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Our local health food store (Natural Grocer) carries "Mulay" brand sausage with not added sugar, etc. There is a mild italian sausage or a chorizo. We like both! I precook it in a frying pan, breaking it up into bits like you would hamburger and keeping a container in the fridge so it is handy for quick breakfasts.

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aaaaargh - don't talk to me about sausages! I love sausages, proper traditional pork sausages, and I've not found any that don't contain rusk - which makes sense because the texture isn't right without it, but I still had to look. Sausages are pretty high on my list of things I want when the 30 days are up. The list, however, is getting shorter and shorter! Some things I was sure I would want, like chocolate and cheddar cheese, I'm not too worried about now. But sausages....!

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  • 3 months later...

LOVE LOVE LOVE Mulay's Brand Sausage. I used to be able to find it at every Whole Foods around Los Angeles. But now I can't find it ANYWHERE! Anyone else have luck finding it? Maybe I can order online...


If you're able to find it, get it! It's so good and really hits the spot when you're craving italian sauage or chorizo.

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