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Just getting Started


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Today is my first day on Whole30.  I am nervous and optimistic:)  I have my meals planned for the day.  I will measure myself to have comparisons at my 30 day mark.  I tried black coffee yesterday for the first time.  It wasn't great, but not as bad as I expected without my wonderful creamer.

I am motivated by everyone's results.  I am 48 years old and fast approaching 50!  I would like to feel better energy wise, get off my blood pressure medication if possible, and drop some of the weight I put on when I turned 40 (approximately 15lbs). I am hopeful if I use this forum to check in each day it will help me stay on track.  I am doing it on my own, and its always more fun and motivating when you take things on with others.

I am afraid I will do okay through out the day, but after work and this evening any suggestions if my hunger or cravings kick in?  This is my most vulnerable time to cave between 7pm until I go to sleep.  I am working on clearing items off my counters and out of my pantry that I can't eat for the next month.

I am open to any great suggestions.




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...but after work and this evening any suggestions if my hunger or cravings kick in? This is my most vulnerable time to cave between 7pm until I go to sleep.

Make more food than you need at any one time. This will help for two reasons: you'll always have compliant food on hand for leftovers and when you don't feel like cooking, and it will allow you to have a template mini-meal instead of reaching for a snacky-type food. Cleaning out your pantry is a good idea, but new folks often find themselves reaching for snacks that are technically compliant in name if not in spirit, i.e. snacking on dried fruit, handfuls of nuts, shredded coconut, etc. having real food made up will let you make that mini-meal of protein & fat that is recommended.

Make sure you include enough good fat sources in each meal, potentially more than you think especially the first week or so as you get used to eating by the template. Whether it's homemade mayo, coconut oil, avocado, or olives --- these types of foods can help you feel satiated from your meals. The goal is to have a meal "last" you for 4-5 hours, and getting the portion size right for your body & activity level can take some tweaking at first.

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Also just to add onto Kirkor's great advice


If you are coming from a Standard American Diet (SAD) you might need to keep the consumption of starchy veggies on the higher end as well.  Try to consume at least 1 a day.  What we mean by starchy veggies are: sweet potato, white potato, any sort of squash, carrots, parsnip, celery root, beets, basically any root vegetable.


Also if you are worried about when cravings hit - make up a distraction list.  This is a list that you can go to when the cravings hit.  It is basically so you can take you mind off of the cravings.  It could be something like: go for a walk, take a bubble bath, read a magazine or book, knit, do your nails, do some push ups, basically anything that can be done - instead of indulging in a craving.


Also if you are truly hungry - then please do eat!  This plan is not about starving yourself at any point.

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To echo the great suggestions from Kirkor, make sure you eat enough.  Eating too light at breakfast can set you up for an evening of cravings and 
"need" to snack.  It's very difficult if not impossible to make up for a small breakfast.  


Also, from my experience, it helps to close the kitchen. Once dinner is cleaned up and lunches are made and in the fridge, close the kitchen.  In our house once the kitchen is closed the only permissible kitchen item is clear tea.  This is a nice line in the sand so that there is no "deciding" whether to go scavenging.  ;)  

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Okay!  Thank you for all the great ideas!  I love them:) Starting Day Two and eating my breakfast of scrambled eggs (2) with onion, peppers, and some spinach. Topped with some avocado for good fats as suggested, I am a good student:) and some strawberries to satisfy morning sweet tooth.  Tastes great and so far so good.  Even enjoying my black coffee today...who would have thought?

I did have a hard time with cravings and urges last night.  I wasn't hungry, just wanted something sweet to eat.  To deal with it, I just put myself to bed early so I wouldn't be near the kitchen.  Enjoyed some magazines and a book.  Have to say....I slept great last night, woke up early and feel well rested.

I often wake up in the middle of the night for like 1-3 hours and can't sleep, so disruptive!  I am always grateful for a great nights sleep.

I am glad its the weekend, so if I get that icky headache feeling I have the days off and don't have to be at work to deal with them.  I like the idea of having some good things to eat on hand, and I am going to the store today to get items to make mayo and salsa.  I will get more apples and tangerines for sweet cravings in the evenings.

My worry today is I am going out to lunch with a friend, and I am concerned about finding items on the menu to help me stay on course.  I am eating a nice big breakfast so I won't be starving.  Also, I am thinking about bringing my own vinaigrette for a salad if I can find a good one on the menu.  Any good suggestions for when I eat out?  I know I will be going out to eat again later this weekend and really want to follow this plan.

I appreciate all the good advice and will try to check in each morning for my progress.  I did do my measurements, but prefer not to post them on line, maybe after the 30 days are over to look at comparisons.

Thanks again everyone:) 

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...some strawberries to satisfy morning sweet tooth.....

.....I will get more apples and tangerines for sweet cravings in the evenings.....


Rookie mistake - If you are having cravings for sweet foods it's best NOT to feed that craving with fruit - that will only keep the sugar dragon alive. Try upping your protein & fat intake, and keep the fruits & snacky foods (dried fruit/nuts) to a minimum. You want to show that sugar dragon who's boss!


And nope, no corn allowed on whole30.

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Hmmmm.  Here I am at day 3!  Woke up with a headache, and glad it's Saturday.  No corn, no hummus.  And avoid too much fruit to satisfy cravings.  I typically try not to eat too much meat.  So if I limit my fruit, and try to focus on protein, veggies, and fats.  How many eggs allowed in a day?  i was going to make some egg/avocado salad today with homemade mayo.  I had eggs (1 with some egg white mixed in) this morning for breakfast(put in peppers, onions, and a couple of tablespoons of cooked ground beef over a little tomato and topped with a little avacado, but concerned about too many eggs and too much meat.  It is a strange transition for me.  I will keep working at it!

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Also, I only had 4 strawberries with breakfast yesterday and today.  I had 3 apple slices at lunch and a tangerine before I went to bed.  Fruit isn't excessive, just a little bit....is that okay?

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If eggs are your main source of protein in a meal then you should be eating the number you can hold in one hand - that means 3-4 eggs for most people. One, with an added egg white is not enough. As for how many you can eat in one day I've had days where I've had as many as nine.

Fruit is fine so long as you're eating it with, or directly after a meal, and a maximum of two serving per day. Just don't let the fruit push your veg off the plate - eat the veg, and you've still more room *then* eat the fruit, or include it as part of your meal.

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  How many eggs allowed in a day?


You might want to google Whole30 eggs for past discussions on this, but assuming your concern is cholesterol levels (that's what most people are concerned about with eggs, although it may not be your concern), you might find this thread helpful.


As far as meat, you might find the Conscientious Omnivore series of articles interesting -- I'd start with this one, it's the introduction to the series.

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Thank you so much for the great information!!  I will continue on with my eggs!!  On to day #4...definitely craving and slight headache.  I suffer from allergies, and the food transition/sugar is definitely giving me headaches.  I have a history of headaches, so not surprised my body would give me this:(  I am going to hang in there and hope it passes as I get through my first week.

I continue to enjoy my black coffee (only one cup).  Sticking to the meal plan and keeping fruit as minimal in my meals.


Boy, last night I went to my parents house for dinner.  My mom is so wonderful and thought of kabobs of chicken and shrimp to give me some options at the dinner table.  I asked my father when he grilled them to not put any sauce on my kabobs.  When I sit down at the table, what did he do?  He put the sauce on my meat.  I was sooooo hungry and had a raging headache.  My mom knew I was upset, and my father said...."you will be okay...that little bit won't hurt you"  I don't know if its true or not, but I was so upset.  There was all this yummy food on the table, I was starving, and I had a raging headache.

I just excused myself and went home(I live alone and can manage my eating at home).  I was so upset, probably from feeling cranky/ tired as well.  It is hard when some people around me will support how important this is to me, and when others don't take it seriously.  It is hard enough for me... gosh...that sure didn't help!!

There were veggies on the table, but I wanted some protein.  I should have just made some scrambled eggs.  I just really wanted those yummy kabobs!!

I hope I don't bump up against this again, and grateful I can control eating in my own home.

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