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LadyM's seduction continues (sur son propre velo)


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Amid my cleansing and cleaning today I decided to try on a bunch of clothes that hadn't fit in a long time. Well, they all fit now. I'm talking cute stuff I haven't been able to squeeze into since 2011. I can now wear all the clothes that I own.


I am beyond thrilled and yet I don't have that crazy, buzzing, hopped-up intense feeling about it. This is a good thing, is how I feel about my smallest clothes fitting, and I shall carry on and keep going is the next thought in my mind.


This body is healing and wants to keep healing so I'm going to do everything in my power to allow that process to continue.



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I am intrigued by the topic line.... Sur son propre vélo? Why is that?



Because it means riding his own bike?  :D 

Yes, in this context, it means on her own bike. As in, once we're no longer on a Whole 30 we ditch the training wheels of the program's strict rules and figure out how to ride our own bikes.

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Oh, j'avais pas compris le contexte étant donné qu’il s'agissait d'une traduction littérale de l'anglais et non d'une expression propre à la langue française.

("riding your own bike" isn't an expression in English either. It's just a Whole30 thing.)

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Not a lot to report over here. Just keepin' on keepin' on. My cleanses are complete, and not surprisingly, I was mad ravenous yesterday. So, I ate. No biggie. 


My cough lingers, though I'm overall feeling OK. Was wrecked tired yesterday, but also not surprising. This is a week of having my teaching observed for an upcoming review, so that's a significant added stress. So, I had a looooooong sleep, enjoyed some bone broth, ramped up my meditation, gave myself a day off from workouts. Feeling much better today. So pleased that I can listen to my body and respond accordingly. This was so not the case for most of my life.


Back to barre this morning and maybe a treadmill walk later today. Well stocked with gyoza meatballs, salmon cakes, greens. Thinking about trying out WF2's Mulligatawny stew and making a run to the co-op for whatever else strikes my fancy. So grateful for delicious real food!


Hope everyone else is OK. It seems the forum has quieted down significantly lately. . . . 

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Glad your cleansing and cleaning went well.  And that you are handling the stress of the week well and resting as needed!  Plus, wihoo for fitting in your clothes and taking it all in calmly.   :D   Really happy for you that the everything seems to be coming together.  You've worked hard for this - mentally, physically, emotionally.  Kudos!

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Big thumbs up for the Mulligatawny Stew. Perfect on these blustery winter days! However, I left out the cayenne and used 2/3 the curry powder and for me, that was a good call. The heat is exactly what I want it to be. Next time, though, I'll leave out the 2 cups of water so it will be more like stew and less like soup, and I will also cut the chicken in smaller chunks. I used chicken breast instead of thigh, left out the coconut flakes (those, actually, may thicken it more), and reduced the coconut milk a bit. I can't do too much coconut. . . . 


Anyway, it was delicious over mashed cauli. BTW, I much prefer mashed instead of riced cauli, which is too futzy except on the rare occasion when nothing else will do. And I'm so glad I finally discovered the wisdom in using frozen cauli for making mash. So much cheaper, easier, faster, and better texture. If you haven't given it a shot, it's totally worth it, IMHO.


OK, recipe review over. Back to the day!

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I'm stepping out from lurking on your log to say that frozen cauliflower thing is brilliant and I can't believe I never thought about it. (I totally agree on riced cauliflower - it's fine, but it's kind of a pain and I just don't care enough!)

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I would like to acknowledge how much better life is now that I'm more hormonally balanced and aware of my cycle and can therefore anticipate it properly. By that I mean I was ravenous this week and so I therefore ate real, satisfying food, including an enormous sweet potato with ghee, sunrise spice and flake salt for the past few nights. Totally divine and totally necessary. I also allowed myself to sleep more and back off a bit on workouts. Now AF has arrived and it ain't no shakes. 


I don't even want to begin to tell you how this used to go. I'd be cranky with crying jags, enormous zits, and uncontrollable cravings that led to bingeing, self-hatred, tummy aches, and general misery for everyone within range, but mostly me.


I still get zits and feel a bit down if not cranky in addition to hungry, but it's all good. Going with the flow and bypassing utter misery. Pretty sweet, huh?

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I was thinking last night that this might be my pMS week. Periods started coming faster and faster this year (already???) but it seems diet dependent (faster when eating crap) so I'm not sure. Anyway, I also had a giant sweet pot yesterday and day before and it seemed to do be right. The sunrise spice is fab with ghee.

It feels good to try on all the old clothes wen they fit but yeah--it is also a bit anti climactic when size/weight isn't the ultimate goal. And that's a good thing! Otherwise you've got a bad case of wherever you go there you are and resulting depression when you realize getting into size X pants doesn't cure all of your woes.

You were in my dream last night. I didn't see your face but I was part of some kind of a team quiz show. Each player picked from a line up of potential team mates and you were my secret weapon but for some reason I waited till the last turn to pick you and my opponent snagged you. I was in a panic, thinking how can I win without Lady M? Then I saw my clue and it was some impossible nonsensical dream puzzle I didn't understand. Then I woke up, still puzzling the clue: Zantz.

Yay for healthy tissues!

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We would totally kill on a quiz show, Beets! Liberal Arts degrees are great for that. :D


Giant sweet pots are my cure-all lately. I keep it interesting with garnet yams and Japanese varieties. Also, I tried out that clothesmakethegirl futzy fries recipe, and they were tasty, but I agree, rather heavy in the tummy.


I'm working really hard these days to be grateful for where and what I am, and silly as it is, that partly relates to my clothes. I am so aware of my history of always striving and never relishing in the moment. When I've been able to wear these clothes in the past all I could do was see my flaws and long to wear a smaller size. Now, I'm cognizant of how that mind set is so self-defeating and somehow has the opposite effect. It's like the anxiety of never accepting myself makes me bigger! Crazy. So, I'm making it a practice to live my life as if this is it. This moment now. I want to enjoy my body and my life. It's all going to change one way or another anyway. . . . and that can be liberating if I choose to see it that way. B)

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Well, friends, I deliberately off roaded for the first time yesterday since I began again on Jan. 1. I guess I can call number four a Whole52.


I went to a Chinese New Year's party and helped make wonton soup from scratch. I also ate a homemade spring roll and had some amazing green beans with fermented tofu. I savored every bite. And enjoyed every moment with my dear friends. The gluten, soy, and sugar didn't kill me, didn't have much of a discernible effect, and I have no interest in continuing to eat them on a regular basis. I did say no to wine and to rice because I wasn't interested.


So, back to the template for me--for the foreseeable future. My off road came after having gone on a date at a Mexican restaurant and chosen to remain compliant. Or as compliant as possible. I have a feeling the oil my chicken was cooked in was no bueno. In fact, I had a raging headache for most of yesterday and I wonder if it had anything to do with that meal on Friday. Who knows. I'm just glad it's gone. 


My date made my eating a subject of conversation, but I didn't mind. I don't like to talk about it, so I just let the teasing roll off my back. He was very complimentary about how my body has changed in appearance, so I figure he doesn't really have a leg to stand on when requesting that I help him eat the chips.  :rolleyes:


So, anyway, in moving forward I'll just do what works for me: stick to the template, follow W30 on a day-to-day basis, and off road when I deem it worthy and can enjoy it immensely. 

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I have not gone to bootcamp in two weeks, you guys. Last week was the lead-up to my period, which coincided with big stress at work. This week different stress and just, meh. I am, however, continuing barre and loving it as well as getting in some additional cardio. So, it's not extreme laziness by any means. I think maybe I just need to take a break from the gym for a bit and just enjoy the movement I enjoy.


Though I can definitely tell the shifts in body composition are stalling. This is not necessarily a bad thing, I realize. The body does what it wants and responds to what we do for/to it. Eating continues to be fine and dandy. I'm pretty sure I'm now within a healthy weight range in terms of BMI, though I haven't weighed and I'm not sure that's a good measurement anyway. But I'm experiencing that annoying phenomenon I've been anticipating: the leaner I get the more I scrutinize my body and look for it to continue to change. I'm doing my best to rage against this phenomenon and its self destructiveness, but I wanted to acknowledge it rather than pretend it's not happening. My best antidote is gratitude, and February has been my month of gratitude practice. Every night before I go to bed I write down all the things I'm grateful for that day. It's a simple and powerful habit.


This strange throat pain continues, though it has lessened a bit. I noticed I have weird blisters on the back of my tongue and I wonder how long they've been there. No white spots, though. I see FMD on Monday and I hope she'll have some answers for me. She's always rooting for my body to do the work with support--and without nuclear powered antibiotics. Oh, and I'll be having my thyroid levels checked at my request since I seem to be needing less sleep lately. Hoping to back off on my levoxyl.


Anyway, that's me at the moment. Continuing to figure out how to live the healthiest life for me as it shifts and changes--and sometimes doesn't--beyond my control. . . . 

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I think acknowledgement is key.  And gratitude helps keep the nit-picky attitude at bay.  I know I have been trying to appreciate what I have in all areas of my life, and stop always wanting more.  It is a challenge, but a good exercise for me to practice, as I am so lucky in so many ways.


Hope the FMD has some answers for your throat!

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Second off road of the year last night and it was totally worth it. Dinner out at a fancy joint with some writers I was hosting and I stayed compliant for the meal, no drinks, but then decided to have some of my all-time-favorite local gelato. It was divine. I probably ate 1/3 of a cup. No ill effects that I can discern.


I think part of the key for me is to off road in limited ways--not very often and to not eat very much of the offending though delectable food. My body seems to be able to manage it OK that way. And now I'm back to template.


And back to barre this morning. Bring on the weekend!

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Congrats on your successful off roads. Someday for me maybe an off road meal won't lead to months of scrabbling back onto the wagon. Ack. I think you are right though--limited in scope and quantity and getting right back on the horse the next day is key. Even I have managed that sometimes, I have to give myself a tiny bit of credit. It's when one night of off roading leads to a weekend then a week of it that I get jammed up.

I hear you about noticing more flaws as you get leaner. A month ago I wasn't examining my body at all and now that I'm getting a tiny bit more lean, I start to worry about the things that exercise and eating can't fix: sun damaged skin, skin in general, the body parts that never seem to land where I want them to be, etc.

On an old weight loss forum some of the people I was online friends with wrote five things they were grateful for every day they logged on. It was nice. I never managed to make it stick but I've thought about that since and try to think of it when I get down. Gratitude month! Love it.

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Thanks for commiserating, Beets. We must rage against the machine that tells us we must stay youthful forever. Learning to age gracefully and be as healthy as possible seems like a different endeavor to me.

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OK, so I'm thinking about March and what I want to focus on this month. I will carry my gratitude practice into March, and I want to get serious about yoga again. I signed up for a March practice with my yoga teacher who moved to New Mexico to study ayurveda. She's sending out ayurvedic stuff and a new asana practice on youtube every week. I'm kind of excited about transitioning into spring with it.


I am also back to YNAB and getting serious about putting my financial ducks in a row. It's not pretty, but it must be done. And the only place in the budget I can see where cutbacks are possible is groceries. I've decided to aim for a grocery bill of about $50-$60 a week. I usually spend upwards of $100 a week, but I think I can do it, relying heavily on staples I've already accrued and eating down my freezer and pantry. I'm kind of looking forward to the creative challenge and simplifying things. 


Here's my plan for protein: I have an amazingly cheap local supplier of duck eggs that I can get for $1.50 a dozen; local ground meats for between $4-$7 a pound; and canned fish for the rest.


For veggies, I spend $10 a week at the farmer's market on root veggies, usually sweet potatoes, parsnips, beets, sometimes potatoes and onions. I've been relying on fresh cabbage and kale for greens and will use more frozen veg this month, mostly cauliflower and spinach, some Parisian medley. Will likely cut way back on fruit and lettuce but will keep a few bananas, apples, and maybe grapefruit if they're on sale. I'll need to spend some on flavor staples such as cilantro, ginger, garlic, citrus, but that shouldn't be too bad. The other big expenditure for me is water. The pipes in my house are so old and the city water so questionable I buy two 5-gallon jugs of water per week at $7 total, but it's worth it to me. I have plenty of ghee, coconut oil, and olive oil in the pantry, so I should be good for the month.


I'll need to be careful not to sabotage myself with food boredom. I also need to be careful not to sabotage myself with saying "f%*& it" and throwing in the towel. It's just for one month, right? A new experiment to see how I can stretch and change. After that, I'll reassess. Kind of nervous and kind of excited.

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Hope your March is off to a wonderful start.  You have thought out what you are doing and how you are doing it, so I'm sure it will turn out great.


Aging gracefully, yeah, I aspire to that as well, but definitely not easy in our youth obsessed culture!

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Oh man. I also really need to get my $ ducks in a row! I downloaded that software last year and haven't used it! Now is the time. Thanks for reminding me. I'm kind of drowning in money worries at the moment and need some control.

Love the idea of an Ayurvedic entry to spring. Sounds perfect.

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