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I just finished my first Whole30.  Before Whole30, I ate very healthy, very little processed foods, mostly home made everything, little to no salt, a lot of veggies and fruit, lean meat and whole grains.  I did the Whole30 to support my husband who has chronic sinus issues.  Now that its over, I feel like I am not sure if I notice any real changes.  I am nursing a 5 month old and my weight loss (2.4lbs) was a bit less than what I was losing the few months (about .75 to 1 lb a week) before but consistent enough.  I am almost back at my pre-pregnancy weight (3 lbs away) so I think its partially because there is less weight to lose at this point. My goal is to get back down to 122 and stay there without counting calories and feeling deprived. 


I also feel like life with 2 kids under 2.5 kinda made it more challenging for us to see the real differences like tons and tons of energy and sleeping like a baby etc. 


My husband wants to extend the Whole30 longer to see if it helps with his chronic sinus problems but I don't know if its worth it.  I feel basically the same as I did before and although I am definitely consuming more calories, I am not feeling like I am flowing with Tiger Blood and I am not the skinniest ever so I don't know, is it worth it to extend this longer.  


I know I probably ate too many nuts weeks 2 and 1/2 of week 3 but I have tried to keep my nuts to a minimum but it's hard to find easy foods to eat on the go. 


I have definitely changed, less snacking (although with nursing, the afternoon snacking has been impossible to give up) and I can enjoy black coffee now, which is huge but I feel like I still can't grasp the use fat as energy concept. 


I really need someone to help make a suggestion as to whether its all worth it for someone who really didn't have any issues with dairy or gluten before hand.  I guess reintroduction may tell me otherwise but I think I tolerated everything pretty well before. 



Thanks so much! 

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If you don't decide to keep on the whole30 then I'd do full reintros. Just because you could eat everything before doesn't mean that after a break you won't find some issues. After my first I found that chocolate makes me vomit (still does) and I bloat horrifically after eating gluten. I ate loads of both before whole30 and never noticed any real effects

Good luck ;)

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Yep. If you don't gain anything else from having completed a Whole30 other than learning what foods do & don't effect your over all health then you've still gained something really important.

Your stomach will have built up a thick membrane to protect itself from all the foods that were doing you harm, you won't have that protection now so you'll know for sure whether or not you had issues with dairy, grain, gluten & soy before.

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One more question, can you switch it from Whole30 to Paleo and add honey and maple syrup (pretty much only change I can think of) and do reintroduction later down the road or to get the full benefit of reintroduction, should I do it first, then add the sweet stuff later once I identify how the other food groups make me feel? Thanks!

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You don't have to add in or try things you don't think you'd eat again so you could just test honey & maple syrup and leave it at that. It is interesting to know what foods affect you though for your own peace of mind going forward...

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If you haven't done formal reintroductions, then you truly don't know whether or not you're sensitive to certain foods.


If you want to do the reintros, I would suggest doing them straight off of a Whole30 as opposed to Whole30+honey or Whole30+stevia or any other "going your own way" plan. Sugars and sweeteners, even from a natural source, are inflammatory and can mask your reactions to other foods. The purpose of the reintro is to have a clean slate and then reintroduce foods one at a time so that you know for certain what's making you feel bad.


I truly, truly believed that I didn't have a problem with dairy and while I knew gluten was not something I could eat every day, I thought I could get away with having some cake at a party. I was wrong on both accounts. Dairy, even ghee, leaves me congested and phlegm-y. I still eat it on occasion, but only when it's really, really worth it. Gluten, on the other hand, I can't tolerate in any way, shape, or form. I mistakenly ate a single piece of wheat bread (waitstaff lied about giving me the wrong order at a restuarant) and spent the afternoon vomitting and then was up and down all night going to the bathroom. The acute symptoms settled down after a day, but I had the worst stomach ache of my life for the next week and a half.

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Congrats on finishing the Whole30 and good luck with reintros! I'm impressed that you are able to eat so clean with two toddlers! And I hope your husband sees some improvements; I have sinus issues, too, and they're the worst.

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