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Starting May 11th


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Coffee black...it all came down to finding a really good, smooth coffee that I could drink black and not cry a little into my cup.  I love Italian roast coffee, it tastes the smoothest to me, with no bitter after taste.  I sound like a commercial, don't I?  Anyway, Starbucks is too bitter, Tullys is just off, can't find Caribou consistently around here, so on-line to Amazon I went.   The Bean Coffee company - Italian roast - simply delish.  And I am someone who always drank coffee with heavy whipping cream, or half-half with whipped cream on it...yes, I admit it.  Dairy whore.  Day 25 and I'm still mulling over what will I eat...how about, why will I eat?  Am I eating just because I can or do I truly desire this item?  I know I'll stay away from bread because if I don't, I'm liable to hijack a bread truck making deliveries to the grocery store.  I thought I would have cheese, but read above: dairy whore, so that's out.  If I eat pasta, I'm liable to make garlic bread and there may be an unfortunate incident involving loaves of bread disappearing. Wine gives me a migraine and makes me bitchier in the morning than I already am.  I don't like traditional fast food like McD's or other servants of evil like that...so, I'm down to Justine's Maple almond butter on a honeycrisp apple and a tablespoon of pinto beans added to a turkey-meat taco salad, with salsa verde, diced tomatoes, avocado and lots of chopped romaine.  I am super dull.

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Finished day 11. I had a strange thing happen last night....was watching the hockey game with my husband and he was eating chocolate. I didn't crave the chocolate but was feeling kind of sad because I couldn't have any. Soooo I headed to my jigsaw puzzle and that took my mind off of the chocolate.

My energy has been great and food preparations are getting easier each day. I would call this good progress.

Have a great evening.

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Jeanie - I saw this today and it speaks to what your husband says, which is like a foreign language to me too!! lol!




I am an abstainer for sure! All or nothing, baby!

Good article Init2! Abstaining all the way!

Thanks for posting

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Day 26 and I'm barely holding on here ladies.  Like I said before we are going out of town to celebrate our anniversary on Sunday (day 29) through Wednesday (2 days post whole30).  I had kinda decided that 28 days was good enough which turned into 26 days is good enough.  Pair that with going to my favorite Mexican food restaurant and having a bowl of warm salty tortilla chips chunky salsa and delicious guacamole all on the table in front of me.  I resisted, but it was hard.  I also have to confess that I stepped on the scale this morning.  I imagine that has a big part with my wanting to quit.  I feel like I have given it a go and will incorporate a lot of what I've learned into my diet long term, but I just don't think it's really changed my life.  Ugh!  I feel like I've done enough, but I don't want to be sorry later.

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KathiSeattle - you're so funny!

St. Sophia - I really hope it's just the period and allergies. Where the hell is your tiger? Here kitty, kitty...

You're too sweet to be a Debbie Downer - besides, we're here to support you with the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Stopped over my friend Jean's house (Jmn1962) on the way home from work today. We swapped out the usual wine in our wine glasses for kombucha with a couple lemon and lime slices. It's was really refreshing, and I know I didn't miss the wine at all. We had a few good laughs over the trials and tribulations of W30. Jean is feeling much better and looking pretty vibrant! She's ready to take on the rest of W30!

Day 25 tomorrow! Woot!

Have a pleasant sleep! And good morning to our friends across the pond ;-)

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DEBZ: be careful of spiced teas. a lot of them add stevia and other "natural flavors." I just had The Most Hilarious 3-weeks long email exchange with the T2 tea company about their milky oolong with "natural and artificial flavors" where literally after weeks of back and forth trying to get an ingredient list, they finally say one of their natural flavors is a sweetener. In the tenth email when I ask what sweetener, they say, 'honey syrup" COME ON. 



Thank you, Sophia. I ran and checked my tea… I've been drinking a cup a night all through this… No stevia. Just rooibos. But seriously??? Tea2teas "natural" flavor is honey syrup? That's so sneaky of them! Good for you, for hounding them into admitting it. I bet other companies pull all kinds of tricks like that under the guise of "natural flavors". Good grief! Nothing is sacred. 

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don't beat yourself up. It's just bad timing. If you have to stop now, try again when you can or want to. You're a really strong person and we all know you have the power within to get through a W30 (when you don't have vacation planned before the end). We are here, and we support you.

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re: black coffee -- I'm a half and half gal myself, but a dash of cinnamon in my black coffee has made a world of difference. i try cardamom too, but it's not the same without the creamy counterbalance. 


Debz - i actually just looked at the email and this is what the final email reads (after so much stupid back and forth with them avoiding telling me ANYTHING that's in their product gah): "it's a natural sweetener called sugar syrup". Hah. I had a good laugh when i saw that. 


Amanda - what Jeanie said, same goes for me. you totally can do this, but if the timing's not right, well, then you'll just do it at a time when it is. we're here for ya. 


M1 spaghetti pie (spaghetti squash baked with tomato sauce, ground pork, egg, & italian spices) 

S1 watermelon

M2 spaghetti pie + snap peas + arugula tomato salad w olive oil and vinegar + almonds + pear

S2 walnuts and a piece of dried fruit

M3 spaghetti pie + snap peas + arugula tomato salad w vinaigrette dressing 


good night everyone! here's to a sleep without pee breaks!

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I'm still hanging in there. Some of what I hoped would be NSVs aren't panning out. I tried to stop my reflux meds, since I know so many people experience great improvement with that. But that was a bad idea. I've restarted. I also can't fall asleep at night. I don't have crazy tiger blood during the day, or at night for that matter, which is fine. So that's not what's keeping me up, I just can't sleep at all. I'm getting frustrated.

But, my skin is definitely clearer, my jeans are huge, and my cravings are pretty much non-existent, so it's all good.

I'm really worried about what will happen on day 31.I'm hoping I can keep it together and be smart about reintroduction and very occasional indulgences.

I'm so proud of this group. Making it this far whether some are choosing to end a bit early or keep going, is a huge win all around.

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What are the chances... I started having a pounding headache on my way home from work yesterday. I ended up taking some ibuprofen because it was too much to handle and I was getting very discourage because I started this challenge to help with migraines/headaches. My vision started getting weird and I noticed the aurora (tingling in my hands). I ended up canceling my neurologist appointment to rest. To give the challenge the benefit of the doubt, my migraine wasn't that intense and I didn't have to take my Maxalt. My husband then came home with a fever of 101!! So I attempted to get the children baths and fed and to bed. I made some steak I had in the freezer with some potatoes (starchy veggie do help with headache!). I was almost at my breaking point last night with the headache, but I knew my thought process was rash and ended up going to bed at 8 with the children. Woke up this morning with a small bit of a headache and just all around not feeling 100%. My vision is also off which I think may contribute to the headaches. I need to go see the eye doctor. I'm going to see if I can see them ASAP. I also need to go grocery shopping as most of our fresh veggies are gone and fresh meats. I think after the Whole 30, I'm going to do some supplement with juicing of leafy greens, maybe in the morning with my eggs. I don't think I'm eating enough veggies. 

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Debz - i actually just looked at the email and this is what the final email reads (after so much stupid back and forth with them avoiding telling me ANYTHING that's in their product gah): "it's a natural sweetener called sugar syrup". Hah. I had a good laugh when i saw that. 




This morning I emailed Celestial Seasoning, to start my own long term correspondence regarding natural flavors, because "natural flavors" are in the herbal tea I've been drinking every night. There was no hint of anything sweet in the ingredients, not even rooibos, and yet it is sweet tasting. Errrgh. I already feel angry at them, without even knowing for sure what those natural flavors are, because big corporations get around rules and regulations through nefarious loopholes all the time to dupe the public into buying their products. I'm hoping Celestial Seasonings doesn't do that, because they are a respected brand, but I'm having my doubts. 


If it turns out that my tea was spiked with clandestine sugar syrup, I am starting over. ::Stamps feet, slams door, pouting….:: I wanted my Whole30 to be 100% compliant, dammit! 


So, maybe it's day 26, maybe it's not. Doesn't matter. I'm so mad at big industry right now! Consumers don't stand a chance.


Okay. Done sounding off...


Breakfast: Sauteed spinach and 3 eggs.

Lunch: Leftover chicken thighs and sweet potato, blueberries.

Dinner: To be determined…. going shopping.


Nickie - Hope you feel better. Migraines are the worst.

Amanda - I agree with everyone else, we're here for you, and respect any decision that you make on your personal journey. 


Everyone - I'm so happy for this little group of intrepid Whole30-ers. It is really a process unlike any other, and I'm grateful for all of you.  :)


::Stomps away to the herb garden to make her own dam herbal tea!::

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Day 26 and I'm barely holding on here ladies.  Like I said before we are going out of town to celebrate our anniversary on Sunday (day 29) through Wednesday (2 days post whole30).  I had kinda decided that 28 days was good enough which turned into 26 days is good enough.  Pair that with going to my favorite Mexican food restaurant and having a bowl of warm salty tortilla chips chunky salsa and delicious guacamole all on the table in front of me.  I resisted, but it was hard.  I also have to confess that I stepped on the scale this morning.  I imagine that has a big part with my wanting to quit.  I feel like I have given it a go and will incorporate a lot of what I've learned into my diet long term, but I just don't think it's really changed my life.  Ugh!  I feel like I've done enough, but I don't want to be sorry later.

Amanda, I understand - I think I've learned ALOT and will absolutely carry many, many things with me including staying 90% Paleo.  But I don't feel the life-changing effects that many others have.  I think I just don't have the food sensitivities many do (and I'm thankful for that!!).  I do know that I have an unhealthy relationship with food and lord knows I like my wine - so this program has helped me immensely in that respect!  Don't beat yourself up.  You've come so far!

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Oh DebZ!

My stomach is flipping and I'm feeling so frustrated for you. Damn girl!!!! But this thread just might be still going for another 30, 60, 90 days, so we're all starting to count again with you! So frustrating Since you've been such a diligent W30 follower - damn company!

Nicki- I have occasional migraines, maybe one a month, I did find when I followed Paleo for a very long time, the migraines basically went away. I still get flutters, but no pain. It just may take longer since yours are more intense. Don't give up sweetie.

Arin- hang in there, maybe your tiger is just a sweet calm cub and still needs to grow ;-) I occasionally have a sleepless night too, in fact I had one last night! Something in the air??!!

Today is National Donut Day. WTF!?!? Really??? How about National Spinach Day America?? And yes, there's freakn' donuts everywhere today at the office. Um No Thank You! I'm in a size smaller jeans today :-)

Be strong, we're almost there!

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There are donuts all over my facebook feed!  Low carb ones too.  Argh!


I am bored of all the food!  There is nothing I feel like eating (not even a donut).  Or maybe I am bored of cooking.  I don't know.  I'm kind of in a pissy mood.  Went to the doctor yesterday and for the first time in my life, I have high blood pressure.  I'm really upset.  Here I am, eating real food, nothing processed, and my BP is up.  WTH.

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Thanks for the encouraging words, Jeanie!! 


Hang in there, everyone!


Debz - I have a lot of respect for you and wanting to do this fully compliant! I applaud you for starting fresh. We will definitely be here supporting you!! You have also brought to the surface one of the greatest lessons that I will take from all of this -- there are so many loopholes in the food industry and they are able to sneak in ingredients everywhere and anywhere!! It has made me so much more aware of the issue and the need for change. 


I realized this morning that nuts are not my friend. I have had heartburn the past couple days and the only thing that I have added in is a small handful of cashews before a workout. It leads to hours of burning in the ole' esophagus.  :o I'm a little disappointed because I love nuts but I am also grateful to this program because I never would have put the pieces together. Now that I have eliminated so many things, I know that if I add something I don't eat every day and I get a negative reaction to it, I can choose to not eat that food. Awesome! 


There were definitely donuts in the break room this morning.... they looked delicious so I picked up the box and read the ingredients...suddenly, they didn't look so delicious. There must have been over 50 ingredients for those simple looking, glazed donuts. They may look like food, but from the long list of ingredients which I can not even pronounce, they are actually far from it. I'll pass!!


Happy Friday!!

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OH NO DEBZ! That BLOWS. UGH. i feel like such an ass!!! that wasn't why i posted about the tea - just wanted people to be aware how damn sneaky those companies are. Truly. T2 was the second that I've had unbelievably frustrating correspondences with. Sadly, the other was Good Earth Sweet and Spicy tea. I love that sh*t and they were such dicks about telling me what was in their ingredient list. "it's proprietary" "we'll have to ask the supplier" "what ingredients exactly are you allergic to?" among many, many other stonewalling emails.


You've been So Dang Amazing this whole process, honestly. like an inspiration. i hate to think you'd start over. but I guess at the end of the day, it's up to each of us to determine that. If it's any consolation, I'm thinking of doing my reintroductions one week at a time, so anticipate being on here likely another 4 - 5 weeks.


ARIN: after reading the posts about "are you a moderate or an abstainer" i realize abstaining is really useful for me. i won't be tempted to eat all sorts of stuff on reintroduction, bc the way I'm thinking about it, those reintroductions are actually the most important aspect of the W30 for me personally. It's not just the food we eat now, while on W30. it's about finding out what foods we can bring back in, and which we should leave out permanently. I'm not planning on becoming paleo. i love good bread, and great cheese, and sushi. so if wheat, cheese, rice, etc don't cause me physical problems, hallelujah! those wonderful foods are back! my reintro plan is start with the easiest foods and progress towards the more problematic e.g. week 1, rice. week 2 lentils. week 3 wheat. week 4 beans and legumes. week 5 soy etc etc. but that's just me personally. does anyone else on here plan to go back to eating "normally" aka non-paleo?


NICKIE: ugh. so sorry to hear about your migraines! i'm doing W30 bc of migraines too! what i've found is that they come less from the nutrition I put into my body (like from the foods I eat) than other factors, like when i eat, how much I eat, and how much sleep I get. so if I skip or don't eat enough food for dinner and don't get enough sleep, that's a trigger for me. anywhoo, migraines are the worst, hope you figure it out and hubby feels better soon!

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NICKIE: ugh. so sorry to hear about your migraines! i'm doing W30 bc of migraines too! what i've found is that they come less from the nutrition I put into my body (like from the foods I eat) than other factors, like when i eat, how much I eat, and how much sleep I get. so if I skip or don't eat enough food for dinner and don't get enough sleep, that's a trigger for me. anywhoo, migraines are the worst, hope you figure it out and hubby feels better soon!


Huh... the day before I didn't eat all 3 meals. I was sick with a cold/sinus thing and slept most of the day... You maybe onto something. 

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Well, today I woke up with the immediate urge to just want to party. I mean, PAR-TAY!! Dance on the tables kind of par-TAYYYY! Then it just bummed me out because this is Day 26 and no partying is allowed..yet! Haha -- I'm not a typical party-er....but, apparently, that's all I wanted to do today. AND it's national donut day...so, the sharing table was filled with every kind of pastry, donut, bagel, donut hole you could imagine. They even had one with those little crunch candies on it like you get at the Dairy Queen in a crunch cone. BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Again, not sure if I actually want this stuff...but, I feel left out :) Ha! DUMB. I know.

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Why hadn't I thought of this before?  Last night I was having ladyshanny's pork burgers only this time made with ground turkey and I wanted a sauce to go with them so I added a healthy dose of franks red hot to my home made mayo and OMG.  I wanted to eat it by the spoonful.  It was great on the burgers and also so good as a dip for carrots and celery!

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Why hadn't I thought of this before?  Last night I was having ladyshanny's pork burgers only this time made with ground turkey and I wanted a sauce to go with them so I added a healthy dose of franks red hot to my home made mayo and OMG.  I wanted to eat it by the spoonful.  It was great on the burgers and also so good as a dip for carrots and celery!

Staci!!!! I discovered the Red Hot in mayo a couple weeks ago and had the same reaction. It is soooooo good on everything.

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There are donuts all over my facebook feed!  Low carb ones too.  Argh!


I am bored of all the food!  There is nothing I feel like eating (not even a donut).  Or maybe I am bored of cooking.  I don't know.  I'm kind of in a pissy mood.  Went to the doctor yesterday and for the first time in my life, I have high blood pressure.  I'm really upset.  Here I am, eating real food, nothing processed, and my BP is up.  WTH.


LaurieM, I feel the same way about the food sometimes...last night, I didn't want to eat anything. My husband even made me grilled chicken and veg, and although it was so nice, I just wasn't having it. I had to MAKE myself eat something by like 8PM just so I had some protein. Blah.

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LaurieM, I feel the same way about the food sometimes...last night, I didn't want to eat anything. My husband even made me grilled chicken and veg, and although it was so nice, I just wasn't having it. I had to MAKE myself eat something by like 8PM just so I had some protein. Blah.

That's my day today.  Forcing myself to eat.  

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