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Pissed off all the time

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Yeah - That doesn't sound fun.....


That sounds like me before my whole 30.  I see glimpses of it every now and again... so yeah not fun...


Are you able to give us an idea on what your meals look like for the past few days?  It could something as simple as adding more starchy veg.  Also include your water consumption and activity level if you can.

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It's fairly normal to have a day or two of moodiness, but a week and a half seems excessive.


Would you be willing to post a few days' worth of what you've been eating (including approximate serving sizes based on the meal template), sleep, exercise/activity, and anything else that you feel might be relevant? It's possible there are some tweaks you could make that might help.


Off the top of my head, the most likely culprits would probably be lack of sleep, not eating enough food in general, or not including at least one serving of starchy vegetables every day..

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Typical breakfast: A handful of nuts

Typical lunch: either a salad (mixed greens with vinaigrette dressing with chicken/beef/salmon/nuts toppings); or 1 whole avocado and a can of sardines

Typical dinner: A serving of meat (chicken/beef/salmon) + mixed greens with vinaigrette dressing 

Typical snack: 8-10 large olives 


On a typical day, I wouldn't have any starchy vegetables. And also, I really miss sugar. I drink plenty of water. Probably 2-3 liters a day. Ride bike 10-12 miles a day when biking to work; or if not biking, I work out at the gym 1.5 hours a day. I sleep about 7 hours a day. 

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Typical breakfast: A handful of nuts

Typical lunch: either a salad (mixed greens with vinaigrette dressing with chicken/beef/salmon/nuts toppings); or 1 whole avocado and a can of sardines

Typical dinner: A serving of meat (chicken/beef/salmon) + mixed greens with vinaigrette dressing 

Typical snack: 8-10 large olives 


On a typical day, I wouldn't have any starchy vegetables. And also, I really miss sugar. I drink plenty of water. Probably 2-3 liters a day. Ride bike 10-12 miles a day when biking to work; or if not biking, I work out at the gym 1.5 hours a day. I sleep about 7 hours a day. 

Well there's your problem right there.  You are starving.  You're not eating enough for a sedentary person let alone one that bikes 12 miles a day or does a 1.5 hour workout.


For every meal (including the first one, to be eaten within an hour of waking) we want you to eat 1-2 palms of protein, 1-3 or more cups of veggies and 1-2 thumbs of fat (or half to whole avocado or heaping handfuls of olives).


Your breakfast has no protein and veggies, just fat.

Your avocado lunch has no veggies

Your dinner doesn't have enough veggies (when it's salad you really need a LOT....think mixing bowl full)


Where are your pre and post workout meals? PRE is protein and fat, POST is protein and starchy veggie


You're craving sugar because your body needs energy and it knows from previous history that it will get some fast energy if you would just eat some sugar.  That would also be why you are pissy and finding yourself difficult to be around.


Go eat.  Lots of food.  Now.  You'll feel better.

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Plenty of room for improvements -- you need to eat meals that match the Meal Template. Meal 1/breakfast is ESPECIALLY important. Nuts aren't gonna cut it.


You also need more veggies than just greens. Branch out! Get some sweet potatoes, beets, carrots, etc. Try some new ones. Keep it interesting.


Remember, this is not a deprivation diet. Your goal: Get lots of nutrient dense food in your belly!

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Ummmmmm.  You have me worried here.  And it's no wonder you are pissed.  You are giving yourself very little food to give yourself energy.


But let's break it down.


Have you read the meal template:  http://whole30.com/downloads/whole30-meal-planning.pdf

or the program rules: http://whole30.com/downloads/official-whole30-program-rules.pdf


A handful of nuts does not a meal make.  You are setting yourself up to be grumpy, pissed and prone to cravings by doing this. I. am. serious.

Meals should be (this include ALL meals - including breakfast) 1 - 2 palm sized protein (this the width, height, and depth of your palm) 2 - 3 cups of veggies.  If it is a salad it needs to be HUGE - think mixing bowl size. and 1 to 2 thumbsized portions of fat.  Fruit is limited but optional.  Fruit should never push the veggies off your plate.


In order to feel better immediately - please include a starchy veg with your next meal.  Think squash, sweet potato, carrots, jicama, parsnips, beets, turnip.

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