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I Want To Give Up!

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I'm in the middle of day 19 out of 30. I know I am almost to the finish line, but I wanna give up! Well, I want to and I don't want to. Of course I'm getting tired of the foods. Missing sugar, etc. I also don't want to give up though because then I feel like I've wasted all the time and effort I put into the Whole30 so far. I just want so much that I can't have right now and it's making me easily irritable. Anyone else gone through this?

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Focus on three things:


1. How far you've already come

2. All the AWESOME food you can have

3. You're already more than half way there...!!

You can do this. Just stay focussed and think of what there is to gain.... Better long term health, better sleep cycles, improved mood, clear head etc etc etc. Think of why you started in the first place & evaluate how close you are to your goals. It's the weekend - have a read through some recipe suggestions, make a shopping list & get food prepping some new & exciting recipes for the coming days - there are lots of them.

Don't look back - you're not going there. It's a blip - the sugar dragon trying to claw you back to the dark side... This too will pass!!  B)

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Thanks everyone for the replies. If I break down all the stuff I have accomplished so far (especially saying no to the darn sugar dragon over and over) it does make me realize that I CAN do it. And that there is no real good reason to not want to finish. Benefits in the long run do out weight the cravings. I will just keep on trucking. Only 11 more days anyways. :)

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Time to find some new/different recipes and/or foods? Styles, spices, or techniques you haven't tried, new vegetables that were intimidating towards the beginning, anything to ward off food boredom? It's so easy to get into food habits. We change them in starting a whole30, but then you can end up just forming new ones, and forget how much variety there really is.

I'm only on day 13, but I'm eating more *different* things so far on whole30 than I did before, and there's still so much I just haven't tried yet because it's unfamiliar. If you're tired of the foods, now is the time to embrace "unfamiliar."

One of my big blocks to trying a new recipe is ingredients that I can't find, but they can usually be substituted for something else. Might not be exactly the same dish, but that doesn't mean it can't be good. (Whole30 food is distinctly cooking rather than baking, its not like making a cake where you need precision for specific chemical reactions to occur. You really can do almost anything you want to a recipe.)

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Hang in there! You can do it! 


If you are still super struggling with a sugar dragon double check what you are eating and how you are eating it to ensure you are not accidentally keeping it awake with compliant table scraps. ;) If you are not sure you can post a few days of what you are eating including portion sizes, water, sleep, stress, and activity and we might be able to give you some tweeks to quiet the beast. 

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Day 20 and still going.

Physibeth: I think sometimes when I crave something I eat fruit, which is probably the least great choice. I feel that when I do that the cravings are only worse later in the day. Cause I'm still giving into that craving with compliant carbs/sugar (fruit).

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Day 20 and still going.

Physibeth: I think sometimes when I crave something I eat fruit, which is probably the least great choice. I feel that when I do that the cravings are only worse later in the day. Cause I'm still giving into that craving with compliant carbs/sugar (fruit).


You are absolutely correct. When dealing with a craving the first question is to ask yourself why you want to eat. If the answer is true hunger (like you could eat the blandest thing ever to satisfy your need) then have a mini meal with protein and fat and veg (not just fruit and nuts - say a hard boiled egg or 2, carrot sticks, and some homemade mayo). If the answer is anything else then you are filling a non-food need with food. This is a long learned habit that is so very hard to break and I speak from tons of personal experience. Learning to re-identify what the need really is and fill it correctly is hard work but really rewarding work. Have some tea, read a book, call a friend, take a walk, etc. That will help reprogram your cravings and feel more fullfilled.

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