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How is this different for you?

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Whole30 is not a huge change for us. We have been gluten free for three years, and grain free for 6 months. We avoid fast food and very rarely eat out. We eat as a family, around the table. I am using many of the same recipes now as I did a month ago. It is the accompaniments and the evening drink that have changed.

I have consciously cut out a lot of dairy in the last few months.

So the big changes for me are:

No more grain free brownies or biscuits

No more whisky

No cream in my coffee

Eat less fruit and more vegetables.

No bacon for awhile, as the sugar free stuff is more expensive and less yummy.

How about you? What has changed for you?

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Dairy is the biggest change for me - or lack thereof...!

I've been grain/legume/processed food/added sugar-free for quite some time, but I LOVE my dairy (even though it does me no favours) so there is no real change in terms of shopping & food prep for me - other than cutting out the SWYPO treats I'd have had every now & then.


Saturday night though has historically been my 'cheat night' where I'll indulge in a gin&slim or three & eat some 'off-limits' food. I've felt of late though that it's become a habit, rather than a *need* and I want to break that cycle of 'Gin O'Clock'.


Black coffee sucked big time for the first few days but I've actually grown rather fond of it now - although I much prefer it in the evening when I finally get to sit down, rather than in the morning as was my usual routine.

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For me, the different things were legumes and occasional grains.  Hummus and popcorn were probably the two specific foods I missed the most. I'd already given up most dairy (I was still having kefir) and all sugar, so those weren't too hard. 


Now that I'm reintroducing foods, it's amazing the number of things that I really don't feel the need to bring back into my diet.  So far, the only things I am really happy about are allowing a little added sugar in things like ketchup, and not worrying so much about the type of oil in things like mayo.  I still haven't managed to try the compliant mayo recipe.


I am reintroducing wheat today, and will say that I've really enjoyed having the things I've had.  (Matzoh, breadsticks, wheat tortillas.)  I doubt I'll add it back in for long because it takes up so many calories and I still have 16 pounds to lose before I get to my goal weight.  Huh.  That means I'm halfway there.  Nice!


ThyPeace, lost the first ten in a Whole45, the second 5 in a Whole30.  So probably needs about three more Whole30s to get all the way there.  But slow.  The next Whole30 will be after Easter.

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This has been a pretty big shift for me.  The meal structure, the template, no dairy, grains, or sugar.  No alcohol.  I came off a pretty healthy version of the SAD, but I was still eating a SAD.  I was also a habitual snacker, and a meal skipper--i almost never ate breakfast before 22 days ago.


I used to eat a lot more like this, a few years ago, but even then I was pretty reliant on grains and dairy and legumes.  

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Day 5,

#1- No coffee with cream and sugar. I needed to get rid of the caffeine high every morning anyway.  Plain Tea and it's great.

#2- No Bread- (don't miss it).  My husband can't live without it- ( He is not on the program).

#3- My determination to "stop and look before eating it and MAKE BETTER choices for myself."

#4- Ate more salmon with salads.

#5-Spent more time preparing the healthier meals for myself and eating more veggies and spicing things up more.


I will be able to do this!  This has been an exciting awakening.  It's begins with education, a plan and determination especially at 57 years old.  I am determined to live healthier!



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I'm on day 10 and it honestly hasn't been too devastating. Luckily I oddly enjoy meal planning and am already known as the office "non-participator" when it comes to pizza lunches and donut/bagel mornings.


Dairy - not a big deal. I know that I am (at least) mildly lactose intolerant already, so most of the time I would have dairy before was when I really wanted it and deemed the subsequent unhappy tummy as 'worth it.'


Bread/Grains - bread in itself was not a big issue, I just by habit didn't eat much. We did eat lots of rice/noodles dishes (thanks a lot, previous time spent living in Japan), and I haven't really had cravings for any of it.


Alcohol - I don't drink, so no issues with that. I would occasionally use red wine to de-glaze a pan, but there's easy ways around that.


Legumes - no peanut butter, hummus, edamame, or beans in chili.... all which were occasional at best before.


Added sugar - I drank diet soda before, not for the zero calories, but because I liked the taste better than regular. I've given up soda before for periods of time, and I know that what I want when I want soda, is some very cold and carbonated. Other things, like candy and desserts, I would only eat at holidays or casual handfuls of other people's candy if they were sharing.


Really, the hardest moment was the other night when my husband (non-whole 30'er who eats without complaint whatever I give him) came home with a can of Pringles. I ignored him and continued to watch the movie my friends and I were watching.



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Oh, no. I thought that I could have lentil soup, and hummus. I was going to say that no sugar and milk in my tea, and no gains or dairy, would be huge for me.


Sorry, no legumes on a Whole30, unless you're doing the vegetarian/vegan plan.

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Is hummus made with zucchini and tahini okay? Kimberly Snyder has a recipe for that.


I think I'm just going to have to lurk, instead of doing the proper Whole30. The usual recommendations for digestive issues, don't always work for me, because just about everything comes back up - even water, unless I'm careful. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I actually decided to minimize grains in Jan.. I did a couple weeks grain free and then realized I don't really need them in EVERY meal.. It got me more focused on eating more veggies and fruits --  The dairy part isn't so hard as I really don't eat a lot to begin with.. but cheese.. I love cheese. I have to remind myself not to grab it and throw them on my eggs in the AM LOL


I saw something about the Whole30 and realized I might as well give this a shot.. I mean I already started minimizing a lot of this stuff out and I already try to eat mostly fresh foods(my food pantry compared to most peoples I know is almost BARE).. but this makes me eat all fresh foods and NO alcohol.. I love my beer ect.. but I am telling myself NOPE -- its only 30 days(who knows maybe more) --


Key to success is food prep for sure... I find that if the food is ready in the fridge I am more likely to eat that.. hopefully I can continue this once my husband returns from deployment in a few weeks.


Frequent trips to the store/farmers market for fresh produce & trying


I need to experiment with Whole30 Friendly SAUCES!! I need more pizzazz on some of my food.. I love big flavors so I could see that maybe being an issue with me :)




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Being a typical Brit I really miss a proper cup of tea with milk.  I've tried almond milk in the past but it just isn't the same so I'm content with fruit and herb teas now.  I never drank coffee to start with so nothing to miss there.  I would like rice and chickpeas back, I adore hummus and I make a lot of curries and rice just 'goes' with curry.  Like most on here I would also like cheese back but have a suspicion it's not good for me :(


Overall though W30 hasn't been a radical shift for me as I have always cooked at home, rarely eat out and my meal templates have never been a million miles off the W30 template.  My biggest challenge was stepping away from chocolate and Coke Zero and giving in at team meetings where the table was laden with 'brown food'... you know the sausage roll/pasty/ samosa/spring roll type finger foods that are deep fried, cheap and tasteless?

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where the table was laden with 'brown food'... you know the sausage roll/pasty/ samosa/spring roll type finger foods that are deep fried, cheap and tasteless?

Ya, no joke! When I first got clued in to paleo-type eating, I was amazed at how grain-laden all potlucks, buffets, etc are!

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Ya, no joke! When I first got clued in to paleo-type eating, I was amazed at how grain-laden all potlucks, buffets, etc are!


At our team meeting yesterday the sight of it actually made me feel nauseous and I was glad to sit with my home made salad bursting with colour and packing a punch of flavour with peppered smoked mackerel.

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#1: Alcohol free on the weekends. This was one of the reasons I wanted to do W30. I've been alcohol free for almost six weeks now, without a problem.

#2: Dairy free. Pre-W30, I had Greek yogurt and low fat cheese daily as snacks and as my main source of calcium.

I haven't really missed anything.

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Being dairy free has been my biggest change.  Not necessarily a challenge though.  I used a lot of butter in cooking and on my food.  I loaded everything with cheese and I usually had a big glass of milk with dinner every night.  I miss it but I can live without it.

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Biggest change for me is alcohol. I'm 25 and live in middle of Boston. Lots of social events are centered around drinking, and I won't lie and say I don't thoroughly enjoy it. St. Patrick's Day is a BIG thing in Boston and even bigger in the particular neighborhood of South Boston that I live in. This year, the St. Patrick's Day parade fell on day 15 of my W30 so it was pretty interesting to experience that completely sober. I actually had to remove myself from it and go make dinner at my friend's house around 5pm because every person in my house and on the streets of South Boston was completely inebriated. 


Another noticeable change is legume. I'm not a big peanut eater, and often will grab almond butter over peanut butter, but I am definitely a hummus lover.


I definitely don't miss anything as much as I miss a big class of Pinot Noir on a Friday night.

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I have been "low carb" since January (and have been low carb before.)


I was already avoiding grains, starchy veggies and I was not "fat phobic."

What has changed is:


1. No dairy. I miss my heavy whipping cream, but I was using too much of it anyway.

2. I can eat more veggies (such as sweet potatoes) which I believe to be nutritional powerhouses.

3. I can eat fruit.


I plan to transition back to low carb when my this Whole 30 is complete.

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