. But maybe not. Maybe I just needed fuel. I didn't go for the plantain chips--stress eating used to always call for crunchy things. And I didn't snack. I just kept eating real food until I was satisfied. Second portion of breakfast followed by a big pan of steamed veggies followed by the last of my chicken meatballs followed by a sweet potato with ghee. I also had a handful of dried apricots thrown in there. And then I was satisfied. By that time it was noon and I called it good. Then I had dinner at 7 after barre and was in bed by 8.


Awoke a little after 1 and didn't get back to sleep until 3:30, but then slept until 8:30 and had a great barre class, so hopefully I'm no worse for it. Though I do have another sore throat and that worries me with my upcoming trip. I'm starting to wonder if I need to have my tonsils taken out. Ugh. They're part of the immune system, but I've had friends with chronic sore throats who had them taken out and never had another sore throat again. That would be like a dream. But I may need to put it off until next year even if I do it so I can work out the insurance and deductibles. 


Anyway, better get back to work. Syllabi, finances, and maybe some errands today. Keep your fingers crossed for me that it all goes smoothly!

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So far so good with my super productive week. I have a lot to accomplish still before my plane takes off before dawn on Friday.


Yesterday I was seized by hunger in the morning. Very unusual for me. Hard to tell if it was genuine or emotional or a little bit of both. I was working on sending out writing, revisiting old pieces that stir up a lot of emotion, and I partly feel like I slipped back into old bad stress eating with deadlines pressures. But maybe not. Maybe I just needed fuel. I didn't go for the plantain chips--stress eating used to always call for crunchy things. And I didn't snack. I just kept eating real food until I was satisfied. Second portion of breakfast followed by a big pan of steamed veggies followed by the last of my chicken meatballs followed by a sweet potato with ghee. I also had a handful of dried apricots thrown in there. And then I was satisfied. By that time it was noon and I called it good. Then I had dinner at 7 after barre and was in bed by 8.


Awoke a little after 1 and didn't get back to sleep until 3:30, but then slept until 8:30 and had a great barre class, so hopefully I'm no worse for it. Though I do have another sore throat and that worries me with my upcoming trip. I'm starting to wonder if I need to have my tonsils taken out. Ugh. They're part of the immune system, but I've had friends with chronic sore throats who had them taken out and never had another sore throat again. That would be like a dream. But I may need to put it off until next year even if I do it so I can work out the insurance and deductibles. 


Anyway, better get back to work. Syllabi, finances, and maybe some errands today. Keep your fingers crossed for me that it all goes smoothly!

Interesting - I have a naaassssssstyyyy teaching schedule on Mondays and Wednesdays, and I just absolutely ABSORB the hard boiled eggs (the only thing I have time for) on those days. If I don't eat tons, I'm completely bonkers by noon. There may be a stress/emotional component for me, too - but the only thing that works is actual eating.


Here's hoping your sore throat improves quickly.

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I hope your throat feels better for your trip!


Good for you sticking to real food when hungry!  I have days like that - where I just can't get enough - and you're right that it's much better to just keep eating real food than to give into the snackiness.  Snacky eating won't end it.  Good reminder.

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Throat is still sore and I've been doing research on "tonsil stones" and tonsillectomies as well as gargling with warm salt water with oregano oil and upping some of my supplements. I think I'll be fine for the trip. I just need to figure out if I can continue to live with the chronic pain or if it's worth it to have the tonsils removed.


Still getting all the things done and loving it. So much more to accomplish today, but it's doable.


Food was definitely back to normal yesterday. Thanks, y'all, for the reinforcement. Some days you just have to feed. A very good reminder, indeed.


Getting very excited for my trip. It will be so good to be in a proper city again, especially one I love and have history with. I'm making it priority to take in art. I realized I've been starved for excellent visual art. No bueno. 


I have a little anxiety about food, but I keep telling myself to relax. Enjoy. My plan is no alcohol and otherwise do my best to stick to the template. I am, however, seeking to off road with a hot steaming bowl of pho at one of my old haunts. And since I'll be a houseguest, my aim is to not be a problem for my hosts while also taking care of myself. I'm thinking eggs for breakfast will be possible, and lunches and dinners will likely be out, so I'll do my best. And I'll pack a few epic and rxbars as well as some primal pacs for emergencies. But there's good food everywhere in Boston, so I should be fine.


Final day of getting stuff done commences in 3, 2, 1 . . . 

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Waiting for my plane at Logan twiddling my thumbs, so I thought I'd check in.

It's been a great trip, and food was almost a non issue. My hosts enjoy their wine on the weekends, but my polite refusal was met with zero questions. We cooked and ate a lot at home, which was fun, and I just said I wasn't doing gluten, as has been the case for years, so no surprises there. I did seriously enjoy some pho and a lemongrass chicken salad with rice noodles. And those epic bars came in handy for breakfasts when I passed up conference pastries and coffee. I also passed up cookies, coffee, cheese and crackers, fancy Easter chocolates, and all sorts of things that simply don't tempt me anymore. That's pretty fantastic. A real revolution, in fact.

My sore throat is waning and never migrated past a cough. Grateful for that.

Feeling refreshed, renewed, and ready to get back to work and my regularly scheduled life. I've missed barre class! And my own kitchen and bed.

So, it's good to be away and it will be good to be home. How's everyone else doing?

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I'm glad your trip went so smoothly and that not indulging in lots of things, including alcohol, were non-events.  Hooray!


Right now I have a basket of homemade chocolates sitting in my office.  A sweet gesture from one of my co-workers, but hard to resist when right there.  I'll take them home and let my son pick out a few.  Then the rest will have to go.


Hope you have a safe flight!

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This week is kicking my a$$. But that's first week back after a break, isn't it?


Yesterday was stupendously gorgeous and I got out in it for a run. Not a great run, but a run nevertheless. Today my back is extra tight. Note to self: stretch.


I decided to extend my break from the gym for the month of April and stay with barre, running, and a bit of yoga for the time being. I'm eager for stronger, harder arms, and that's not going to happen as a result of any of the aforementioned activities, but all in due time, I guess.


Been pretty consistently getting my meditation on first thing every morning and it's so good. I've also continued my nightly gratitude ritual that I began at the start of February. 


Food is fine, though I've been extra hungry lately. Not sure what that's about, but I'll roll with it. Though tbh it does give me a little anxiety thinking about putting on pounds. OK, there. I've said it. Now I can move on.


I'm also playing around with my thyroid meds, trusting FMD over my endocrinologist. This makes me a little nervous, too, but we'll see how it goes.


So happy it's spring and nearly Easter, my all-time favorite holiday. I just love the promise of rebirth and renewal, the endless cycle, and a beautiful metaphor to remind us of our humanity and divinity. (No candy required.)

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I'm with you on the anxiety about putting on pounds.  AF is not helping my hunger, but at least I know why I'm hungry.  Would playing around with your thyroid meds impact your hunger level?


Enjoy Easter and Spring!  Today the sun is shining and I so need that!

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It's not popular to admit it, but I think we all have anxiety about our weight.  It's sad, but true.  We're working on keeping it in perspective, though.  Happy Easter!  I'm looking forward to coloring eggs this weekend and hopefully having plenty of sunshine!

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I certainly hope everyone's had a beautiful Easter weekend. Some highlights from mine:


*rode my bike along the river

*restocked my kitchen

*cleaned my house

*went to a show with friends

*had a great yoga class

*went to bed and arose early

*cooked a bunch of great stuff

*filed my taxes 

*started a new batch of kombucha


So many signs of spring! Good energy all around.


However, my eating has been a little off. After effects of travel, methinks. Eating on-the-go protein bars is a bad old habit and trigger for me, even if they're compliant and meat-like. I've continued to rely on them a bit this week. And yesterday and today I was very hungry midday, overate, especially fruit, and then didn't eat in the evening. Things feel better when I'm on my three template meals of real food not out of a package every day. So, I think I need to set some boundaries. Maybe even something like a Whole 7. Or maybe even a Whole 3. Ha! I may have a date Thursday night and I don't want to be overly rigid at a restaurant if that happens. But I think sticking to three template meals a day of real food even for the next three days would help rein in some less than stellar behaviors that have crept in.


My parameters moving forward this week:


*eat flavorful template meals

*avoid fruit and bars of all varieties

*eat to satisfaction rather than fullness

*stay off the scale


I still have a few bananas and an apple hanging around, and I don't want those to go to waste, so we'll see what I do with them. I might grate the apple into a cabbage sauté and freeze the bananas in chunks. I just feel like I need to break the habit and lull the sugar dragon back to sleep.


I have an egg bake for breakfasts, loads of delectable leftover lamb roast and fingerling potatoes from today, a chicken and veggies to roast, plenty of greens, and a fresh batch of green goddess dressing (another sure sign of spring--the only time I make it). Made mayo for the first time in a dog's age and used avocado oil for the first time. Very tasty. Used the whole batch for the green goddess. So glad organic romaine hearts are on sale at the co-op this week. Crisp and creamy salads are tasting so good right now.


My back is a little out of whack at the moment and it's related to a run I took earlier this week. Barre is still wonderful, and riding my bike is a thrill, as always. Now I'm wondering if I should return to the gym for bootcamp classes as well and ease up on the running. I don't know. I'll decide by Tuesday. I still want to do the 5K on the 18th, though. All my training runs have been that distance, so I know I can do it. And my race buddy says he doesn't care about time, so we can make it leisurely if we like.


OK. Well, that's my plan. I'll check in daily this week for accountability. I think it's a precarious moment. I'm feeling kind of meh and impatient with process in various parts of my life, which probably means I just need to step back and reassess before making major changes (including throwing in the towel--deliberately or by default). So, my hope is that this mini reset will serve as that reassessment phase in terms of my body.

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Your post makes me think "Spring Cleaning".  The bike riding, food prep, taxes, and even the  mental space you are in.  Time to shake things up a little as Spring moves in and food gets lighter and fresher.  A little re-set sounds in order, and that also feels like Spring Cleaning to me.


Hope Day 1 went well.  I had a gorgeous run outside yesterday, it felt so good.  The sun was shining on me, ah, Spring!  I did have some mental garbage while I was running, but I think I worked through it.

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Good plan!  I'll join you - 3 template meals a day for 3 days.  Good idea.  Just to get back into the groove. 


We have a the wet, icky type spring week ahead of us.  I'm sad about that, but it should clean up the gunk on the streets and start the trees budding, so that's all good.

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So glad you're joining me, Jen!


So far so good with the mini reboot. Day 1 is in the bag!


M1 veggie egg bake slice

M2 big green salad with sliced purple fingerlings, roast lamb hunks, and green goddess dressing

M3 veggie sauté with venison meatballs and sweet potato rounds, banana, kombucha


OK, so the banana and the kombucha were a little sweets crutch. But still. All real food to template. Feels good.


Barre class today was good too. A couple of the ladies there are embarking on their first W30, inspired by yours truly. That makes me very happy. I hope it's a great experience for them.


I'm not flush with food this week for grab and go, so I need to do some troubleshooting for tomorrow. Especially because I have a meeting before my class, and that will make lunch timing tough. I think I'll just have to shift all my meals a bit earlier. That shouldn't be too much of a problem. I don't know why, but I can eat dinner as early as 3 or 4 and not need to eat again until morning. So if I have a 7 am M1, M2 at 11:30, and M3 at 4, followed by barre class and maybe yoga, I should be fine. Oh, busy day!

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Thanks, Sara. I did figure it out. Brought sliced chicken sausage, steamed brussels sprouts tossed in vinaigrette, and sweet potato for lunch. Picked up some romaine at the co-op after an errand this morning on my way to work, so I'll have another lamb-potato-green goddess salad for dinner--probably with my last banana. And M1 was at 6, so lunch will be at 11, and then I will likely be hungry for M3 before barre at 5.


I'm feeling kind of tiger blood-y today. Can't be from a single day of W30 eating! Don't care why. I'm just going to enjoy it--and hope I don't crash. Was up before 5 and got so much done. By the time I teach, I may be dragging, but usually the adrenaline kicks in at least a little for the daily performance of class.

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