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Whole 30 starting Jan 1


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Miranda: I feel your pain about the spilled laundry detergent on the floor. At the very least, I am sure your house smelled "daisy fresh white linen." (How do they come up with the names of these scents?)

I read about restraint bias in the Whole30 daily email this morning and it resonated for me. I am thinking to myself: I've eaten clean. My abs are actually visible. I seem to have shed some pounds so what if I off-track a bit? I deserve a little reward for my commitment over the last 16 days. Beware: It's a trap and a trick the mind wants to play. I am going to resist this restraint bias now that I know what it is (and what the science-y name is for it). This email from Whole30 HQ was exactly what I needed. Thank you, Hartwick Family.

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Oh yes, today's 'Day 16' daily email was written for me personally, I'm quite sure :rolleyes:   Restraint bias is always a problem for me.  In many things I believe in the 'moderation' concept.. but I realize it doesn't work as well when external (and internal) forces are stacked against you.


When I was in my 20's (and immortal) I lived pretty 'hard' - workaholic, major travel, regular 'social' schedule ;)   Lucky for me I don't have trouble with serious addictions (alcohol / nicotine) so I could moderate to some extent.... but it all creeps up on you until you suddenly realize you are much too young to feel so damn old!


Then the babies come and then...well father time taps you on the shoulder and reminds you immortality is more then a myth - it's a dangerous fantasy.


Now I am quite happy to be in bed by 10 and start trading my coffee habit to tea and my workaholic habit to yoga.  I now have a 'me first' apathy when it comes to work.  I don't have tremendous job security or anything, but I've learned through many jobs that when you work for other people, you don't have as much control over how you're perceived as you think you do.  In other words, I've been promoted when I didn't think I did a whole lot and fired when I was working my tush off and the only mentally sane person on the team.  So I've stopped thinking that I am so desperately 'needed' at work - or that I so desperately need them - or that I'm part of something noble or important to society  (I'm not, although I know some people are...) .  They rent my time, compassion, knowledge, experience and  creativity for a portion of the day.  That's it.


It's very freeing!  Although, just like the food, I notice that without that work obsession there's a big hole.  Also now that my daughter turns 13 this year (yikes) I can see an empty nest in the future.  So this is a good time to re-evaluate everything ... starting with food (see how I did that?)


the flip side of the restrain bias, I've found, is that habits beget habits and discipline builds on discipline.  The WTH attitude is so dangerous... because it makes you slide down the chutes in the chutes and ladder game of life.  whereas once you start working those discipline muscles, you work up to doing more and more that you never expected you were capable of doing!


I'm totally rambling... while I'm feeling better every day - the ADD brain fog has not yet lifted... squirrel!

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Well I survived the birthday party. On the plus side nobody was drinking because it was a school night (yay Wednesday!). On the minus side everyone sat around for like ten minutes talking about how good the cake was. Blrgh. They didn't give me too much trouble for not having any beyond some initial disbelief, so that was nice. I'm so glad I thought to stop by the grocery store and pick up a fruit cup. Having something to eat during the cake love feast helped a ton. And when they were finally done (seemed like forever) we hung out and had an awesome time.

My mood is still really good, and I'm loving my food this week. I'll throw together my usual sweet potato and sausage hash with a couple of eggs for breakfast, five spice pork with veggies for lunch, and beef stew over cauliflower rice for dinner. I might also go for a short hike today. I haven't been focused on exercise since this month is about getting my relationship with food in order but I am trying to be a bit more active--walk more, take the stairs, park farther away, etc. I might as well put some of this energy to use!

Happy Day 16 everyone!

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They didn't give me too much trouble for not having any beyond some initial disbelief, so that was nice. 



I can't quite get my head around all y'all who have trouble with food pushers.  I really don't care what other people say about what I'm eating... but the flip side is... I always want the cake.    Always.  Even if someone said 'should you really be eating that?'.... I would push a piece in their face and go grab myself another.  Of course, my absolute disinterest in what other people expect of me or want me to do has gotten me in plenty of trouble in other ways... but in the 'food pusher' case it serves me well.  :)


I will be having an 'awesome cake' showdown this Tuesday at a baby shower.  I am nervous about it.  I have successfully navigated 'bagel day' here in the office... and 'waffle day' (another tough one), but in both cases I can simply avoid where the food is... I won't have that luxury at the baby shower and everyone will (I'm sure) gush about the cake.  I will have to say to myself 'there will always be more cake.  cake is not leaving the universe.  there will always be more opportunities for cake"

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Today is cake day in the office. So I'm working on my "no thanks" smile. :)


Sleepy today - I think it's my SAD getting the best of me. I want sunshine and evening runs outside... I miss all of that. January and February are so difficult for me. 


Last night's dinner ended up being a banana with almond butter and a small glass of coconut milk. I know, not template-compliant but I had zero desire to eat anything and that was all I could reasonably choke down. The funny thing was I was in the kitchen all night (new Ninja! Yay!) and really just didn't care for food at all. DH cooked pasta for himself and even that smell did nothing. (Hmm... depression much? Ugh.)


This morning I was hungry, so my hash was delish. I remembered to toss in a few raisins which IMO make a HUGE difference in the taste because they brown up while everything is cooking and are just wonderful. Only takes a few. 


Ok. Gonna have a good rest of the day... 

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Mmmm... cake


Luckily I live in the UK now where cake is dry and tasteless and so very far from something that's worth gushing about. 


Do you reckon the food pushers just think they're trying to be nice?  Like you must really want the cake, and you need them to tell you it's all right to have it.


I went to a meeting at school this morning, so didn't have time for a morning run again (It doesn't get light till after 8), had less than an hour to kill between the meeting and my class across town (20 minute walk), so decided to be incredibly efficient and do some food shopping in the spare bit of time I had. (Yep, I'm the strange one who brings a bag of sweet potatoes, cavolo nero and courgettes to class). Then I walked home had a bit of lunch, looked for jobs to apply for and then went for my 5 mile run.  Best run I've had since the Whole 30 started (okay, to be fair the best run I've had since I quit running back in October or so...  :huh: )  I think this might be a bit of tiger blood.  And I'm not going blind, my contact lenses were in the wrong eyes the last two days...


Dinner tonight is pork steaks, homemade apple sauce and some sort of veg... out of cauliflower and green beans, so probably some cavolo nero and sweet potato


Hope everyone's having a great day 16!  :)

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Hello Whole 30ers!  Tiger Blood here!  And my knee didn't hurt going up the stairs today for the first time in about a year (I could still feel it but it didn't slow me down and I didn't have to grab the handrail for additional support to keep some of the weight bearing down).  That tells me inflammation is going down. Major victories!


I love this phase of the Whole 30.  I had a major arm twisting by the devil on my shoulder the other night who kept tantilizing me with a glass of red wine.  That buggar tormented me the entire evening until I finally just went to bed.  I've been rocking it since.  Let him come back and torture me again - I welcome the fight!  Bring it!

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I've hit the "no appetite" phase.  I had to choke down breakfast this morning and I can't even be bothered to eat a pre-workout snack.  It's turning my stomach just thinking about it.


No miracles yet, for me.  Clothes not loose, skin is freaking out (hormones, maybe?), fingers and feet still swollen.  I should go reread some of the daily emails to keep my motivation up.  I am pleased with the progress I'm making with respect to my relationship with food and how I'm sticking to my goals of exercising more and sleeping more, but I guess I'm hitting the point where I feel disappointed that more isn't happening.  Oh well.  It's only day 16.

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Emily -- that's all I got out of my first W30 (at least at this stage in it): progress in respect to relationship with food. It took me a while to realise what a BIG DEAL that was. Hang in there. Stick with it ... I didn't ever get tiger blood or feel super healthy or feel that my clothes were looser (and believe me I was GRUMPY about that). It wasn't until the end I realised my ankles were the least swollen they had been for months (and realise when they ballooned up again right after that it wasn't a coincidence). This is part of the roller coaster. I'm impressed you are sticking to your exercise goals. Mine are in the bin for now.

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I second what Semolina says...


At the end of my first w30 I had some small wins - lost a few (5 or 6?) pounds... didn't feel like a sausage in casing in my jeans... skin improved.  But the realization of the big wins came after when:


  • aches and pains returned - I realized that my hands HURT and remembered my older sister and dad have arthritis (and that's for old people, not me).
  • I looked tired and old within 2 days of eating dairy
  • I realized I could go days without giving money to Starbucks!  weeks even!
  • When I did go to Starbucks I could look at the pastry case and be unimpressed - and ignore even if hungry!
  • I got hangry before lunch and / or mid afternoon from insulin spikes and would stab with a pen anyone who got between me and a snack
  • I completely ignored all those gross 'not worth it' holiday foods lying around that I would have eaten before... because they were there, after all
  • diet sodas tasted.... weird.  and I didn't finish them.
  • I gained those few pounds back (within weeks and without going that far off road)
  • I missed the energy bursts and afternoon clarity I had at the end of the w30.
  • The evil, negative 'you're ugly and frumpy and middle aged' voice returned in my head.


This second W30  - and plans for future ones - are to keep building on those habits and preferences.  Two steps forward / one step back is okay as long as I Keep. Moving. Forward.

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Still "patient zero" over here with the flu.  But doing way better today.  Even worked out (more gently than usual) both today and yesterday.  I've been feeling kind of, hrm, "puffier" the last few days.  Not sure what that is about.  Maybe it's because I've been eating a weird "flu" diet of some extra dried fruit and apple sauce?  Maybe I'm oversalting food because I've got such a small appetite right now? 


Just trying to keep trucking.  Hoping the tiger blood will emerge when I'm done being sick.  It is WAY easier for me to get up in the morning.

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Emily--I'm not feeling any miracles yet either.  Maybe if my boys would let me sleep through the night once in a while. :)


 I do love all the food I'm eating and the fact that I'm not hungry between meals.  I've made quite a few good recipes, and most my family liked too, except for the citrus carnitas--too citrusy for the boys and husband even though I thought they were great.  I just got Well Fed 2, so I have some more picked out to try.  Both of those cookbooks are great!


No school today cuz of weather, so I should be cooking while the baby is napping, but instead I'm catching up on here.  Oh well, I should have a little time left.  


Good luck on the last half everyone!

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It's great to see some of you hitting the tiger blood phase! I may be on my way there... I worked out with my friends outdoors this evening despite it absolutely hammering with rain and felt pretty amazing after and, even during at times!

There were a tonne of sweets, biscuits and chocolates in the office today but the thought of them was really off putting and everyone was stuffing themselves just because it was there. Just a few weeks ago that was me. Last year I managed to maintain a great attitude to food for a few months after my January W30, only off roading when it was truly worth it. Sadly that went downhill later in the year but I know I can do it and I know how great it felt to be in control. With a history of bingeing, that's the most important thing for me.

So, today:

M1: two scrambled eggs, fried prosciutto and roasted vegetables in coconut oil

M2: chicken soup with kale, carrot, celery and onion plus half an avocado

PWO: chicken breast

PWO: prosciutto and roasted veg

M3: fried trout with capers and spinach with purple sprouting brocolli and cavolo nero drizzled with olive oil

Feeling satisfied with my meals. Considering hiring a chef! But the prep is worth it...

Yum. The end.

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Hey all... Busy times at work and in life right now but still on plan, doing the program and feeling pretty darn good.  As always, I struggle with enough sleep but we do what we can do.  I am planning day-by-day for my food and continuing to build good habits.  Glad to see the positive attitudes and progress being made by the group. 




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I'm doing ok foodwise.  Today I tried Well Fed 2 fried sardines for breakfast, and they were really good!  It's nice to have something with a little crunch to it.  M1 was butternut squash soup, 1/2 avocado and fried sardines.  Lunch was other half avocado and leftovers from breakfast as I made too much.  Dinner was leftover Well Fed pad thai.


So I'm doing fine food-wise but I'm doing terribly finding time to exercise.  I almost want to do a startover on the whole30 so I can get my head on straight regarding exercise.  But I won't re-start counting.  Each day I say I'm starting over with the exercise - here goes again.


I'm working too many hours at my job currently.  I do moonlighting, and I have more offers than I can even accept, but my husband's job is not secure, so we are nervous and have me accept every shift that is offered to me.  I do graveyards so that interferes with normal daily life.


But, no aches and pains, which normally this many shifts would give me.


Kids are doing great, though they are going through some massive carb cravings right now.  I bumped up the amount of fat in their food to get them to feel more satisfied.

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Jodea -- am seriously considering hiring someone to help me with food prep (and ironing and cleaning and everything else -- but definitely food prep is in there! :huh:)  I am thinking of doubling my work hours which will mean I need to outsource some of the things I do, and I would rather outsource chopping vegetables than looking after my kids! I figure that is a good use of time/money ... it's really important to me to eat this way, and if I need to get someone in anyway to help with the housework I can add to his/her hours by asking him/her to chop veggies as well (and maybe even cook up a big pot of something I can put in the freezer for the week.) Still, need to get a contract for the extra hours first!


Tracy -- still can't figure out where to fix exercise in. I could (theoretically) get up much earlier ... but then I need to go to bed earlier ... and that would eat into my work time. Too many things to do, not enough time to do it in. And respect for managing this with your kids.

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Jodea -- am seriously considering hiring someone to help me with food prep (and ironing and cleaning and everything else -- but definitely food prep is in there! :huh:)  I am thinking of doubling my work hours which will mean I need to outsource some of the things I do, and I would rather outsource chopping vegetables than looking after my kids! I figure that is a good use of time/money ... it's really important to me to eat this way, and if I need to get someone in anyway to help with the housework I can add to his/her hours by asking him/her to chop veggies as well (and maybe even cook up a big pot of something I can put in the freezer for the week.) Still, need to get a contract for the extra hours first!


Semolina - a friend of mine has toddler twins and she has a mother's helper that basically does all the cooking and cleaning so my friend can give all her attention to the kids.  I love that idea, because I end up resenting the amount of time I spend in the kitchen rather than sitting, interacting with my kids.

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Good morning!


There's sunshine outside today, so I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm eating my breakfast hash right now, determined to make egg muffins for next week as I'm a bit tired of hash.


Have you folks with kids considered having the kids help with the prep (if they're old enough)? I know my 4 year old nephew LOVES to do things in the kitchen - the kid does dishes like a pro! (he also washes walls below 3 feet high and sweeps floors - he's a bit goofy. lol) Also, be sure you're doing prep all at once. Having to chop veggies every day is a huge time waster.


Anyway, that's all the advice I have. I don't have kids myself, so can't imagine the extent of the time it takes to keep them happy and healthy.


So lunch today I packed leftover butternut squash (from last night when I ate it with salmon), some chicken and some avocado. Tossed a bit of lemon chesapeake sauce in there and that'll be it. Boring, but my fridge is pretty empty. I need to shop tomorrow for next week plus Sunday's game food (making pulled chicken in lettuce leaves, sweet potatoes, and perhaps bacon wrapped pear bites.)


Last night I started reading Well Fed 2. I'm inspired to make sauces this weekend. :) I need to make more mayo and I want to make katsup.

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Emily--I'm not feeling any miracles yet either.  Maybe if my boys would let me sleep through the night once in a while. :)



Yes....if only my kids would let me sleep through the night. I want that sleep of the righteous, too!!!  :(


My belly has been a mess the past two days and I'm not sure why. Thinking perhaps the brussel sprouts I had on Wed night and then for lunch yesterday? If that is the case, I'm done with them!  Could also be work stress!


A positive (because I know there HAS to be one)...hmm.  I think that I'm really happy that I've cut down from 3 cups of coffee to 2 cups. And perhaps I can work on cutting down to only 1 cup?!


I'm really not missing out on crappy snacks. I'm just not! I open the pantry to grab something for my kids lunch and nothing jumps out and says "Eat me!"  That must be a good thing, too! :D

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So I'm doing fine food-wise but I'm doing terribly finding time to exercise.  I almost want to do a startover on the whole30 so I can get my head on straight regarding exercise.  But I won't re-start counting.  Each day I say I'm starting over with the exercise - here goes again.


I'm working too many hours at my job currently.  I do moonlighting, and I have more offers than I can even accept, but my husband's job is not secure, so we are nervous and have me accept every shift that is offered to me.  I do graveyards so that interferes with normal daily life.


Tracy -- still can't figure out where to fix exercise in. I could (theoretically) get up much earlier ... but then I need to go to bed earlier ... and that would eat into my work time. Too many things to do, not enough time to do it in. And respect for managing this with your kids.


Remember that exercise is not a required component of a successful Whole30. You both sound stressed already. Focus on the food and sleep and when you have some free moments active play. Don't worry about structured exercise right now. Make the things you have to do into exercise. Like when you are cooking and cleaning put on some jamming tunes and rock out while you do. See if you can power through and do it quickly. Play with your kids. Go for a walk. Movement doesn't have to be formal.

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Still feeling amazing!  I want to tell everyone I know about this Whole30 deal!

I wish everyone had the chance to feel this great!


Did good with some cook up last night.

Made an egg casserole, some sweet potatoes, chopped some veggies.

Looking forward to a cook up Sunday.  Gonna make me some chicken thighs, chocolate chili, not sure what else.

I also resisted 'licking the beaters' of the homemade Larabars (non-compliant due to the dried cranberries) I made for the boyfriend and his girls.  I'm having issues finding compliant dired cranberries locally.  :( 


I start school on Monday so I'll be transporting breakfast and lunches Monday - Friday and dinners as well on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Need to get organized!


Happy Day 17 everyone!

Happy Weekend!


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I'm definitely in the camp of "no improvements noticed so far"!

Maybe only the ability to say "no, thanks" to the huge assortment of donuts available at the teachers lounge, the mini bundt cakes passed out to each teacher this week, the whole menu at the dinnerparty for one of my co workers, the girl scout cookies being offered at school and the ones my hubby bought. I still wanted to Eat all the things, but didn't, and have survived the week with a fulminating bout of flu. Anything I've wanted to take for my symptoms had corn starch, or some type of sugar. What can you take when your body aches, your throat feels painfully raw?

My food budget seems out of control, I feel I'm always at the store buying more food. And now, my husband brought home cage free, antibiotic free, certified humane vegetarian feed pasteurized eggs, and in my flu_induced grumpyness I complained about them being vegetarian fed, and unnecessarily pasteurized not even knowing if I am right about that. My logic says: if they are cage free, pasture raised, they would be eating worms, bugs , definitely not vegetarian.. so what are they being fed? Plus, what is the purpose of pasteurizing eggs, what is being lost in the process, aside from the slight threat of salmonella? I need enlightenment.

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Day 14, wow.  This whole30 is going great!  I made Chocolate Chili last night.  My husband proceeded to remind me how he doesn't like chili.  Then he ate two heaping bowlfuls and said it was the best Chili he had ever had.  My kids ate it for lunch and dinner and requested it for lunch the next day.  Winner.


I did a bit of a cookup yesterday.  I made Yankee Pot Roast from Nom Nom Paleo.  My pot roast was so tender it disintegrated as I pulled it out - I had cooked it on low for 9 hours in the crockpot.  The recipe included leeks and mushrooms.  I added brussels sprouts and carrots to the mix.  We'll eat it tonight for dinner.


Does anyone have a good recipe for shredded mexican beef?  I'm going to have a lot of beef left over, and we don't really like pot roast but do l ike making up mexican beef with onions and guacamole - I need a good mix of spices to put onto this shredded meat from the pot roast recipe to make Mexican shredded beef.


I also made some ghee in the crockpot with the lid off, 5 hours.  Delish.


And roasted some sweet potatoes and parsnips.


And made some applesauce to feed the kids their ritalin in.


Today will make some more almond milk - it only lasted three days in the fridge before going sour.  The kids drink it.  I use the wet almond meal to make paleo muffins afterwards, don't even bother drying it.


I got some exercise in today, though a little half-hearted.  The habit is falling back into place.


M1 is bacon asparagus soup, two eggs and some avocado.  M3 is pot roast.  M2, probably a greek salad with some shredded beef for my protein portion.

This is a great recipe for mexican beef http://www.food.com/recipe/chipotles-barbacoa-copycat-recipe-472445

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I am going to have to do a big cookup soon because I'm running out of everything.  My husband is complaining about all the dishes again.  I'm making a new set of chicken stock and I need to go roast a bunch of veggies because I love my veggie soups for breakfast.  Will try the barbacoa recipe on my yankee pot roast so we can have Mexican beef for dinner.  Still working way too many hours but am sticking to the plan.  Exercise may not be an official part of the whole30 but it was one of my goals for this one, and so far I'm not doing well.  We did play tennis the other night but only for about 45 minutes, and we are really bad so there is not a lot of running going on.  More like walking to the back fence to get the ball.....


M1 two fried eggs, bacon/asparagus soup and some roasted eggplant. M2 fried sardines from Well Fed 2 - those were good! M2 barbacoa, roasted onions, tomatoes.

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