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It's Day 17 for me and while the first two weeks were a breeze...yet, all of a sudden my mood has taken a nosedive. I am a crabby b***....I am hungry all the time, wanting ice cream like mad...and feeling stressed. I've been eating a lot of healthy fats and protein. My only negative is probably eating more fruit than necessary (3 servings a day or so).

Work has been super busy, plus my weekends are jam packed with events and activites, unexpected houseguests, taking care of my 19 month old, training for a fall marathon....I have NO downtime, so that does not help the matters. Is this normal at this point? Will it get better again? Uggggggggggggggggggggggh. Feeling defeated.

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Could you list a couple of days' worth of meals, including approximate portion sizes? That might give us some clues.


Is there any chance it's about that time of the month? In the week leading up to that, many women find they are much more hungry than usual.


Are you including at least one fist-sized serving of starchy vegetable each day? Many people find that helps with mood. Are you including pre- and post-workout meals on days you work out? You really may need those, in addition to your three full meals.


And finally, consider that it may not be food related. It sounds like you're very busy, and very stressed. If you can't fix that, no amount of tweaking your food may be enough to fix everything. For that, focus on getting enough sleep (or as much as you can with a 19 month old around), and consider whether all your training days are doing you good or not -- sometimes it's just as important to really rest and recover as it is to exercise.

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I was going to ask about period as soon as I read the original post also. If that's the case, up the starchy veggies until you start to feel better. At my period I will eat either an entire japanese sweet potato a day or I'll have a serving of starchy veggie at every meal. Otherwise it's just a disaster zone.

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Could you list a couple of days' worth of meals, including approximate portion sizes? That might give us some clues.


Is there any chance it's about that time of the month? In the week leading up to that, many women find they are much more hungry than usual.


Are you including at least one fist-sized serving of starchy vegetable each day? Many people find that helps with mood. Are you including pre- and post-workout meals on days you work out? You really may need those, in addition to your three full meals.


And finally, consider that it may not be food related. It sounds like you're very busy, and very stressed. If you can't fix that, no amount of tweaking your food may be enough to fix everything. For that, focus on getting enough sleep (or as much as you can with a 19 month old around), and consider whether all your training days are doing you good or not -- sometimes it's just as important to really rest and recover as it is to exercise.

Breakfast: leftover from last night's dinner (meat and veg)

mid morning snack: Larabar

Lunch: Leftover from two dinners ago (meat and veg). Some roasted parsnips/yams on the side. An apple with almond butter.

Mid afternoon snack: kale chips

Dinner: chicken avocado pecan salad with a baked yam.

After dinner snack: fresh peach

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you are not eating enough real food and subbing too much fruit and too many nuts and lara bars. Fruit and lara bars and sugary snacks in general create a sugar high then a crash and hunger. If you skip them entirely your energy level will be more stable.


Eat more real food at meals. stop snacking (eat a fourth meal instead if you have to). Things will get better.

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DO you think I ought to eat larger meals to avoid wanting to snack? Allthough, I tend to snack out of stress and/or boredom too.

Absolutely you should eat larger meals so that they bring you 4-5 hours.  Snacking from stress and boredom is, unfortunately, just one of those things that you have to power through.  Shower, bath, read a book, paint your nails, play a board game, go for a walk.  Eating for comfort or distraction is one of those things that the Whole30 is meant to teach you not to do.

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Cutting out snacks would be super tough for me since I am marathon training (working out moderate-intense 6x a week). I also am up at 5am daily (and eat breakfast at 6, out the door for work at 6:30), so I am hungry again around 8 am. Any suggestions on a more substantial breakfast? I am sensitive to eggs, sadly.

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 Any suggestions on a more substantial breakfast? I am sensitive to eggs, sadly.

Google Whole30 non egg breakfast and you'll get LOTS of ideas. (easiest way to search the forum is from Google, and this subject matter has been discussed extensively in the past)

You might enjoy this thread on non-traditional breakfasts as well. 

In any case, you want to aim for meeting the recommended template of 1-2 palms of protein, 1-3 cups of veggies and compliant fat at every meal. If you get hungry in between (litmus test: you could eat something bland like steamed fish and broccoli), have a mini-meal of protein, veg and fat.

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Google Whole30 non egg breakfast and you'll get LOTS of ideas. (easiest way to search the forum is from Google, and this subject matter has been discussed extensively in the past)

You might enjoy this thread on non-traditional breakfasts as well. 

In any case, you want to aim for meeting the recommended template of 1-2 palms of protein, 1-3 cups of veggies and compliant fat at every meal. If you get hungry in between (litmus test: you could eat something bland like steamed fish and broccoli), have a mini-meal of protein, veg and fat.

Great suggestions, thank you! I appreciate it. I'm new to this, so I am still learning the 'ways' of the Whole 30.

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