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Is it normal for Week 2 to have all the "issues" of Week 1???


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I had an awesome Week 1, but now that I'm on Day 9, things are starting to change. I think part of it might be that I haven't gotten much more than 6-ish hours of sleep since Monday night, and it's been really hot and humid at work (back to school this week!) but I wanted to share my issues here and see if anyone has had a similar experience and could offer some feedback or suggestions.


Week 1: no cravings, no moodiness, great sleep (though not 8 hours), energy, "regular" in the bathroom, skin clear and glow-y, etc...


Start of Week 2: grouchy, headache, 2 bouts of diarrhea today, nearly licked icing off a knife at work yesterday, barely an appetite for lunch today, a zit on my chin...that kind of thing. Oh, and I dreamed about cheese. In my dream I piled shredded asiago on a salad. Then I guiltily scraped it off into the garbage can. Sheesh!


Here's a typical day of eating:

B: sauteed turkey or chorizo with spinach, apples, onions; 1-2 hard eggs; and either a bit of sweet potato or some berries with coconut milk; coffee with coconut milk or green tea

L: chicken breast or turkey meatloaf, greens, avocado, cauliflower rice


S: I had been having nuts and fruit, but I learned that I shouldn't be doing that, so yesterday it was a mini meal of tuna, tomato, spinach and balsamic and evoo


D: paleo chili or grilled steak, sauteed veggies with coconut oil, sweet potato or squash, or a salad. Toinight it's whitefish with capers, tomatoes, onions, chilis and olives, roasted red cabbage and half a baked sweet with some ghee. 


Any insights or feedback would be awesome!


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I'm in week two as well and I'm starting to really crave/miss certain foods this week too. Last week was novel and new...this week reality has set in that I won't be enjoying any fro yo for another three+ weeks. Sigh.

As for other "issues," could it be the nuts you were snacking on? I find they affect me that way if I overindulge.

Your meals look great...you're making me hungry.

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  • 8 months later...

I have just started week two and I am a mess!  Very emotional ... and feeling like I just want to give up.  I have enjoyed the cooking a lot and trying new recipes but I am feeling more like a social outcast ... really not wanting to go out ... and oh so tired of club soda with lime.  I am sleeping better than I have in a long time and I truly know this is for the best ... but how do I get through this day w/o giving in?

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ljb23- you are not alone! I posted this exact issue yesterday. It's Day 15 for me. I don't know if it was the need to get it off my chest or the busy schedule of my day or that I finally added coconut milk to my previously black coffee ;), but I really did feel a lot better today. At least physically. The emotional part of all of this is definitely the thing that has rocked me on my heels and surprised me the most. I *have* to believe that there is a breakthrough out of that soon. But I totally hear you on the wanting to just be alone and being tired of feeling like you're on some kind of diet island with club soda as your prize. Hahaha

Hang in there!

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