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Whole 30 starting Jan 1


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I had my first craving temptation today.  I walked into the employee lounge and someone had made French vanilla coffee.  Boy did it smell good.  I'm off of coffee for the whole month because I noticed I was starting to get a caffeine headache last month. 


Otherwise, I'm on hour 18 of my 36-hour shift and have stuck to the plan.  My co-workers were ordering breakfast in from a local diner, but I just couldn't find anything on the menu that I felt like altering.  Intead, I drank my bacon-asparagus soup and had my chicken/vegetable medley for breakfast and lunch.  I'll be off at 5p to grab dinner before I go on to my overnight job at 7p.


Normally when I fall into doing triples like this, my diet goes to pot.  I've had no temptation to cheat whatsoever.  Amazing.  It's wonderful what the lure of a pain-free life can do for self-discipline (I have fibromyalgia and seem to be pain free while I am sticking to paleo).

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The Nom Nom Paleo app has some great recipes and I have no doubt her book will be amazing. Her spicy tuna cakes are really versatile.

I'm out for lunch today, too at a Japanese chain restaurant here in the UK called Wagamama. I've checked out their menu and, luckily, they give lots of dietary information. There's one thing I think will be compliant (!) and that's if I get the rice noodles removed or eat around them! I just need to check what cooking oil and sauce they use. Sigh.

Thank you! I will check it out.  Hope your meal out went well.

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Cookbooks - by far, Well Fed and Well Fed 2 are the books I use the most.  With my kids, I use Eat Like A Dinosaur.  Otherwise, I find recipes on-line.  I used Nomnompaleo's website a lot.  I haven't cooked from her book yet, though I own it.  I use Thepaleomom.com a lot, too.  She is a biochemist and has very interesting scientific discussions about the paleo lifestyle.  stalkerville.com lists whole30 compliant recipes.  Elena's pantry has great recipes, too.  theclothesmakethegirl, againstallgrain are others I am linked to on facebook and I click on recipes they post.!

Thank you! I have some resources to keep me cooking for a while  :)

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Thank you! I will check it out.  Hope your meal out went well.

It did thank you. And I just survived a birthday night out in a bar all night drinking sparkling water. Plenty of people on the booze bailed out before I did - made it to past 12:30am!

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I had my first craving temptation today.  I walked into the employee lounge and someone had made French vanilla coffee.  Boy did it smell good.  I'm off of coffee for the whole month because I noticed I was starting to get a caffeine headache last month. 


Otherwise, I'm on hour 18 of my 36-hour shift and have stuck to the plan.  My co-workers were ordering breakfast in from a local diner, but I just couldn't find anything on the menu that I felt like altering.  Intead, I drank my bacon-asparagus soup and had my chicken/vegetable medley for breakfast and lunch.  I'll be off at 5p to grab dinner before I go on to my overnight job at 7p.


Normally when I fall into doing triples like this, my diet goes to pot.  I've had no temptation to cheat whatsoever.  Amazing.  It's wonderful what the lure of a pain-free life can do for self-discipline (I have fibromyalgia and seem to be pain free while I am sticking to paleo).

You go girl!! I don't know how you can go like that for 36 hours.  Sounds like you are doing well & are determined.....hang in there!!

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Haven't posted for a couple days, but doing well. Still compliant.  Having a bit of the day 10-11 'why am I doing this again?' feeling. And as it's close to mid-cycle for me (tends to be a time I want to munch and graze a lot), I've been struggling with the munchies.  Have had more almonds than I should have--especially since it appears they tend to bloat me.  So I'm off almonds completely. No brakes and bloat means no more.


I think my sleep issues may actually be related to my multi vit.  I haven't been good about taking it lately, and those days I was sleeping well.  Then I decided to be good about taking them, took at lunch a couple days, and sleep went to pot.  I didn't take them yesterday, and it was a bit better--still woke too early, but was able to go back to sleep.  Didn't take them again today, so we'll see how it goes.  If it gets better, I'll try taking it at breakfast and see what that does.  B-vits tend to disrupt my sleep--so that's my hypothesis right now.


For those times I know there will be a long time between meals (and 7 hours is a long time), I've found it helps to plan a mini meal around the 3-3 1/2 hour mark.  I'm hungry enough at that point to eat, but not ravenous so I don't over eat. And then I can get to the next meal without being a ravenous beast and munching while cooking.

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Today went really well for me. I didn't have the crazy sugar cravings, mainly because I kept myself busy! My feet literally ache from being on them all day. Grilled a ton of meat at lunch to last awhile. Tried Pad Thai from Well Fed for the first time and man it was good. Did lots of laundry and cleaned my bedroom. Wow, doesn't sound like much but I am wiped out. Oh yeah, and the dishwasher is now running for the THIRD time today! Excited to make Taj Majal curry later this week.

Tracy I am amazed at your work schedule! And having 2 special needs kids at home, sounds like a lot on your plate. You are such an inspiration. I hope your hubby jumps on the paleo bandwagon.

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Day 11 down! It has been difficult for me to find time to post on here, but I have been reading daily. I took some advice I received on here and got myself some La Croix, and I'm sticking to that for my evening alcoholic beverage replacement. I started adding exercise on Day 8, which I think worked out really well. I work out in the mornings and I spent the first week focusing on getting to bed early and getting plenty of sleep - I think I was running a bit of a sleep deficit coming out of the holiday season. Now I am waking up at 5 AM no problem. I'm not getting the full 8 hours that I want though; I am falling asleep quickly but I noticed that I am waking up around 3:00 - 3:30 am regularly, not quite wide awake but not completely asleep. I'm hoping that this passes and I start experiencing the amazing sleep I've heard so much about!


Food-wise, I'm doing really well. I'm not really tempted by much, and I've done a good job planning ahead so far. Today I ran into my first food emergency. I went to a basketball game that happened to be over lunch. I thought ahead of time that I should throw something in my purse in case I got hungry, but for some reason I didn't. I went grocery shopping after the game because I didn't want to go home and go back out, and I ended up having my first Larabar of my Whole30 - I was so starving I practically inhaled it while I was still in the checkout! Then once I got home I practically inhaled my leftover Pad Thai. For the coming week I am trying to keep my meals more simple, and relying on leftovers for lunch in order to decrease time spent in the kitchen. Last week's meal prep was a little bit over the top, although I loved everything I was eating! Highlights of the week were gyro salad for lunch, Salmon patties from Food For Humans, and Well Fed's famous Pad Thai. 


It looks like I am on track with a lot of people on here. For the past few days I have been a mix of melancholy and irritable. I'm feeling good, but I'm wondering when / if I will feel great. I'm really looking forward to the second half of the thirty! Four more days and we will be on the downhill part of this journey! 

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Survived a restaurant trip, day 11. I was as compliant as possible without walking my butt back there to cook my own lunch (; Olives, charcuterie, and a modified grilled ceasar salad topped with a gorgeous farm fresh egg (no parmesan, no croutons) (housemade aioli instead of the housemade caesar which is not dairy free). I really really wanted stick my finger right into the raw honeycomb on the charcuterie board, but, I was good! My husband wanted me to try lots of other items but I said, 'next time'. Phew. I made it.

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I didn't see all of the thoughts about the sunshine sauce, but I couldn't find compliant sunbutter and so made it using tahini and it worked really well.  Might be better with actual sunbutter- but I'm not sure what the difference would be, as they both have the exact same ingredients, right? 



@Jenny2014- sunbutter is made with sunflower seeds; tahini is made with sesame seeds. :) I bet they both would work great!


I haven't chimed in yet, but I started on January 1! I spent a good part of the day catching up on your posts. Lots of great ideas and motivation! I just had a great paleo feast with my two best friends- they took extra care to make their paleo treats compliant for me. Salmon, mashed cauliflower, brussels sprouts, sweet potato hash and delicious egg drop soup! Yum!

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@Jenny2014- sunbutter is made with sunflower seeds; tahini is made with sesame seeds. :) I bet they both would work great!


I haven't chimed in yet, but I started on January 1! I spent a good part of the day catching up on your posts. Lots of great ideas and motivation! I just had a great paleo feast with my two best friends- they took extra care to make their paleo treats compliant for me. Salmon, mashed cauliflower, brussels sprouts, sweet potato hash and delicious egg drop soup! Yum!

Lol... of course it is!  I just had one of those "duh" moments.  :) 

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Today is the first day of waking up almost bursting with energy. Im feeling emotional and hormonal but that's down my where I am in my cycle. I haven't been eating as regularly or as much veggies as I should and Ive eaten fruit in between meals the past two days but Im determined to get back on track today. My schedule was thrown off track with my work schedule and I realised may need to eat 5 smaller meals a day. Also noticed my tummy wasn't feeling so great yesterday, I think that's because of the tomato sauce I ate over my chicken and sweet potato (homemade awesome tomato sauce, but it always gives me belly ache... except in small doses).


Im off to church this morning bc I feel so energised. My schedule had been so hectic that Id always feel like falling asleep, like SO irritably tired, during the service that I stopped going for a while (I don't drive so a long bus journey, early start and a little walk was my route to church, found it SO exhausting).


This morning for breakfast... not the best but it was what it was: left over pork belly chunks with apple. Not enough veg but Ill sort that out from here on out.

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Day 12 completed...

Woke up with a slight sore throat but it hasn't festered to anything else, hopefully I'm fighting off what is going around the hospital.

Mehhh just kinda feeling odd.. Low energy, headache, foggy head...not wanting to eat anything I make. :/

I know I didn't eat enough today, nothing looks apetizing, I hope it gets better tomorrow.

I'm gonna take a bath and soak for a bit. Then pass out! Hope everyone is doing better than me. ;)

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Day 12 did not start so well... I feel strange, I don't know what this is. My lower back hurts, I have mild nausea and my hands are shaking slightly. My tummy is swollen and tender. I have no energy, and don't feel like eating. I did have hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes, blueberries and some pear for breakfast, and feel a little bit better. This is not good news at all; I had planned massive vegetable peeling, slicing and chopping for the next week. Hope I can do all that I planned...

I'm also thinking about sugary treats all the time! When I did my first whole30, it was much easier by Day 12! Maybe I should eat less fruits and no dried fruits at all! Well, I am not going to do Whole12, I want my Whole30! :)

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So last night I had a pretty big 'sugar craving' 'overcarbsumption' desire.  Wondering thoughts.  I ate eggs with veggies for breakfast before yoga (90 mins).  It was a scramble so not sure but probably two eggs only (I eat three).  Then around 2 pm I ate a huge piece of meatloaf (made with a lot of veggies in it) and a green smoothie (I know frowned upon but I didn't feel like eating veggies and I was making for kids.  I use very little fruit so it is mostly a spinach turmeric ginger drink).  Then I chaperoned girls for a girl scout party until 8 pm.  I ate cucumbers and carrots and broccoli from the 'veggie' tray (skipping all the other crap they were all eating).  Was feeling great when I got home and had chicken thighs with the olive oil/lemon dipping sauce and some green beans.  But then I was just famished feeling.  Good not feel satisfied.  I had to get in the pool with the girls from 6-7 because some of the girls are not good swimmers and whenever I swim in the winter I end of feeling very hungry (maybe drop in overall body temp?).  I ate some pistachios and a larabar then.  Probably feeding the sugar dragon.    I did wake up at about 3 am really thirsty.  Now that I am writing this out that was probably it.  I don't think I drank anything but coffee yesterday :(

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Welcome to day 12 y'all!

I am not feeling increased energy yet except for one short burst - I got absolutely manic for no reason whatsoever at work, I felt like I could have run out to a track and done some hurdles! It was awesome and I hope that settles in as the norm around day 15.

I can report that the sleeping better part has kicked in. Man, I am sleeping SO WELL you guys. I had been getting up three or four times a night to use the restroom or just because something woke me up. Last night I went to bed at 10:00 with plans to read some and then go to sleep... didn't even need to read some, I was out like the cat at the end of the Flintstones closing credits, only I didn't leave a window open. DOWN LIKE KING HIPPO FROM PUNCH-OUT for my fellow Nintendo geeks.

Also for anyone going insane missing their chai latte - I can report that it does in fact foam up like a latte if you put your hot tea in a blender with coconut oil (or butter; I used butter). I put my hot tea in my ninja blender with coconut butter, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, and nutmeg, and HOLY GUACAMOLE WAS IT EVER AMAZING YOU GUYS. (You do not have to put in the cayenne pepper).

Last night I dreamed THREE TIMES about eating Raisin Bran cereal. THREE TIMES YOU GUYS.

Oh, and also, don't let your kids watch Wreck It Ralph while you are doing Whole 30, or if they do, leave the room, because the world most of the movie takes place in is made entirely of candy and cake, and LIKE YOUR OWN BRAIN ISN'T DOING THAT ENOUGH FOR YOU like those old Bugs Bunny cartoons where they're on a desert island and the other characters start to look like turkey legs.

Mom of 2 kids, how is your GI going? Mine is finally settling into this way of eating it seems. If yours is still acting out and you don't want to try a magnesium supplement, I'm told cayenne pepper is also a good home remedy for constipation. I like it anyway, that's the reason I put it in my chai mentioned above - 1/4 tsp is the amount in a cup of tea, or a capsule with 40,000 heat units seems to be the recommendation.

All you yoga folks, what yoga do you do? Do you do a video, or do you take a class somewhere? I really enjoy the workout from the P90X Yoga, but it is like an hour and a half and that is too much yoga, so I'm looking for something in the 45-minute range.


Tracy DB - I have some friends at work doing T25, and they love it. They say it is an intense 25 minutes with no breaks, but that they feel it is more doable than the full-on Insanity program.

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Hi all:

Started January 1st with a friend who has done this before.  Just investigated the forum this morning.  Day 8-10 were pretty terrible digestively speaking - needed to be close to a bathroom.  That seems to have calmed down a bit yesterday and today.  Got my energy boost yesterday.  Did some work, cleaned the house.  It was go go go all day and I loved it!  Went to bed, fell asleep quickly and got up early today.  No sleeping in!  Downsides (aside from bathroom needs):  I do have food envy at the dinner table to some degree, but for weird things, not the sweets.  I wanted the croutons on my husbands plate!  lol  


I am looking forward to the rest, and I am glad to have found you all!

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Day 12 and I feel freaking fantastic! Following AI has been really great. I am so happy; I actually wake up smiling! My husband has been eating Paleo for the last few years, but watching me be so happy makes him want to do the AI protocol as well.

We went to a small party on Friday and there were some of my favorite foods (Brie and Rosemary cracker bread). Everyone was drinking but I just had my seltzer water and had a fantastic time. There were even gourmet chocolate covered nuts in a bowl in front of me all evening and It didn't bother me at all. This is awesome sauce!

The one funny thing is that I dream about pooping! My poop is pretty scarce now; my guess is my body is actually using the majority of what I eat. But I have dreams where I produce A LOT, in a public restroom without a locking door! Uh oh!

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Sounds like day 11 was "restaurant day" for many of us. Me too!


We went to a place in Boston called "Fire & Ice". It's a mongolian grill type place. Very yummy, and fortunately easy to eat on plan with a bit of willpower. Ate tons of veggies and meat, and added hot pepper sauce instead of the number of sauces they offer. It was great!


Today I'm exhausted, thanks to staying up to 2am to watch the Patriots game (I had to DVR it while I was out). So, I'm struggling a bit. I skipped my workout this morning, but I did run 5 yesterday so it's alright. I'll get back to it shortly.


I'm prepping food for the week - carrots and parsnips and chicken all in the oven, sweet potato in the fridge.


And for tonight, I'm making Rogan Josh and coconut cauliflower rice. I've never made it before, so I'm hopeful. I loved this dish when I was in India, and would love this to be the same.

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Sounds like a lot of us aren't feeling so hot. Count me in for that. Started to feel like I have cold or something coming on yesterday--headache, scratchy throat, stuffy nose. I really hope this doesn't turn into full blown sickness. Stayed in last night and went to bed early and feel slightly better today, but only slightly. I wasn't hungry at all this morning which is not normal for me. Looked up at around 1pm and realized I needed to eat something hungry or not. Had my usual M1 of sweet potato hash, sausage, kale and eggs. I had to force most of it down. On the plus side I made a batch of bone broth yesterday, so I'll probably have some of that later today... I should have had that for breakfast. Live and learn.  


Alliath - your chai lattle concoction sounds amazing! I will definitely be trying that later. 

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Alliath- That chai concoction sounds lovely, a bit like the bulletproof coffee I guess.


I'm having no digestive issues this W30, completely the opposite of my last go.  Only differences I can think of right now are no ghee or avocado.  Maybe a bit less in the way of raw veg as well as I eat less raw veg in winter.


The hubby spent all of yesterday whingeing about not being able to eat Haribo, Maltesers and crisps. (Right about on schedule with the timeline  :) ) Then today he commented on how the weekend was so much longer and how he got loads more done having not spent Friday boozing and Saturday hungover.


Semolina- I've made the cinnamon beef stew twice now (on theclothesmakethegirl website), but missed out on the orange stuff.  But it's our new favourite recipe.  (Replacing her carnitas even)  

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Annabel - that beef stew is definitely on my list to make soon.

Not a bad day here. Late night and woke up starving. Here's the what's:

M1: roasted vegetable frittata with mackerel and some fresh coconut on the side

M2: jumbo prawns with spinach, kale, avocado and carrot

M3: roast pork with sweet potato, parsnips, carrots, kale and some apple fried with onion.


Managed to find canned coconut milk with nothing else added today - two cans of Aroy D for £2.69 at a local ethnic food store. They also sold compliant fish sauce but only in a litre bottle! That's a lot of sauce! Apparently the Tesco one is compliant, too, and in a more manageable size for me.

Finally starting to feel lighter and my mood has definitely improved. I've been suffering from anxiety over the last six months or so and just realised I can't remember feeling anxious this week. I did wonder if W30 would help. 12 days down :)

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