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Late dinner or no dinner

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I've had this issue through past whole 30's and still am not sure of the best way to go about it. I work 2 evening a week 3-9pm. I usually eat lunch around 1:30. I get 1/2 hr break at work but that could be anywhere from 4:00-8:00. My problem with eating while at work is my body's unpredictable response and often urgent bathroom needs after eating. So, I have always made sure to not eat at work. I'm not sure what to do, I get home by 9:30 and usually head right to bed by 10pm. Do I eat immediately before bed? Do I skip M3? Do I aim for very low fat, low veggie mini meal ( easily digestible)? Thanks for your help.

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That's quite a dilemma. For my body I'd probably just shift my meals earlier in the day but make my meal three more substantial and later in the day. So, I'd eat at 5:30, 10, and 2:30, then be done for the day. But I feel better sleeping on an empty stomach and can generally tolerate a long fast. I also don't have to worry about digestive stuff when I eat, though. Sorry for your trouble! Good luck figuring it out.

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Unfortunately, my hunger cues are still wacky. I skipped dinner last night and still had to force M1 within the hour of waking. I guess I'm more interested in hormone regulation and fat loss as compared to hunger. For too many years I only relied on cravings for what and when to eat, so I'm still going more by the clock rather than my brain.....I don't trust it yet, it's too sneaky!!

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I don't know why this is, but the later I eat in the evening, the hungrier I am in the morning. Maybe next time you work go ahead and eat late and see if that affects your hunger for the next day's M1.

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