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How much is too much?


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My daily breakfast usually includes, along with eggs, an apple and approved nut butter.  My wife feels that eating the apple and nut butter every day is too much.  It's usually the only fruit I eat in a day and definitely the only time I eat nut butter.  Is my wife correct?

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Do you mean too much portion wise?


You need way more protein, vegetables and good dietary fats for every meal.  Nut butters and nuts are not supposed to be used as the main fat source on a Whole 30.   A moderator will come on shortly and will have all of the template rules linked at the bottom of their post in their signature.

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A single serving each of fruit & nut butter per day is not too much, no. Especially as part of a meal. Watch for "creep", though: if the apple/nut butter starts showing up as a snack as well, or if the serving of nut butter becomes 6 Tbsps, then you may need to dial it back.

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Just to add to what meadow & kirokor have said I'd add that you shouldn't be allowing fruit to push veggies off of your plate at any meal so as long as you're eating veggies with the eggs then the apple is okay. There are better fat sources than nut butter though.

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Thanks. This is just breakfast, which consists of a couple of eggs, spinach, the apple and nut butter (about 2 tbls). This will sustain me til lunch. I get plenty of other proteins and vegetables. I probably could use more fats in the morning but this satisfies me. It sounds like I'm ok. I also don't snack. Thanks again for the feedback. It's helpful to know I can get it.

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Thanks. This is just breakfast, which consists of a couple of eggs, spinach, the apple and nut butter (about 2 tbls). This will sustain me til lunch. I get plenty of other proteins and vegetables. I probably could use more fats in the morning but this satisfies me. It sounds like I'm ok. I also don't snack. Thanks again for the feedback. It's helpful to know I can get it.


Between the eggs and the nut butter you are getting plenty of fat at that meal. What you may lack is protein. Nut butters are a fat source for Whole30 and a palm sized serving of eggs is as many whole eggs as you can hold in one hand without dropping them. Personally I'd advise adding a couple more eggs and losing the nut butter or adding some additional non-egg protein to your meal.

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