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Completed the whole 30 and totally discouraged


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Yesterday was my last day on the whole 30, ate clean & stayed on track. I was hungry the whole time and ate constantly I couldn't seem to get enough food in me.

Im so discourage because I did not lose an ounce, I actually gained weight, I did lose a couple of inches off my waist & energy level has increased, but that's it! I'm 64 years old & about 20 lbs over weight & need to lose a few pounds, and thought Paleo would be the answer.

I have read all the success stories about how the pounds just melt off everybody and thought that this would be the thing for me but obviously it isn't. What am I doing wrong, I need help or another program. I'm willing to continue, but if I get no results what's the point?

Sister Ya Ya

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Hi there!  I feel your pain.  I completed my Whole 30 on May 31st and I gained about 2 pounds.  Was pretty crushed - I had a feeling I hadn't lost anything but I certainly did not expect to gain.  And it's very hard to swallow when so many people report such a incredible results.  I get it.  I really do!


But, for what it's worth, you're not alone and it's possible you're not too far away from starting to lose.  I got a few pep talks from other, more experience Whole 30ers and some people report staying the same or gaining, and then losing after sticking with it.  30 days isn't really a very long time.  The body works to its own schedule.  Maybe ours are sorting other things out first.


You've had those positives which show that something is working: losing off your waist (that's awesome) and your increased energy.  That sounds like something to be happy about!  My positives are feeling more even throughout the day, not craving sweet food and feeling good about what I'm eating.  I'm happy to keep going based on those.


Are there any tweaks you can make?  If you kept a food log, have a look back through it.  I know that I ate a lot of nut/nut butter, fruit and sweet potato - all compliant, but potential weight gainers.  So I'm cutting these back over the next 30 days to see if that helps me.  Maybe you could re-evaluate and finetune too.


I'm sure you'll have some advice from more experienced people, but I wanted to reply as I know what it's like.  It is frustrating!

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I'm sorry that you are discouraged!  But if I may say so, it sounds to me like you got excellent results.


If you lost inches off your waist and gained a little weight, then your body composition must be changing, and that is far more important than any number on the scale.  Some time ago I saw a website with a page about why we should all ditch the scale -- I would post the URL if I could find it, but I haven't managed to locate it so far -- and it included pictures of a woman who remained at 155 lbs and totally changed the shape and size of her body.


And if you lost inches AND improved your energy, that is great!!


I think many of us carry around the idea that we should weigh a particular amount, as if the difference between 135 and 145 could be measured solely in number of pounds.  But while many of us do have a problem with excess body fat, very often the scale cannot tell you anything very useful about the ratio of body fat and muscle, let alone the distribution of the body fat, which is crucial for health.


Seriously, based on what you posted, I would hazard a guess that you had a great W30....with one exception: NOT the weight but the hunger.  If you ate constantly and did not feel satiated, I wonder whether you were really eating according to the template (3 well-rounded meals a day, plenty of fat, no snacks and not too much fruit) or whether there are other underlying issues that may need to be addressed as well or even first.  I hope a moderator will weigh in on your case, but in the meantime, I do think you have reason to feel satisfied rather than dejected with your results.  I hope this helps....

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*** Take heart- no amazing pound meltage here, either ***


Sorry to hear you are discouraged. A few inches off your waist can only be a good thing, though ! And increased energy is definitely a bonus.

I am currently on my third Whole30, and though I ditched my scale during my first, I don't think I have lost much weight. Not even sure how many inches I may be losing off my waist. THAT magic hasn't been shouting out at me, either. BUT- I DO have more energy, am sleeping much better-more deeply, and waking at dawn without an alarm clock. I continue on this way of life because of these things, as well as the fact that I KNOW it has to be a much healthier way of eating than any other way I have tried before. I am well fed, satisfied till my next meal always, and just have a general feel of contentment overall. I am hoping that continuing to feed myself good, whole foods, following the meal template will continue to keep me healthy and feeling good. I, too, would welcome weight loss, but this is SO do-able, that I am willing to take my time with it. I am striving every day to be active in some way. And peaceful.

I have seen some minor changes in my shape, especially toward the end of my 2nd Whole 30 last month. They are gradual, and small, but they,too, can only be good !

I wish you the best in figuring out your next step

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Wait - Did I hear that you lost inches and have increased energy?!  That's a big huge positive right there.  Let's focus on those positives right now.  How's your night sleep?  Do you feel better overall?  Let's stop focusing on a number on a scale for now.  It's just a stupid number that has been given far too much power in our lives.


Now it's hard to tell why you might be hungry all the time - What is an example of what you might have eaten in a day?  A lot of the time when I feel I'm hungry during the day is because of one of my meals I didn't have enough fat in it.  However this is just me.  It would help us trouble shoot if we had an idea of what you ate.


Now also if you have years of bad eating habbits behind you it will take much longer than 30 days to make it better.  My first whole 30 turned out to be a whole 45 mainly because about halfway through I noticed I was 10 days behind the timeline.  So I knew when my day 30 rolled around I wouldn't be ready to move on.  Everyone has their own timeline - everyone is different, reacts differently.  Some of us just need more time just based on what we come to the table with.

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It's sad that so many people think of this as a weight loss program, and then feel like a failure if they don't meet their weight loss goals. This is a make yourself healthy program, and often weight loss is a side effect. I have only lost a few pounds, but I feel so much better in so many ways that I *try* not to feel too bad about it. Honestly you have done great. Losing inches (fat) is WAY more important than having the number on the scale drop, and how can you not be excited about increased energy?!?


You should not be hungry. I can't imagine following a program for 30 days where I was hungry all the time. I would fail after a day. I see this is your first post, so you didn't come here asking for advice before. That's unfortunate! We all would have told you right away that you shouldn't be hungry, and maybe some adjustments could have been made so you were more comfortable.

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Wow, the story/photos at that link are amazing!


I echo the other comments about inches and energy being a win. But, much as it pains me to admit it, those of us who are menopausal - and I assume that, at 64, you are - are going to find weight loss a much bigger challenge no matter what we do. Yes, there are all kinds of relationships between food and hormones, etc. and ways that it impacts size but not weight, but if one is interested in losing pounds, it's going to be more of a challenge as we age.


And, while I agree with the "ditch the scale" approach, it remains true that some of us really do need to drop pounds...

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Thanks to y'all for the great advise.  I continue to stay clean in hopes that my body will respond to all the wonderful changes I'm making.  


To Kew:  thank you for the great link, that really helped, I will try not to be obsessed with the numbers on the scale.


To msehphdjd:  I totally agree with you, it is a much bigger challenge for someone in our age group and post menopausal and yes hormones does have a lot to do with it.


Thanks again, I really appreciate your response and this is a great support group. :D


Sister Ya Ya

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Yesterday was my last day on the whole 30, ate clean & stayed on track. I was hungry the whole time and ate constantly I couldn't seem to get enough food in me.

Im so discourage because I did not lose an ounce, I actually gained weight, I did lose a couple of inches off my waist & energy level has increased, but that's it! I'm 64 years old & about 20 lbs over weight & need to lose a few pounds, and thought Paleo would be the answer.

I have read all the success stories about how the pounds just melt off everybody and thought that this would be the thing for me but obviously it isn't. What am I doing wrong, I need help or another program. I'm willing to continue, but if I get no results what's the point?

Sister Ya Ya


You mentioned how you were hungry the whole time and ate constantly.

Have you considered posting 2-3 days worth of your food log to see if any of the forum members have any suggested tweaks that could help you, going forward?

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Don't let that scale fool you, I'd recently been (well, mentally) kicking my scale (I'm Post Whole30), only to realise I've lost a whole dress size while I've been waiting for more numbers to go down.


I do wonder if you might be lacking something, or not eating enough, if you're always hungry?

One of the things I noticed most on Whoie30 was the complete lack of hunger.


Don't give up, keep going, keep tweaking, find what works best for you :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started whole30 with the hope to lose weight as a challenge from a friend. After reading "it starts with food" I decided to go at it because I wanted to change my life, not to lose weight. For the first month I ditched the scale.at the end of my first month, I weighed in 15# less. I wasmt going to the gym because of a mdical situation that occurred unexpected. I now am on my third week of my part 2 and again no exercise I have weighed in and no weight has come off but I'm down three sizes and my energy level is over the top. I recently had surgery a week ago and feel I'm actually recovering amazingly. As soon as the doctors clear me to get back to the gym I will be rocking on the weights and toning up. With the added exercise I am sure weight will come off. But it is important to say that feeling this good isn't about being skinny. It's about changing your lifestyle and improving your health. The weight loss is just a bonus.

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