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Whole 30 starting Jan 1


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Hey all.  Day 8.  Still feeling blue and also easily ruffled.  Turned on the reminders from my Head Space app to remind me to be more mindful throughout the day.  Let's see if it helps.  I have been good about doing my daily meditation and that helps wind me down.


Good dinner last night - Well Fed's best chicken and sweet potatoes with paprika.  Yum.


Breakfast today was two egg muffins with spinach and zucchini and half an avocado and salsa.  I had some coffee with coconut milk.  Now I'm on to tea (drinking hot things instead of my usual water at my desk because it is FRIGID in my office - I'm also typing this whilst wearing fingerless gloves indoors!).  Bone broth soonish, I think.  Then the gym.


Today will be my first "eating in a social setting" test - work New Year's lunch.  It's pizza and salad.  I will probably bring my own dressing and just stick with the salad, then pop back to my office to eat my tuna with crudite.  I hate when my coworkers get in my face about what I'm eating...or not. 

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Have you tried eating at least one carby vegetable a day and see if that helps? Sweet potato, winter squash, beets, carrots, parsnips, rutabaga, jicama, plantains?


Hey all.  Day 8.  Still feeling blue and also easily ruffled.  

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Yes I am feeling the emotional cloud today as well. This is hard. I can't deal with life without sugar it seems.

It feels that way sometimes.  "I must have sugar, or maybe coffee.  This will pass as your body learns to not rely on those simple sugars.  Energy will come and the fog will be lifted.  This all being said while I try to remember what I was going to type, because my brain is in a fog. 

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Ok Week 1 in the bag!  Today is a new start of Week 2 and I am looking forward to not feeling so crappy. Or so incredibly ecstatic..i'm like a roller coaster here!


Interesting to note..after 30+ years of every fad and "respectable" diet / meal plan out there, this time..just feels right? Not sure if i'm still in the honeymoon stage but i don't have the usual self-hatred and resentment over 'not being able to eat x because i got too fat".  I am loving cooking up new things (mostly from well fed website) and am slowly getting more energy. 


The best news I no longer feel like i'm walking through sludge. With 100lbs to lose, it's easy to understand why I should feel that way, but I still felt there was SOMETHING wrong.  I'm on antidepressants for PTSD, and a diuretic, a bp med and cymbalta for joint pain.  All of these have a diuretic effect.  Why is this important?


Because I cheated this morning. I got on the scale.  TEN POUNDS GONE!!! 10 pounds of extra water (i'm not naive enough (or active enough!) to think it's fat at this point but it explains why getting up from sitting or laying is not such an effort anymore!  In one week!


So this week I'm going to do two things - pre cook a bunch of meals (again from well fed) AND dust off my bathing suit for a trip to the gym.


Hope the rest of you have a great week 2!!



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Ah, the food dreams! I not only dreamt that I got cast in Downton Abbey (!) but I kept forgetting that I was on W30. I found myself eating goat cheese, soda, fries...suddenly I would remember and feel remorseful...and then eat more forbidden foods! Was happy to wake up and realize it was all just a dream. (Except the Downton Abbey role; that was cool!)

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Hello all!


Day 8 - not too bad. Had my normal breakfast (chicken sausage today and I think I like it better) and am now eating lunch, which is chicken, avocado, grapes, and almonds all chopped and tossed with the slightest touch of oil and put over baby spinach. Not bad, a little boring. It will serve. :) 


Tonight I'm having dinner at my best friends' house so I offered to bring the protein. Salmon with Tessamae's Cracked Pepper marinade. Yum. She is cooking sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts. She's doing weight watchers, and is a grain addict so I'm sure she'll have bread but I don't really find that tempting right now anyway, so all is good. 


I wish I had brought more tea to the office, though. It's cold! I'm still super thirsty, so getting plenty of water. 

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Struggling to fit everything in ... sigh. Specifically exercise, which is the new ball I am adding to those I am already juggling. Work, looking after 3 small kids, cooking for everyone (and extra W30 cooking for me), keeping house, doing homework with the kids etc etc. I'm not quite sure how to fit it all in. I'm lucky that I do freelance work for someone in a different time zone, so I can flex my hours quite a bit, but still. Didn't fit exercise in yesterday as we had issues with our boiler that needed fixing which ate up about 2 hours (there was no way I was working out at home with someone in fixing my boiler!), and I have run out of time this morning, need to work this afternoon and then its kids, homework, dinner and then working again. Oh, and then theoretically 8 hours of sleep (working evenings is not good for that ... I get wired and then can't get to sleep but I have no choice ...).




Be realistic about the exercise / movement goals you set for yourself. If you expect, given your schedule and pace, to be able to "work out" every day, that may be more than any one of us could reasonably do....but that expectation sets you up for failure and guilt. If exercise is new to you anyway, any additional "thoughtful" movement will be an added bonus. Maybe working 30 minutes of movement in a week is a goal you can reach and feel successful about.


Something to think about anyway.....

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When will the cloud lift? I don't remember feeling this blue last time. I am eating starchy vegs every day. I know I don't really want to cheat because it will just make me feel worse. I know I feel blue when I eat junk.

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According to the timeline, we should feel a lot better around day 12-15 (but really really crave twinkies or other crazy things) and from 15-forward feel much much better. So hang on until then!


I know it sucks. Here is a list of things that made me cry yesterday:


1.) Boyfriend called me and sang the chorus of "Let it Go" from Disney's Frozen.

2.) "Merry Go Round" by Kasey Musgrove on the radio.

3.) I dropped a pen and it rolled under the desk and I can't find it AND IT WAS A REALLY COOL PEN.

4.) I spilled soup on my pants and it was the day I wore a suit NOOOOOOOO.


6.) Also it is too cold WHY IS IT SO COLD if I wanted to be cold I WOULD NOT LIVE IN THE SOUTH.

7.) Cat being super obnoxious and getting in the sock bin and then the dishwasher. (At least it wasn't the other way around.)

8.) A clip from The Biggest Loser that I couldn't even see because I was in the kitchen making soup.


10.) Cat being super obnoxious and sleeping on the couch instead of with me.


I am not even exaggerating. I seriously teared up and got weepy because my car was too blue. This is a car I have had since last May. But for some reason yesterday it was too blue, and this was a problem.


I feel a lot better today, so maybe your cloud will lift soon too! I keep from cheating by saying to myself not, "Look how sad I am without sugar," but, "Look what sugar was doing to me! Look how jacked up sugar made my hormones!"


...Seriously it was a really cool pen and I still can't find it.

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Day 8.  Going well!  This is my second whole 30 but I did 30 days in September which continued about 90% until Thanksgiving, when we started off-roading through the holidays.  So I'm not going through detox like some of you are, cuz I did that in September.  "Tox" was when I was off roading, boy was I miserable and ready to get back on the plan on January 1.


I made Well Fed's Paleo Pad Thai last night.  It was really good.  So good, in fact that I could see it being a food without breaks, as it basically is chicken, spaghetti squash, snow peas and onions slathered in Sunshine Sauce, and sprinkled with chopped almonds.  It had a really great mouth feel after eating meat, meat, meat for the past week.  Nice to be shoveling in something noodle-like again.  It wasn't quite spicy enough, but that is the factor of the Sunshine Sauce, which can be made as spicy as one wishes.  I would highly recommend this recipe.  Seems that Well Fed is the Whole30 recipe book.


Leftover pad thai for M1.


The kids are going strong.  They're loving their paleo muffins, which means that I am getting tons of veggies into them.


I've slacked off on the exercise, which is bad.  Buck up, Tracy!

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...Seriously it was a really cool pen and I still can't find it.



I'm sorry about your  pen.... and the cat... and the bath salt.... and the car... but you really cheered me up and made me laugh!


To everyone suffering the moody blues... take it from a depression expert.... you may likely feel this way EVERY January, but this time you aren't propping yourself up with sugar, caffeine, bread and cheese.


January is a tough month to do this in... the right month for a lot of reasons, but the 'season' isn't one of them.  Obviously those in Southern California, Florida or Australia may feel differently... but the change in the light, the post holiday let down (and bills), cold, dark weather...going back to work we may not love... people getting colds and flu.... all these things make us feel terrible.  


Now we are messing with the hormones that regulate our serotonin and dopamine too?!?? No wonder we feel crap.


I think they actually decided the first monday in January is the most depressing day of the whole year.  Somewhere else I read said January 20 or something.... regardless... it's now.


Besides sweet potatoes and squash I recommend everyone make DAMN sure you get outside when the sun is out for 30 minutes a day - 2 walks of 15 minutes would be perfect.  If the sun is refusing to come out, I still think the cloudy cold air helps more then hurts.


And consider this 'early' spring cleaning.. .by the time March rolls around - assuming we eat smart and do careful reintros in Feb... you will be in fighting shape to greet the sun!

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Oh my goodness, Alliath, you nearly had me crying with laughter! I felt that way this morning too. I was swearing at the kids, the not so bad words, so impatient, so tired. All day, I was watching those Wimp videos, one about athletes showing real good and moving sportsmanship, that made me cry. I was mostly really tired and irritable, achy.


I also didn't eat regularly today, nor did I eat enough veg. I just couldn't focus and there wasn't anything in the house I fancied. I did eat a lot of pork tho, and pork fat. yum. I hope to go shopping tomorrow and pick up loads of veg. I have Friday morning off so Ill be batch cooking, getting ready for the weekend.

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To everyone suffering the moody blues... take it from a depression expert.... you may likely feel this way EVERY January, but this time you aren't propping yourself up with sugar, caffeine, bread and cheese.


You are so right. January in Boston is ... well, all my euphemisms are triggering, so let's just say it's bad. I haven't seen real sunshine in ages. Just keep pushing! 


I am still working on a method to hibernate for the month. So far, the employer non-buy-in is the sticking point. *grin*

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Mame.Epstein-- I cheated too this morning and am down 9lbs as well. 


I am not on all the meds but the biggest difference I have found is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!!!  This is huge.  No 2-3 bathroom breaks. And I wake up feeling refreshed.  My husband also says that my snoring has diminished tremendously.


For me,  the first 6 days were very easy and yesterday was a KATT in force.  I woke up with a roaring headache this moning and so far today has been a good bit of "I want something" but when I go through the options, it just isn't hitting the spot-- so obviously, it is not real hunger.  Hoping to get through this phase fast.

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Week two here I come!  This is going to be my first full day of work doing whole30, so I'm a little nervous.   But I am going to bring extra food just to be prepared.  Everyone I work with is very supportive of healthy choices with is great, it's just that sometimes I don't prepare myself for the long days and end up snacking on random things. But not today!!!


I don't know if it is from eating healthier and having more energy or if it is just habit, but I am really starting to look forward to my workouts instead of dreading them.  One of my resolutions this year (besides whole30) was to be brave enough to try some new workout classes that I haven't done before.  Well I have done that and I love them all!  It is very motivating to like a workout and want to improve at it.


One thing I want to work on this week is to not give in to my cravings to eat fruit after dinner every night (aka "dessert").  I know that psychologically I might as well be eating ice cream, enforcing my need to have something sweet after dinner every night.  Its a hard habit to break though!


Good luck in week 2 everyone!

Perhaps try a cup of Vanilla Chai tea or some other type of tea?  I also get that desire for something sweet after dinner and the cup of tea takes the edge off. 

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Hello – myself my husband and my 2 girls (10 & 8) are doing the whole30.  We did a food sensitivity test on my youngest daughter and found out she is sensitive to gluten, dairy & cane sugar as well as a few other food items.. 


The naturopathic doctor would like to see her follow a restrictive diet for 6 months due to other medical issues.  We decided as a family that would could not successfully accomplish this for her without making a family change...fast forward--day 8 (starting Whole30 on Jan 1) we are doing really well, all of us are adjusting with the exception of a few rough days at the beginning.  However, now my oldest daughter that was not food sensitivity tested has a rash on her cheeks, chin and down her throat and behind her ears.  Do you think this might be part of her detox process??

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I sort of feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, I've felt pretty good except for days 2 and 3.  More than pretty good, I've felt phenomenal and both Husband and I think we can keep doing this (minus the wine, it will need to return).  I feel like this should feel harder, am I wrong?  I may be a little sick of hard boiled eggs by now though!

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Thanks for the tip, perhaps I should up my intake of starchy veg, although I have been trying to do one per day as I have been hitting the gym regularly and read that I need the boost.


I will say in spite of the blues, which could also certainly be attributed to the cold, the time of year, the weather, the bills, etc., I am doing SO MUCH BETTER at this Whole30 than any of the other times I attempted in the past.  I really feel like the eating part is a breeze.  I may be overly optimistic for it only being day 8, but I really feel like I am going to get this one done and then some.  At the coworker lunch today I felt no desire to eat the pizza.  In fact, looking at it made me feel a bit sick, like ugh, I can't believe ppl eat that stuff!


Also, I am not missing my wine as much as I thought I would.  I am apprehensive about this weekend, I usually always drink when we go away to the country with our best friends, which is what we're doing this weekend (we call it second Xmas, or whatever holiday was most recent, so that we can spend another "holiday" with our "friend family").  Fortunately my best friend is heavily pregnant so she won't be drinking either!  And, it's my turn to do the grocery shopping, so at least I have control over the ingredients that come into the cabin.


Hearing people talk about the scale makes me anxious to check my progress, but I won't, because I know if I don't see equally big losses I will feel like a failure.  And I like how I feel, physically, right now, so I don't want to stop.  In fact, I kind of want to keep going like this, with the restrictions and everything, for as long as possible...100 days, 365 days, who knows?


Sorry for all the rambling, but posting here really helps keep me accountable! 

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Alliath, thank you so much, your post had me crying from laughter! I am feeling better now. Finally got out of the house for a couple hours. The twins and I hadn't left for 3 days straight because of the crazy weather this weekend. That's enough to make anyone nuts! I think I'm going to make it!

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Are you guys all able to afford free range meats and eggs and stuff? Ive got a family of five to feed and I don't feel like I can. How important is it? I do what I can, buy free range eggs, some meat but does anyone prioritise free range/organic meats over everything else?

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Are you guys all able to afford free range meats and eggs and stuff? Ive got a family of five to feed and I don't feel like I can. How important is it? I do what I can, buy free range eggs, some meat but does anyone prioritise free range/organic meats over everything else?


No way.  I tried during my first whole30 and my food bill was in the stratosphere.  I am doing my best to stick to the plan.  Otherwise, I buy my food in bulk at Costco.

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not feeling too great on day 8.

my hands are so bloated I'm having a hard time taking off or putting on my rings. I'm finding it challenging to drink more water! But, I at least have the satisfaction of making good food choices.

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Just survived a post-workday work party (boss's retirement) surrounded by a bar, flatbreads, cheesesticks, fried green beans, and hmmm, even those chicken wings looked yummy to this former vegetarian.  I circulated, focusing on the conversations vs. the food,  and came home to a nice satisfying meal of turkey tenderloin stuffed with kale, mushrooms, onions and pancetta. 

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DAY 8 & Felling Great! Whoop! Whoop!


Anyone here on Instagram? If you use the #Whole30 hashtag, there is an awesome community of people sharing their foods tips & pics there. I thought I'd be here on the forum more often, but I've found that I really like the visuals & up-to-the-minuteness of that community. Here's me & what my Whole30 has looked liked so far... http://instagram.com/joannadevoe




I joined just for the #Whole30, but now I kinda want to keep them both going indefinitely...

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