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Extreme dairy reaction


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I'm sure this has been answered before, so my apologies if this old hat, but I tried reintroducing dairy yesterday and got a horrible stomachache. I had milk in my coffee for breakfast and had 1/2 cup organic greek yogurt at lunch. I was ok after the milk but the yogurt gave me a horrible stomachache. I've never had a reaction to dairy before (I've always been a huge dairy consumer), so I'm surprised and disappointed. I'm back to my "regular" whole 30 plan today, but I'm wondering if I just can't have dairy anymore, or if I should try to reintroduce it again after I take some more time? And why would I have a reaction when I've never had problems before? I also couldn't sleep at all last night, which was disappointing because I had FINALLY gotten to a semi-good place with my sleep the very last week of the 30 days. Sigh. Now I'm nervous to try any other foods! Help!

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Hi There,


Moderator Physibeth best described what you are experiencing as this:  Think of it as a friend poking you in the arm for years.  Constantly and consistently.  Then one day they stop.  They stop for 30 days.  Enough for the permanent bruise that was on your arm to heal.  Then after 30 days it starts again.  It hurts.  It's uncomfortable.  You feel the pain now, whereas before you were just "used to it".


You stomach basically builds up a mucosal lining in order to deal with items that it cannot digest properly.  During your 30 days as your body heals the mucosal lining dissipates and heals.


Dairy is a funny one.  Some people cannot consume milk, but full fat greek yogurt is no problem.  Hard cheese is a problem, but soft cheese causes very little reaction. (or visa versa)  So if you want to get specific you should test each item individually.


Personally the only dairy that is "worth it" for me is butter.  Everything else is pretty much out of bounds.  It has come to a point where I can tolerate a very small amount without much problem but I really mourned dairy.  Now I don't really miss it except occasionally in dessert form :ph34r:

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Butter is a good first item for dairy, as it has only slightly extra things beyond ghee. If you can't handle butter, you probably can't handle anything else.


The lower the fat, the worse dairy hits me. Oddly yoghurt, which I'd always thought made me feel good, actually makes me quite sick :(


If you're wanting to feel your best though, reintroductions are always a gamble :)

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I also noticed that the lower the fat the worse dairy is for me. When I first did a dairy elimination and tried a latte to reintroduce it was 2% milk and I felt it noticeably, but then I did something full fat (later) and I was fine. Now on the odd days (usually when I have a free drink on my card) that I order a latte I always ask for full fat milk.

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I reintroduced dairy 4 days ago, with 3 small fresh mozzarella balls. My belly hasn't been the same since! I'm hoping it feels better soon, but it is enough to keep me from trying any more dairy any time soon.

It also has stalled me from reintroducing any other foods, with the exception of added sugar in prepared items.

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  • 3 months later...

I reintroduced diary a couple days ago. I knew from cutting it out of my diet in the past that it wasn't the best for me, but man, I never had a reaction like this before. I was up in the middle of the night and felt terribly nauseous. Thought for sure I was going to need to vomit, but didn't. Finally got back to sleep but the whole next day I was on and off nauseous and had a stomach ache and lower back pain. Oy. Not worth it at all.

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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone else had extreme headaches after eating cheese? I tried during the reintroduction and used an aged cheese (which does bring out migraines in some people). I never had headaches before. Very sad for the cheese!

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Things like yogurt and aged cheese cause me to cough myself inside out almost immediately, and then I get a horrible headache.  And the next day I feel like I'm hungover.


I'm still trying to find the magic combination of dairy that I can handle.  It's been difficult so far.

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