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Exhausted! Can't work out... Encouraging words please


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I began January with no alcohol and 2 back to back 12 day cleanses that were similar but stricter than whole30, then I started W30...I am on day either 14 or 17 ( I Inadvertently used vanilla in my coffee for 3 days so "started over") anyhoos.. I am super exhausted no energy not like me at all, the last few days I really felt so irritable like kill all things! I am on my cycle right now too.. I just feel like I am stuck in day 4-7 of the timeline and I know everyone is different but have others experienced W30 with being cranky and exhausted still at day 14 (or 17 :) I am taking a day off today from working out which I do daily cuz I just don't feel like I can muster the energy.. I know it's whole30 not whole14 or 17 I am not quitting nor do I want to I am just curious if others have experienced a similar timeline?

Thank you for your thoughts

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Lots of people complain of exhaustion during the whole30, and most of the time, this is resolved by eating more, sometimes eating more starchy veggies specifically. Are you sure you are eating enough? Take a look at the meal template and confirm you reach this at a minimum three times per day, adding pre- and postWO snacks can help as well. http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf

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I began January with no alcohol and 2 back to back 12 day cleanses that were similar but stricter than whole30, then I started W30...I am on day either 14 or 17 ( I Inadvertently used vanilla in my coffee for 3 days so "started over") anyhoos.. I am super exhausted no energy not like me at all, the last few days I really felt so irritable like kill all things! I am on my cycle right now too.. I just feel like I am stuck in day 4-7 of the timeline and I know everyone is different but have others experienced W30 with being cranky and exhausted still at day 14 (or 17 :) I am taking a day off today from working out which I do daily cuz I just don't feel like I can muster the energy.. I know it's whole30 not whole14 or 17 I am not quitting nor do I want to I am just curious if others have experienced a similar timeline?

Thank you for your thoughts

I haven't felt good exercising since I started.  I'm now on day 14, and still finding myself short on breath.  I'm eating huge portions with plenty of fat with every meal, and usually a starch, so it's definitely not that I'm not eating enough... Anyways, it's not just you!

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I began January with no alcohol and 2 back to back 12 day cleanses that were similar but stricter than whole30, then I started W30...I am on day either 14 or 17 ( I Inadvertently used vanilla in my coffee for 3 days so "started over") anyhoos.. I am super exhausted no energy not like me at all, the last few days I really felt so irritable like kill all things! I am on my cycle right now too.. I just feel like I am stuck in day 4-7 of the timeline and I know everyone is different but have others experienced W30 with being cranky and exhausted still at day 14 (or 17 :) I am taking a day off today from working out which I do daily cuz I just don't feel like I can muster the energy.. I know it's whole30 not whole14 or 17 I am not quitting nor do I want to I am just curious if others have experienced a similar timeline?

Thank you for your thoughts

I hear you!!! My first W30 I had LEAD for legs...I found it took me about 3 weeks b/f my runs and weigh w/o felt good. I had ABSOLUTELY NO umph!!! It will pass...think about you 2 back to back 12 day cleanses...you may have depleted yourself a bit much...give yourself time to rebuild. Hang in there!!!  

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I had the same problem and added some sweet potatoes to my lunches. My workouts got better (no more burning muscles). I don't know if it was the sweet potatoes or that my body adapted to the absence of sugar. I was super cranky too. It does pass but don't be afraid to tweak your meals.

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I was SO tired well past the first week.  Mine went on all through week 2 and some of 3 :(  I as well took a break from working out as much, I physically felt I couldn't do it.  BUT...wait for it...you DO feel better eventually.  I as well added some starchy veg.  Had sweet potato added in the morning and some into meal two.  It helped some, not a ton, but some.  You will get through it.  I was Miss Crankypants too, but only a few days.  It gets much better!!!!  Hang in there.  My last 4 days I was bouncing off the wall, like actually singing and dancing in the kitchen by myself.  ;)

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thank you everyone for taking the time to write.  I do feel that i am eating enough and i have been including sweet potatoes, and yams in my meals since the get go.  If anything i am probably eating too much fruit, it has been my go to food for the last 2 years as i lost 130 lbs on WW.  I am eating a banana, and an orange or an apple a day, and every few days i make a little fruit salad to treat myself.  I should probably cut the fruit out since it is my weak spot, i don't have a weakness for cakes or muffins or things like that but fruit...another story...Today is day 19 and although i am not quite singing and dancing in the kitchen yet...i do feel much better.  The day i wrote that last post i received a call that my gramma had passed away, which made the low energy seem even more terrible.  I got a headache that minute that lasted for the next 3 days.  I have spent the last 4 days at my parents house surrounded by booze, wine, bread, comfort foods and toasts to gramma that i am choosing to not participate in, or rather participate a little differently.  My family is very supportive of my choice to challenge myself with the Whole30, but that doesn't mean they are taking all of the off limits foods for me out of their house. i have been grieving and cleaning up all of gramma's belongings while still getting in my workouts to maintain my sanity.  All in all things are good, i am looking forward to not being completely exhausted as some point in every day and singing and dancing in my kitchen sounds fabulous!

thank you again for taking time out of your lives to share some encouragement with me, i truly appreciate it so very much



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I was SO tired well past the first week.  Mine went on all through week 2 and some of 3 :(  I as well took a break from working out as much, I physically felt I couldn't do it.  BUT...wait for it...you DO feel better eventually.  I as well added some starchy veg.  Had sweet potato added in the morning and some into meal two.  It helped some, not a ton, but some.  You will get through it.  I was Miss Crankypants too, but only a few days.  It gets much better!!!!  Hang in there.  My last 4 days I was bouncing off the wall, like actually singing and dancing in the kitchen by myself.  ;)

ohhhh...i want that!  LOL - day 25 - but i might be a W45er...things didn't move along as quickly for me as they did for some.  I feel like i am starting to come around in the energy department, though.  and work has become REALLY stressful this past 2 weeks so i am sure that is adding to my slow improvement...

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Thank you for your post!! I am on day 15 and this last week, has been miserable. I ran 5 days straight!! I was pumped to be out running that much, the week before had been crammed full of family responsibilities that sapped my running time. My last 3 runs last week were miserable. My legs and arms felt like lead and I was sore to top it off. Thank you all for the suggestions of adding more starchy veggies to my plate. Sweet potatoes are becoming one of my fav foods.

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Thank you for your post!! I am on day 15 and this last week, has been miserable. I ran 5 days straight!! I was pumped to be out running that much, the week before had been crammed full of family responsibilities that sapped my running time. My last 3 runs last week were miserable. My legs and arms felt like lead and I was sore to top it off. Thank you all for the suggestions of adding more starchy veggies to my plate. Sweet potatoes are becoming one of my fav foods.


dizilizi- yes please eat more starchy carbs, but also consider a little rest time! Missing a workouts week does not mean you are required to add those on top of your regular routine the next. It sounds like 5 days in a row is too much. give yourself time to recover.

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I'm with you all! I have "wobbly" legs, headaches and just overall exhaustion...I can't stay up past 8pm!

I am day 18 and had diagnosed myself with Overtraining Syndrome ( http://sportsmedicine.about.com/cs/overtraining/a/aa062499a.htm ) but hadn't felt like I had been doing anything THAT extra crazy.  But maybe it was a combo of the training and throwing my body for a loop with the Whole30? I am definitely eating the starchy carbs so I don't think its that.  I have told myself to take a few days off - I have a half marathon next weekend...I need to get these muscles back! Its hard to take the days off - so my husband is being my cheerleader in the rest area. 

Any supplements you all recommend for recovery when I do start back?

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thank you everyone for taking the time to write.  I do feel that i am eating enough and i have been including sweet potatoes, and yams in my meals since the get go.  If anything i am probably eating too much fruit, it has been my go to food for the last 2 years as i lost 130 lbs on WW.  I am eating a banana, and an orange or an apple a day, and every few days i make a little fruit salad to treat myself.  I should probably cut the fruit out since it is my weak spot, i don't have a weakness for cakes or muffins or things like that but fruit...another story...Today is day 19 and although i am not quite singing and dancing in the kitchen yet...i do feel much better.  The day i wrote that last post i received a call that my gramma had passed away, which made the low energy seem even more terrible.  I got a headache that minute that lasted for the next 3 days.  I have spent the last 4 days at my parents house surrounded by booze, wine, bread, comfort foods and toasts to gramma that i am choosing to not participate in, or rather participate a little differently.  My family is very supportive of my choice to challenge myself with the Whole30, but that doesn't mean they are taking all of the off limits foods for me out of their house. i have been grieving and cleaning up all of gramma's belongings while still getting in my workouts to maintain my sanity.  All in all things are good, i am looking forward to not being completely exhausted as some point in every day and singing and dancing in my kitchen sounds fabulous!

thank you again for taking time out of your lives to share some encouragement with me, i truly appreciate it so very much



So sorry for your loss, Michelle.


Fruit may be part of your problem.  Sugar is the first fuel your body burns, because it is so easily converted.  That's why so many people get the 'carb flu' when starting this program.  It takes a while for your body to become fat-adapted, that is, to look first to fat for energy, not sugar or other simple carbs.  Feeding your body fruits on a daily basis may be enough to interfere with that conversion, and until it happens, many people are devoid of energy.

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I began January with no alcohol and 2 back to back 12 day cleanses that were similar but stricter than whole30, then I started W30...I am on day either 14 or 17 ( I Inadvertently used vanilla in my coffee for 3 days so "started over") anyhoos.. I am super exhausted no energy not like me at all, the last few days I really felt so irritable like kill all things! I am on my cycle right now too.. I just feel like I am stuck in day 4-7 of the timeline and I know everyone is different but have others experienced W30 with being cranky and exhausted still at day 14 (or 17 :) I am taking a day off today from working out which I do daily cuz I just don't feel like I can muster the energy.. I know it's whole30 not whole14 or 17 I am not quitting nor do I want to I am just curious if others have experienced a similar timeline?

Thank you for your thoughts

I am exhausted on Day 16 but I think I have a touch of a virus, too.  It is a tough time of year to have energy under the best of circumstances.  You might need a hefty dose of Vit D3 and a hug.  Sorry about your grandmother.


I think it is important to maintain some type of exercise routine even though you do not feel great.  Walk; on a treadmill if you live somewhere like I do where it is below zero.  Argh


Mentally, I feel better.  Physically?  I struggle a bit.  As you can tell from all of the other posts, you are not alone.  Your body is doing some serious repair work and it is draining.

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dizilizi- yes please eat more starchy carbs, but also consider a little rest time! Missing a workouts week does not mean you are required to add those on top of your regular routine the next. It sounds like 5 days in a row is too much. give yourself time to recover.

Missmary, thank you. Last week I wasn't making up for missed runs, I just had time to run more. I have backed off a little this week, I didn't run yesterday, but I'm still feeling so tired and now my body is fighting back at me. I've read and retread the timeline and I seem to way off, not that I ever expect to follow the curve, but my gut is not happy. I am anxiously awaiting the abounding in energy that I know is sure to come. I'll keep tweaking my post run and keep on keepin' on!!

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I am on day 20, woohoo. I have continued to feel exhausted by the end of the day. I have not worked out nearly half as much as I did before. Physically my legs feel super heavy and I feel exhausted. I've tried tweaking my meals a little bit. But like many of you, I'm just plugging away hoping for something to change soon. I've noticed I'm fine during the day, but as the evening starts I get really tired. I'm able to function doing little things (cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc.) but going for a run, biking, not possible. HELP! 


I'm wondering if I should force myself out of bed in the morning and try to get a workout in and see what happens? I usually workout in the evenings because I have more time and I belong to a few running clubs. 

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Okay so its day 23 now and I feel remarkably better! It wasn't until the end of day 21 that I started to feel any changes.  I went and got some of the Calm magnesium supplement and wonder if that has anything to do with it.  I also reduced my coffee intake and reduced the amount of nuts I was eating - some days I ate them like they were going out of style! I read that nuts can cause inflammation. I have a half marathon this Saturday and am hoping these good feelings continue so I can rock it out!

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First off, Congratulations on completing an Awesome half! I as well, need to cut back on my nut intake. I realized I've been eating more than a portion size at a time, especially after a long run when I'm hungrier. 


For me I know I didn't notice really any difference until the last week. I was very tired during the challenge, but now I have energy that feels amazing. It's not an over caffeinated jittery energy, it's a natural consistent energy. 


Are you still taking the Magnesium? 


Okay so its day 23 now and I feel remarkably better! It wasn't until the end of day 21 that I started to feel any changes.  I went and got some of the Calm magnesium supplement and wonder if that has anything to do with it.  I also reduced my coffee intake and reduced the amount of nuts I was eating - some days I ate them like they were going out of style! I read that nuts can cause inflammation. I have a half marathon this Saturday and am hoping these good feelings continue so I can rock it out!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I hear you!!! My first W30 I had LEAD for legs...I found it took me about 3 weeks b/f my runs and weigh w/o felt good. I had ABSOLUTELY NO umph!!! It will pass...think about you 2 back to back 12 day cleanses...you may have depleted yourself a bit much...give yourself time to rebuild. Hang in there!!!  

I'm only on day 2...but I just did my normal 4 miler and had to walk. My legs felt like they were on mile 13 not 3. This has never happened without an injury. I know my body is used to mega carbs from GF toast and my normal sugary snack the night before but HOLY MOLY that was lame. Glad this is not an abnormal occurrence.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In my first few days of Whole 30, I felt focused and clear.  Not many cravings, didn't miss "regular" foods.  About 10 days in, I experienced total fatigue during my heavy workout days.  For me, all it took was adding a bit of carbs back into each meal....about a 1/2 cup of sweet potato with cinnamon, and the fatigue diminished.  About day 18, I started feeling cranky.  I'm at day 24 now, and the crankiness is diminishing, and I'm feeling better.  Still a bit fatigued, but mood is improved. 

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Can't wait to feel the energy you guys r talking about. Day 23 and still feel weak. I'm a 6ft 211lb male that is an avid crossfiter and mountain biker. Tried Paleo before and never felt really energetic. I thought I'd try this again. Frustrating when your grain eating friend kills you on a mountain bike ride. Me and him used to be even. It's also annoying that you have to make sure your eating enough of this or that. When eating grains you just eat. U get fat but you have energy. Lol. Ugh! Can anyone help. I'm thinking this is good to lose weight but if you are a serious athlete your in trouble.

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