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Starting May 11th


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St. Sophia, don't feel bad. I'm glad you told me. It never occurred to me that there would be sweetener in the tea. Well, the verdict is in, sort of. I got a very nice and informative response to my email to Celestial Seasonings. 


"The sweetness comes from natural cinnamon oil flavoring, and in general, ingredients in the teas may include naturally occurring sugars in very small quantities." And then came the sentence… "The natural flavors in Bengal Spice don't contain dried fruits, honey, maple syrup or agave, but they contain trace amounts of sucrose". 


So, trace amounts of sucrose. How big is a trace? That is a question. Does a trace of sucrose every night do anything to upset the process?


Moderators? How would you interpret that?


Anyway, no more anything with "natural flavors". I have perfectly good spearmint, chocolate mint, lemon balm and peppermint growing in my garden. I don't need to buy any more herbal teas.


Tonight for dinner I sautéed yellow beets in coconut oil, and grilled a steak. I'm also having an apple and almond butter for dessert. 


Have a great night!

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Am I the only person who had no idea that pine nuts are legumes??

I'm so sad right now.

I made pesto for two meals in the last couple weeks, with pine nuts.

Very sad. But I'm not starting over. Not this late in the game. :(

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Am I the only person who had no idea that pine nuts are legumes??

I'm so sad right now.

I made pesto for two meals in the last couple weeks, with pine nuts.

Very sad. But I'm not starting over. Not this late in the game. :(

No need to be sad.

Pine nuts are a tree nut and are allowed on the Whole30. They're on the Whole30 shopping list under fats.

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No need to be sad.

Pine nuts are a tree nut and are allowed on the Whole30. They're on the Whole30 shopping list under fats.

Yay! Thank you! Usually I'd be the first to look up something like that, but the friend who told me is a culinary school-trained chef, so I didn't even think to question her.

Im really happy to be able to still feel like I've been 100% compliant. Thanks very much, Chris!

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Cheers for sideways happy hour! I raise my spearmint tea in salute!


Back on the horse this morning. Actually I was never off the horse, just a little confused which way we wanted to go. I've decided that I will continue on, and weigh in on my 31st day, and then start from there day 1 again, and just roll it on over. I was planning on doing St. Sophia's 67 day plan anyway, so numbers are just numbers at this point. It's just my lifestyle for 67 days. And the rest of the days from today on will be "natural flavoring free".


So, Day 27 (or T-4 and counting… doesn't matter.) :)


I can't wait to weigh in on the 31st day. I'm losing that menopause shape and finding my waist! It's exciting, and I feel younger. Anything that can do that for me, needs to be in my life, long-term. 


Breakfast - sautéed shallots, mushrooms and black olives with 3 fried eggs.

Lunch - Sardines in olive oil, with yellow beets, and an apple

Dinner - Leftover chicken or steak, whatever is left, broccoli, blueberries.


Have a happy Saturday!  :)

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Made it to day 13. Yesterday was a true test...husband wanted to go to an outdoor concert that was starting close to dinner time. So I packed us a BAS with chicken and some sparkling mineral water. Packed up the chairs, blanket, dog and picnic and off we went. It was a great compliant evening.


Meal 1: hard boiled eggs over a bed of greens with balsamic vinegar

Meal 2: ground beef with compliant marinara sauce over red peppers and mushrooms

Meal 3: steak with asparagus and mushrooms

Have a great day!

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Hello friends!  Day 28 here.  I feel like I'm just taking it one day at a time here.  Yesterday was my wedding anniversary - 16 years!  I had a compliant dinner of steak, dry baked potato and salad sans dressing.  We were at our weekly card game and DH proceeded to get drunk.  Everyone was celebrating but me.  At one point, he says "Let's end this silliness now.  Have a shot with me!"  The smile on my face couldn't have been bigger.  The words "Oh alright!" were on my tongue and just almost slipped out.


Not 100% on what today holds.  I think he wants to go to town (we live in a small town, so when we want to do anything fun, we go to the bigger place an hour away).  It looks like we will have a card game at our house tonight as well.  We are leaving for our trip tomorrow, but I'm just thinking about today. 


Everyone have a great weekend!

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Amanda, congratulations on 16 years!!! Now there's an achievement! Proud of you for taking each moment, meal and day as it comes. I'll follow in your lead :)


Loved sleeping in today, and really excited for a Qi Gong workshop I'm heading to today.  Have been wanting to check that out for a while. hoping i'll have, maybe not my "normal" energy, but at least "feel good" energy today to take me through dance class and the rest of the weekend of gardening, bbqs, and a day of leisurely hiking tomorrow. 


Well, my house is a disaster zone. between being exhausted all the time, finally taking out my summer clothes, and spending all my free time cooking meals and reading about health, hopefully i'll find some down time before monday to clean. At least my fridge is weirdly organized. has anyone else segregated out their food in the fridge: proteins in one area, veggies that will go bad in another, a section of "compliant fats." haha. easy access i suppose. 


have a wonderful weekend all and look forward to reading your updates!

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Oh! I did have one question for the moderators - you talk about "food with no limits" -- foods we use unhealthily to satisfy some other emotional need/ desire. Can condiments be used this way? I am afraid I might use Frank's Mayo like this :/ I'm laughing as a I write this, but yeah, I guess I really do want to know... thank you :)

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Hi friends!


I just wanted to share this post I saw on the website that I thought might be helpful (I found it to be so) as we wind down our official Whole30:




There are some links within the link that were great as well as I start to consider life after Whole30.


This was good too!



Especially for those who have no intention of stopping on Day 30. There are so many helpful posts on the site...I almost can't stop reading them. Keep finding new ones...but I am also at work today and we are usually slow on Saturdays. These are great ways to pass the time!!

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Ha! I just made a batch too! Mine hasn't failed yet with the immersion! I made egg salad and added PENZEYS Rogan Josh seasoning. Yum.

Ohh that sounds good....love Penzeys spices and seasonings. Perhaps I'll make some eggs salad too

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I love how everyone is so happy and excited about stuff! However, I woke in an extremely different place today...almost depressed and sad. I have the ability to cry at the drop of a hat and I'm just feeling bummed. Not sure what's up...but, I don't want to go out with friends, I don't want to cook anymore, I gag at the thought of having to eat chicken and veg even tho I mix up recipes and try different options. Hope this is just a little rut and tomorrow will be better. I feel like I just need to crawl back into bed and get up on a different side. I even woke up feeling heavy and like my clothes didn't fit and discouraged! Last night and today have been tough. Very Tough. 

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Oh! I did have one question for the moderators - you talk about "food with no limits" -- foods we use unhealthily to satisfy some other emotional need/ desire. Can condiments be used this way? I am afraid I might use Frank's Mayo like this :/ I'm laughing as a I write this, but yeah, I guess I really do want to know... thank you :)


I would start with reminding yourself that the Whole30 is about changing your relationship with food.  Ultimately, use nutrient-dense food as fuel and nourishment (and it all can still taste great in the process). If you feel like you're always snacking, for example, on jars of Frank's Mayo and celery for emotional/psychological reasons, that would be something to look at. 

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I would start with reminding yourself that the Whole30 is about changing your relationship with food.  Ultimately, use nutrient-dense food as fuel and nourishment (and it all can still taste great in the process). If you feel like you're always snacking, for example, on jars of Frank's Mayo and celery for emotional/psychological reasons, that would be something to look at. 


thank you for responding Chris, I don't snack on Franks/mayo, i just feel like I use it excessively at every meal. i guess I just need to eat more fat or vinegary foods. 

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I woke in an extremely different place today...almost depressed and sad. I have the ability to cry at the drop of a hat and I'm just feeling bummed. Not sure what's up...but, I don't want to go out with friends, I don't want to cook anymore, I gag at the thought of having to eat chicken and veg even tho I mix up recipes and try different options. Hope this is just a little rut and tomorrow will be better. I feel like I just need to crawl back into bed and get up on a different side. I even woke up feeling heavy and like my clothes didn't fit and discouraged! Last night and today have been tough. Very Tough. 

sister, i hear you. it stinks to be doing all this health work and not reaping the rewards. i hope you have better luck than I, but it's been weeks now, and i too feel pretty down. i even posted in troubleshooting to get some help, maybe if your tides don't turn, you do the same? 


my day today was kind of whack. i was tired through qi gong, which is basically the minimal amount of effort you can do and still move around, and the people twice my age were more energetic than i. Forgot my phone, and then my bike helmet, and by the time i found them, i was late for dance, which no way I could get through anyway. I went to the grocery to buy ingredients for chocolate chilli and had left my wallet at home! talk about hazy brain fog! I was too tired to try on clothes (had to get sizes larger that what i normally wear), too tired to decide where to bike, too tired to see friends, and when I sat in the sun, I was too tired to get up and go home! hah! eventually came home, made lunch, chilled out and enjoyed the beautiful day from my couch. This last week for me is going to be all about eating within five hours intervals, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, and eating enough starchy veggies. 


mcki, i hope the good side of the bed finds you tomorrow morning :)


M1 sweet potato hash brown + fried eggs

M2 pan fried chicken thigh marinated in Franks/Ghee with tomato avocado and mayo + steamed asparagus and spinach in balsamic vinaigrette + kiwi + kombucha

M3 green curry egg salad + sautéed cauliflower in EVOO and shallots + cashews

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Whew it's been a busy few weeks.  So sorry I haven't posted.  I just read thru all the posts.. what an awesome group! 


I went to the dermatologist and they weighed me...  I didn't expect them to tell me my weight and I purposely didn't look at the screen.  But before I could even say "don't tell me...."  the nurse blurted out my weight...  which was about the same as it's always been.  But I know my body isn't the same.  I am fitting much better in my clothes that I have before doing the whole30.  So I think sometimes we depend too much on a number!  So anyway, I know I wasn't supposed to weigh in, but I'm determined not to feel bad that I'm pretty much at the same weight as always.   


I've had several challenges, and so far have stayed compliant(at least in my opinion)...  My friends wanted to help give me a break since my life is really stressful right now...  They brought over meatballs and sauce, she made homemade.  I stressed that I was gluten free and dairy free but didn't really go into the whole30 aspect.  I decided not to probe into the ingredients she used to make the sauce.  I chose to trust that it was compliant..  I ate the sauce over  a BAS.  It was so sweet of them to think of us and want to give me a night off from cooking.  (I had also just had to put to sleep my 18 yr old cat...  I've had her since she was 4 weeks old.  It was a very sad day.) 


Since I decided to start over I'm a week behind you guys.  I'm also debating whether or not I will continue the complete 30 days (counting the extra week). I will try.  I really love how I feel.  If I were to stop I would still follow the guidelines of whole30 and just indulge in the occasional treat.  I have been attempting an whole30 every 3 or 4 months for a year now (although I haven't always finished it, to be honest)  ..  I will continue to do that.  I'll take it a day at a time like some others on this board.


I've been nibbling on fruit!!!  The breakroom here at work has strawberries and blueberries.  Plus I didn't bring a protein to eat with my sweet potatoes and avocado.  I didn't prepare very well today, I simply ran out of time.  I'll have to see how I do tomorrow.  Cuz I know if I'm not properly fueled then it usually makes me more hungry the next day.  I finish work at 11 pm.. I'm already feeling hungry... argh!  And I have an hour drive home!  I have a larabar...... I guess it'll have to do. 


Anyway, no more complaining. lol  Tomorrow I have a picnic to go to.  I will bring a compliant potato salad, and salad.  And they're grilling burgers and hotdogs. So there should be enough for me to eat. lol  :)  I also have to do some kind of exercise tmorrow!!  I'm missed 3 days this week, and I usually try to make up 30 mins a day for exercise missed.  So I've got an hour and half to catch up on!! lol 


Have a great rest of the weekend!

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Sidcianicliff - so sorry about your kitty. That is hard.



Good morning!


I'm not sure what day this is anymore. Day 27 of the first Whole30, or 4 more days to go before I start the second one. Anyway, Looking forward to weighing in on 6/11 and rolling it on over to try again.


Breakfast - 3 poached eggs on leftover smash browns and beet greens

Lunch - Sardines and BAS, apple and almond butter

Dinner - Steak on the grill. Can't get enough of that.  :) With broccoli and cauliflower.


Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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Well, today I woke up on the RIGHT Side of the bed. I felt like myself again and was ready to conquer the world. I'll just chalk yesterday up to a random "bad" day. Today, I'm cleaning the house like a mad woman because we're having some company but while this is going on, managed to cook lunch and bake the Whole30 Shepards Pie for dinner and leftovers during the week. All is well....I was getting nervous after yesterday! Hope all is well with everyone else! DAY 28 lovelies!

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Day 14....done! Happy to say I've made it through another weekend (I find them to be the most difficult part of this journey). My husband continues to be quite supportive and cheering me along the way. We were able to get a long bike ride and tennis match in this weekend. Today was a washout so we headed to the movies. NSV....I was not in the least bit tempted by the aroma of the popcorn, in fact I thought it smelled sort of gross.

Looking forward to the weekend, hoping to try some new recipes. Have a great evening!

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