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Thinking of life after Whole30 (newbies and longtimers welcome!)


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So I am only on Day 9 of my very first whole30 but loving how it is making me feel so far (ok besides the detox days)....has anyone planned on doing Whole30's regularly? Like for example I am thinking I will do another one the month of January and then continue to do them 2 or 3 times a year.....


I plan on trying to stick to the Whole30 way of eating 95% (maybe higher I don't do math ;) ) after my whole30 as I don't want to slip back into old habits! I do plan on introducing alcohol back and very occasional grains/dairy...


What was /is your game plan? I am trying to get my head on straight before this over so I don't have an OMG EAT ALL THE THINGS at the end of the re-intro period! 


Just curious as to what others plan to do or have done. Thanks :)

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Many people do Whole30's a couple times a year, it's a solid plan.  Many more of us also stick to Whole30-style eating for the majority of the time.


Although you think you might want to go "eat all the things" when you're done, don't get too far ahead of yourself.  You are less than a third of the way through; concentrate on how you are feeling now, work on the self-assessment stuff as it comes up, determine how you feel in different circumstances (big hungry days, days when you didn't eat enough, days with less starchy veggies and with more, the days around your period etc) so that when your Whole30 is up you have a nice big Edgymama Guide to Whole30-Style Eating to follow.  All the information in your "Guide" will be supplemented by what you learn during reintro and then you have a Working Copy for your specific life and context which will be the key to not going off the rails.



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I don't think anyone can do the math.  90% Paleo or 80% Paleo is based on such loose math.  Paleo can include Paleo desserts, gluten free snacks, grains and splurges.  Paleo can mean almost anything.  You could live on bars and be 80% Paleo.


A Whole 30 is 30 compliant days.   Anything after that with one bite of non-compliant food is really Riding Your Bike.  Complete a Slow Roll Reintro...test your foods and customize your own Maintenance Plan.   It's the only way to prevent coming undone.

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I was thinking about all the stuff I wanted to eat when I was done too until week 4. Now that I have done the full

30 days I really don't want to put any junk food back in my body and I don't have the cravings either. I had a

complete turn around after week 2 so don't over think things.


Good luck !



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I was thinking about all the stuff I wanted to eat when I was done too until week 4. Now that I have done the full

30 days I really don't want to put any junk food back in my body and I don't have the cravings either. I had a

complete turn around after week 2 so don't over think things.


Good luck !



 I completely agree with Lorilou. Today is my day 31 and I'm having a hard time coming up with something to reintroduce because honestly, I don't want anything but what I've been eating. For possibly the first time in my life I feel completely sated, and free at the same time. Its amazing!

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I believe it JenX! I am only on day 11 now but feel so fantastic! I plan to do the normal re-intro although a bit modified so have it all mapped out in my planner on what days I will introduce certain things but I am really excited about this new healthier way of eating that gives me energy and keeps me from snacking all.the.time like I always felt the need for in the past! 

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This is a great topic! I am a planner, so even though today is Day 11, I am already thinking ahead to day 31 and beyond.... That being said, I have no idea. I think one of the things Whole30 has taught me (really - is still teaching me!) is to listen to my body and to react to how it is feeling. I think I'll read further about the suggested re-intro techniques in the ISWF and Whole30 books and try to follow a slow reintro method.


The one wrench in my plan is my "reward" at the end: two best friends of mine are getting married two days after Day 30, so that day will be all out celebrating and worrying about things other than compliant food. But I am planning for it, and it will be a conscious decision. I'll experience the pain and effects the next day, for sure, but I'll get right back on the wagon afterwards.... Maybe a quick Whole 10 after the wedding will be good THEN start the re-intro process? We shall see how I am feeling  :)

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I luckily have mine all worked out to where I am "riding my own bike" right before 4th of July! Here is my re-intro if you want to see another sample 


Day 31 Wednesday June 17th : Dairy

Day 34 Saturday June 20th: (thought long and hard and was going to be alcohol but figured I could put off a bit longer hahaha) non-gluten grains

Day 37 Tuesday June 23rd: Legumes

Day 41 (will do 3 whole30 days instead of two just to make it so Saturday is my alcohol re-intro) Saturday June 27th: alcohol

Day 44: Tuesday June 30th: evil gluten (I already know my body doesn't like but I am not celiac, will have it but most likely will rarely have after this)

Day48: Saturday July 4th RIDE MY OWN FLIPPING BIKE woot woot! Hoping to live a responsible whole 9 life with my occasional treats and special events without letting them run my life and fill me with excuses to eat horridly from here on out.

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Sounds like a great plan, edgymama!  I did not reintro well after my first Whole30.  I was scared to eat any off plan foods for the first several days, then once I did eat something non-compliant, I went nuts and could.not.stop.  I happened to be a night I was babysitting my nieces overnight at my sister's house, and her kitchen is stocked with chips, candy, cookies, etc.  I would like to think that things would have gone much differently had I been at home.  Anyway, it completely derailed me and I couldn't get a firm grip on my eating for months after that.  It was horrible.  I do not recommend this approach!   :)

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I am not planning to venture far from the actual Whole 30 plan at all.  I am too old to be treating my body like a trash can. I am looking forward to being able to go out and eat without worrying "Do you think the grilled chicken breast has anything non-compliant?" and then just skipping it and staying home to cook for myself.  My son is graduating from high school and turning 18 halfway through my Whole 30 and he wants to go to a Mexican restaurant to celebrate. I may just sneak in a hard boiled egg and ordered a plain green salad. That is the sort of thing I am thinking, rather than "eat all the grains! MIIIILLLLKKK!"  Just not having to be so conscientious about what they may or may not have used to cook something that should really just be chicken breast, maybe sat & pepper.

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I luckily have mine all worked out to where I am "riding my own bike" right before 4th of July! Here is my re-intro if you want to see another sample 


Day 31 Wednesday June 17th : Dairy

Day 34 Saturday June 20th: (thought long and hard and was going to be alcohol but figured I could put off a bit longer hahaha) non-gluten grains

Day 37 Tuesday June 23rd: Legumes

Day 41 (will do 3 whole30 days instead of two just to make it so Saturday is my alcohol re-intro) Saturday June 27th: alcohol

Day 44: Tuesday June 30th: evil gluten (I already know my body doesn't like but I am not celiac, will have it but most likely will rarely have after this)

Day48: Saturday July 4th RIDE MY OWN FLIPPING BIKE woot woot! Hoping to live a responsible whole 9 life with my occasional treats and special events without letting them run my life and fill me with excuses to eat horridly from here on out.

This sounds like a great plan, and I wish you well with it, but you might wanna prepare a Plan B...

When I did my dairy re-intro (at one meal only) it took pretty much a full week before I felt like 'normal' again. I'm not saying this will happen to you - we are all individual after all - but if you want to have that 4th July drink you may have to forgo your evil gluten day.

Well, it IS evil after all....  ;)

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I hear you with the dairy reintro.   After 90 days,  I tried some frozen yogurt.   The pain was so bad for 48 hours it was like I had a case of food poisoning.   I sat up for 24 hours straight with a new roll of paper towels pressed against my stomach.   Yep, you might want to rethink the dairy reintro during your holiday week.  That was all I needed to try. 

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I don't think I would be sad swapping alcohol and dairy although my dairy re-intro is on a weekday and alcohol re-intro day is a Saturday.....on purpose....hmmm I may just be brave and try dairy first as have never had issue in the past with it....things to ponder!

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So should I move dairy towards the end maybe right before gluten? 

I'd go for whatever order you think is least likely to cause you an issue. I just meant that any one of those things may cause issues for you that take longer than two days to clear up - so if you think gluten may be a problem for you (and you've said you know it is) I'd question your decision to reintroduce it at this stage and suggest you hold off until after July 4th so as not to put a dampener on the day.....!! Just a thought is all!

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Good food for thought. I have also been contemplating reintroductions. One of the big issues for me is a low-level congestion, that I'm pretty sure is related to either dairy or gluten or both, so I may have to put more space between those two reintro's just to be able to confirm the reaction. I think legumes will be first on the list, because they seem to be the least likely to cause problems - though I do probably need to check into soaking to eliminate the phytates. We have been eating mostly "clean" for the past couple of years, but even with that, I'm surprised at how much stuff has sugar in it. That is probably something that needs to be kept in check most of the time (I will miss the dark chocolate and occasional mixed drinks that we enjoy on date night. Will really have to think about if it's worth it or not.). So many considerations to ponder - and in addition - we're going on an Alaskan cruise in August, so I want to be somewhat prepared for how to approach meals/food on vacation - especially a cruise!!!

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 So many considerations to ponder - and in addition - we're going on an Alaskan cruise in August, so I want to be somewhat prepared for how to approach meals/food on vacation - especially a cruise!!!


Ahhh a cruise is on my bucket list to enjoy with my husband (ok maybe the whole family but for sure my husband haha), I am not sure if I could remain  doing a pure whole 30 on a cruise! I know I hope to make better food choices for life now but things like a cruise I may have to make a bit more exceptions on when it comes to food and drink ;)

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Yes - this cruise is definitely "bucket list" and I'm not anticipating missing out on all of the wonderful food available, but I can see myself making different choices as a result of W30.  For instance, I'm thinking of doing one special meal for dinner, and knowing what I know now, I would choose the steakhouse rather than the italian cuisine. I will also try to make sure there is a combination of protein and healthy fats in each meal, avoid snacking, and probably avoid much bread. Knowing how sugar affects me, I probably won't have dessert or alcohol every day, either. Just some strategies I have come up with, so far, to keep me feeling good while on vacation.

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I am looking forward to being able to go out and eat without worrying "Do you think the grilled chicken breast has anything non-compliant?" and then just skipping it and staying home to cook for myself.  

This is what I'm looking forward to post-Whole30, but otherwise don't plan on straying too far.  The first Whole 30 I completed almost 3 years ago, on Day 31 my idea of reintroducing dairy was to eat an entire pint of Ben n Jerry's Red Velvet Cake.  And I really can't say I regret it.


But actually, with the two I've completed, I haven't done an actual planned reintroduction.  This time I was planning on doing a Whole40 since I turned 40 this year (I'm on Day 10 today).  Two days after I'd finish I'm going to a microbrew fest which will also have food trucks.  There is a paleo food truck that shows up at these things sometimes, but I can't guarantee I'll be only reintroducing alcohol in that environment and nothing else.


I'm now considering just doing the 30 days instead of 40 and using the additional ten days to work on reintroduction before the Brew Fest.  I'm thinking I'd rather be realistic than set myself up for failure.

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So interesting to hear everyone's logic for how they will do reintroduction.  I'm halfway through my 30 and reintro is a tiny little thought in the back of my mind.  I'm glad that I was gluten free for about 9 mos. before starting this because I learned how much better I feel without wheat and don't really plan to reintroduce it.  I have also been through many years of kicking my sugar cravings so I've not been craving them too much.  If i reintro sugar it will probably be dark chocolate, and then later just not worrying so much about little hidden sugars (bacon is the biggest).  


What I really crave above all else at this point in my 30 is the ability to not think too much about my food.  I think that I should not ever reintroduce mindlessness...I need to find that sweet spot of mindful/mindless eating where I can forget my lunch one day and know that I can eat well and not trigger anything.  I'll report back once I'm there!

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What I really crave above all else at this point in my 30 is the ability to not think too much about my food.  I think that I should not ever reintroduce mindlessness...I need to find that sweet spot of mindful/mindless eating where I can forget my lunch one day and know that I can eat well and not trigger anything.  I'll report back once I'm there!

Kenzi - I feel the exact same!! I want to find that sweet spot. And honestly, after reading the forums and being a part of this community for 30 days, I feel like that really just comes with perseverance and experience. Afterall, how can you know you can eat well when you forget your lunch and not trigger anything unless you 1) truly know what your triggers are (i'm still working on this) and 2) really know what options are around you! and both those things come with time and experience, I think.


Good luck to you over the next two weeks!

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I really love this a lot.  A. Lot.


Me, too! I was thinking this as I was eating my breakfast this morning. The flavors of the food I was eating was quite delicious, and the thought crossed my mind that I haven't eaten this well consistently in a long time. When did eating breakfast become a chore and not something to be enjoyed?

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