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Late Stage of Whole30 - inflammation/bloat?


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The chances that someone else is going to be like "oh, I am on Day 24 and experiencing these symptoms, let me search the forum for Day 24" is slim. Someone's going to be like "why the heck am I still so crazy bloated, let me search for bloating". Everyone experiences ups and downs on different days and starting different threads just makes it really hard for us to see what you were experiencing in previous days and also what other recommendations were given. 

Also, putting off going to the doctor because you're waiting for someone else to say they experienced the same thing on the same days and it was THIS is just delaying your opportunities to feel better. 

Go to the doctor. Narrow things down. Post about it back here on this thread so *you* can help other people. 

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You might try doing a search for SIBO on the forum. Several of us (including me) have had it. I completely concur with the recommendation to go to a doctor, preferably a GI specialist who is familiar with SIBO. If your lactulose breath test is positive for SIBO, then the initial treatment is pretty straightforward--antibiotics (either herbal or a specific liver-transplant antibiotic named Rifaximin which doesn't knock out your intestinal flora). Taking out food after food after food is really typical for those of us with SIBO before we got diagnosed, and in the long run, it can cause lots of nutritional deficiencies. Good luck! I've been diagnosed with SIBO for several years, and I've found some of the advice on this forum for SIBO to be helpful. 

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The only reasonable thing to do at this point is to see a doctor. There are serious medical conditions that cause GI problems that won't be immediately impacted by diet. I have to wonder why this obvious next step isn't working for you. Can you see a doctor, with your insurance situation? If you can, then please do. Have you seen a doctor before for these issues, and was the experience not positive? If so, please don't give up, and try again.

Have you ever been told these could be psychosomatic issues? I don't want to carte blanche endorse the idea that this is a psychosomatic issue, because people with real medical issues have been discounted by doctors. However, if nothing seems to work in an extreme way, and there is no evidence of a medical problem, this is something to consider. Psychosomatic issues are linked to anxiety, and resolve through therapy and various forms of anxiety treatments. 

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