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Daily Goal - What's Yours


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Being an inveterate list-maker, I noticed a while back that at the end of a day, I often focused on what I had NOT accomplished, rather than what had actually gotten done. It didn't make me happy. I like being happy, so I changed making the list to the end of the day and only wrote down all the things I did. Wow. What a difference.

Still, I like having a focal point for the day ahead, so I am going to start adding a daily goal to the beginning of the day to see if it diverts my tendency to start 72 different things that I don't finish.

Today it is making Whole30-compliant spice mixes and sauces from the Well Fed, Against All Grain and Nom Nom Paleo cookbooks.

What's yours?

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I have a to-do list today: grocery shopping, 60 minute run, family meal day (We have a family meal on Saturdays at my mom's and I cook supper). But those are activities I'm doing, not my goals per se. So I'd reframe my list as: I'd like to savour my time with my family. Really *savour* spending time at the gym with my 82-year-old mom (She's super cute in her little board shorts + wet shirt. Her standard aquafit wardrobe). Nourish and nurture my family with food we can all enjoy.


Also, my goal every day is to have a good hair day. Sometimes I get good karma, other days not. ;) Good luck everyone!

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Like Evaq I always have 'To Do' lists, but my daily goal has been the same for some time - to see the good in people & situations, to show gratitude, and to do at least one random act of kindness. What started it all off was on one horrible, wet day when I approached the ATM machine and the woman using it was struggling with her purse & shopping bags & I held my umbrella over her until she got sorted. She actually cried she was so grateful - she said up until then her week had been a disaster & it was the first kind thing anyone had done for her in a long time.... It cost me nothing but was very humbling, & made me think how we should be grateful for the simple things...

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Y'all are inspiring.

Today, Day 5, I am going to till the vegetable garden and turn the 2nd compost pile. I'll enjoy the newly budding trees, the forsythia blooms and my sweaty sweetheart while he digs holes under the pines for azaleas.

I am grateful for Spring!

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