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Getting ready to begin -Advice of tech tools/apps?


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Hi all,


I am getting ready to begin my first Whole 30 and am looking for advice. I love tech tools and am wondering if any has any apps they love to use for tracking their whole 30 progress? Maybe logs for daily notes, countdowns, inspiration & motivation, etc?


Looking forward to a new challenge!




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Healthy eating has nothing to do with technical monitoring. Be careful. 


Be careful of apps that provide an estimate of calories and macro nutrient ratios if you feed it a report of what you are eating. This information is the opposite of what we want you considering during a Whole30. The internet and too many on this forum will tell you all about "cool" apps that will undermine the success of your Whole30 in a New York minute. :)

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Thank you for your reply. I agree with what you are saying, which is why i posted this question here. I have had those apps that count calories, etc. and that isn't what I am looking for to help me through my whole 30. I don't care about calories, but I am just looking for anything cool out there to help us along the journey. I am thinking of something that you could enter your start date and it conuts down to your completion date, gives you motivation along the way, etc...

Any ideas?



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Posted 21 June 2012 - 08:24 AM

"I usually try to record and look at the data daily (or at least often enough to get a notion) - calories,nutrients, etc, with the emphasis on nutrients and macronutrient ratios. Should I drop this during the Whole30 and concentrate just on the log here, or keep doing it to see my carb/fat/protein/vitamin/mineral intake? "

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. ~ Aristotle

#2 icon_share.pngTom Denham

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Posted 21 June 2012 - 09:18 AM

Drop it. During a Whole30, we want you to practice listening to your body. Counting/tracking gets in the way. You don't even need to keep a food log. A log helps so that we can spot when you might need to eat more protein, fat, or carbs, but a log should not be a substitute for tracking/counting. Your body may not be giving great signals now, but ultimately, your body is more authoritative than any record could be. 


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There's one called MealLogger where you can take a photo and then write in what you ate. Not numbers, just a photo and a description. If I were using it more, my phone wouldn't be so clogged with the billion and one food pictures, and I'd actually remember what the foods in the pictures are. I've made so many jumbles of various vegetables with various seasonings, served with various proteins and topped with avocado.. and an awful lot of very different meals end up looking the same in my pictures! (Not quite sure why I don't use it more.)

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I didn't use any apps on my whole 30 (though I have fitness pal). You honestly don't need them. If you want to instagram your food pics, that's a social option, but the 2 things I found useful:


1. Keep a log + journal of all your meals each day. Nothing fancy, just exactly what you ate/drank for M1, M2, M3. And note any physical/emotional reactions and symptoms ie. better sleep last night, very hungry mid afternoon, *really* wanted a beer tonight etc. This is both an invaluable artifact/document of your whole 30 and will also enable you to better troubleshoot any issues that might be food related because you'll know exactly what you've been eating.


2. I was taking photos of my meals every week - not every day per se but a random sample of M1, M2, M3. I wanted a visual snapshot of what my week in food looked like so I could quickly assess by colour/ratio/portion on my plate that I was eating a healthy quantity and diverse balance of foods. I'm lazy. I like pictures. Again, I found it an interesting visual archive. :)


Best of luck!

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Thanks everyone for your input.... it feels like there is an opportunity to create a "good" Whole 30 app - designed by Whole 30ers specifically for Whole 30. Oh well, my focus right now is on changing my relationship with food, maybe I will build the app after I actually complete the program!

Wish me luck, I am going to start as soon as I can prepare my kitchen and plan some meals.

Thanks again for all your help!


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Ian, I also loved the whole30 newsletter. Starting each day with whole30 info and support was great, plus there are lots of links and meal inspirations.

It sounds like you're looking for a journal of sorts - in app form. I was also hoping for something like this in my first whole30. I'm starting my second whole30 and this time I'm just going to use a really lovely paper journal. I also highly recommend It Starts With Food(book) - it has a huge section dedicated to the whole30 and reintroducing foods, plus so much more to help you dive into any food topic that you want more info on.

Good luck!

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Thanks everyone for your input.... it feels like there is an opportunity to create a "good" Whole 30 app - designed by Whole 30ers specifically for Whole 30. Oh well, my focus right now is on changing my relationship with food, maybe I will build the app after I actually complete the program!

Wish me luck, I am going to start as soon as I can prepare my kitchen and plan some meals.

Thanks again for all your help!


Have you tried "My Paleo Pal"? It's an app where you can post pictures of meals. Not all are Whole30 approved, but majority of them are paleo at least. It's an easy way to track visually your meals. 

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I have a little trouble staying motivated sometimes so that is what I got an app for.  It is called "Don't Break the Chain" and gives automated "way to go!" type snippets as you cross off the days you have been doing something.  You can use it for anything I guess such as counting down to a holiday, days you visit the gym etc etc.  I am using it to cross off the days on Whole30 and get my "Atta girl!" from it. ;)


Free version (which I use) allows you to use only one calendar to cross off days.  Paid version lets you use multiple calendars.


I think it is iPhone only for the app but they do have a website too.

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