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I am a hot mess.


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I am a total disaster area right now. I'm on day six, and sticking to plan but I am bawling for no reason and sobbing. A lot. It's actually my second attempt because the first one got derailed by the stomach flu.

I don't know if this is something I should just push through or if it's an indication I'm doing something wrong. I had a total sobbing breakdown in the grocery store the other day, and I'd like to not do that again.

Anybody else experience this?

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Very normal. I was sad and teary for the first 10 days of my last whole30.

I second the starchy veggies, roasted sweet potato was my best friend :)

Keep going. I am day 4 of a slow roll introduction and my mood is great :)

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What happened leading up to the crying spell? Was it just the one event in the grocery store or has it continued since then?

It literally came out of nowhere today. I was sitting at my computer and was reading my email and started selling up and then just sobbing. No clue.

In the grocery store, I think it was chip-induced. My kids were begging for pretzels and I just had had it that day. :)

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I don't know if this applies to you or not, but I am an emotional eater.  Once I stopped feeding my feelings, I had my share of crying fits and emotional outbursts, especially at the beginning of my first two Whole30s.

I think not being able to cope my old way, with whatever "sounded good", is my problem. I think not having that coping mechanism and not knowing how else to deal is very confusing for my sugar-detoxing brain! :) it's a good thing though. I don't ever want to use that as my fallback again.

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I think not being able to cope my old way, with whatever "sounded good", is my problem. I think not having that coping mechanism and not knowing how else to deal is very confusing for my sugar-detoxing brain! :) it's a good thing though. I don't ever want to use that as my fallback again.

I know exactly what you mean!  A bad day used to mean I'd unwind by baking (and eating!) cookies that night, or going out for ice cream.  Now...I just have to deal with a bad day.  But you get used to it. 

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A carbohydrate high will not make up for feeling low.   A reminder to myself....



Talking about all refined carbs in the form of sugary baked goods, cookies, cakes, candy, fruit juices, smoothies....not real food carbs in the form of vegetables and 2 fruits aday.

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I never thought to look in the ladies only forum! (Smacks head)

I relate to this SO much!! Days 8-11 for me (and even lingering a bit longer) were dark hole days for me. I wanted to cry all the time, and more than anything I desperately wanted to be alone. I constantly fantasized about packing up and going off to some cabin somewhere without my husband and two young sons and just focusing on this plan and myself for the rest of the time. My period definitely had a role in it I think, but also I just think it never dawned on me how much I actually did emotionally rely on food and drinks. I thought it was all a matter of just refocusing my attention.

I have a feeling the sadness is not over for me. I'm on Day 19. The last two days I have been super irritated more than I have been so far on this plan, even though physically I feel a lot better. Have not lost the amount of weight I was hoping but trying to recognize that it's a 30 day program and that for me it might take more than 30 days.

Really glad to have found a place where people are more supportive of the emotional aspect of this lifestyle change. Hope you're all feeling good today!

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