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Hi all! Starting Feb 22nd!


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Also, ksea, some of my favorite crock pot freezer meals:




BBQ Chicken

Beef Stew

Salsa chicken


Definitely Non-Compliant but good anyway:

Sauerbraten (there are a ton of other good recipes for this)

Turkey sausage gumbo

Pulled Pork (I have made this about 3000 times, and usually at least double it!)


Also, literally any chili recipe, with beef, turkey, chicken, with beans or without, is so easy to toss in the crock pot and freezes perfectly!

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CGinDC!!!!!! Congratulations. That is such wonderful news. no wonder you have been feeling tired!


What else is going on? can you smell EVERYTHING! are you nauseous? sore boobs? did you suspect? 

We should have an on-line w30 baby shower!

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Ahh the Cadbury eggs!! Second only to the Cookies & Cream bunnies.

I don't know if it's because it's so close to the end but I'm getting sssooo tempted by everything. My friend and I went to the movies yesterday and I wanted popcorn so bad, and I never get popcorn! Then my dad and stepmom had quesadillas for dinner and I wanted to just take a piece of chicken smothered in cheese. And I'm back to wanting the carrot cake for Easter again. Is it just because I'm being exposed to it more as possibility? Is it a self-sabotage kind of thing? Am I stressed because of all this upset in my life (bathroom and concurrent relocation)? Are my dad and stepmom just bad influences with food (a resounding yes)? Lots to think about. So much learning through this whole process!!

How is everyone else doing?

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The temptations have been lessening for me except.... And this was a big exception. For chips and salsa. That was always my go to snack but of course, I can't have it now with corn chips. Last week, we went out with my family to Barrio (build your own tacos place) and i was excited to build a salad bowl and I had called ahead earlier in the week to discuss ingredients with the manager and felt awesome for being prepared knowing exactly what I could order... But then the server came and plopped down on our table a steaming fresh basket of homemade corn chips with homemade salsa. Oh! Drool! That was sooooooo hard to resist, to the point I would've told her to remove it from the table but my dad and brother were noshing away happily at them. Yeah.... That sucked. But other than that, I've been avoiding temptations... I've always had more of a salty tooth than a sweet tooth anyway.

Oh and CG! Congratulations!

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Thank you everyone! We just started trying this month, and to be honest we're both a little shell shocked that it happened so fast. I'm 37 and have thyroid issues that can affect fertility, and I couldn't get a clear read on the ovulation predictor tests so I just kinda guessed when the window was. I'm a good guesser apparently! Wasn't really having any significant symptoms - at least, nothing that was significantly different from typical PMS symptoms, just a couple days early. The only thing I noticed was that I was peeing more than usual, but I've been drinking more water too. I was almost hesitant to take the test because I didn't want to jump the gun. I'm just really surprised!

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haha, yes, we are totally killing it.


Congratulations CG!!! That's such amazing news!


Ya'll, it's Day 29. Did you get out of this what you had hoped for?


We are pretty much doing W30 through Thursday this week. Friday we are totally having pizza with the kids. Ha! But I'll probably make a salad to go with it, which is weird but necessary. Saturday, my husband and I are going out of town for the night and we are coming back Sunday morning - my mother-in-law is making all the recipes from the holiday gathering section of the W30 book for Easter, just because she said they all sounded so good... so I'll have to let you know about those. :)


I think we are going to start another round on April 1... and possibly do a W60 for that one, which would end right as we go on vacation for Memorial Day. My husband has promised to read the W30 book in between rounds so that he can help me out a little more with planning, shopping & prep and not be so annoying ;) (can I eat this? is this ok?) And I'm going to order It Starts With Food as my You Did It present.


My kids are so excited to have bread in the house again, of all things. And to be clear, there is not yet bread in our house, but they know that tomorrow is our last day so they have already planned to have ALL THE TOAST for breakfast the rest of the week. On a kind of side note, I'm thinking about doing a sugar detox for them over the summer, maybe not complete whole 30, but just sugar, which ends up mostly being whole 30 lol... I just wonder how that would play out. My son has ADHD and super high anxiety, but while he's at school I have very little control over what food/treats/snacks get put in front of him during the day. Both of my kids eat relatively healthy, but since they weren't on the program, it was really jumping out at me all of the things that are staples in their diet that I would really like to change. That, and, I watched Fed Up on Netflix - have you seen it? It's a documentary on sugar... and it's really kind of scary and infuriating.


Anyway... galaxigrl, sorry about your cold. Probably from the crazy change in weather here over the last couple of days? Yuck.


And jumping back to the conversation from last week - Savannah just reminds me of a bigger Charleston. With a river instead of a harbor. But yeah, if you like Savannah, you'll enjoy Charleston too!!


Ya'll have been amazing with the recipes, too. I'm going to go back through this thread and save all of your links for our next round. I feel like I've learned so much from you! :)

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You guys, this whole pregnancy thing has kind of thrown me for a loop - all of a sudden it seems less important to be 100% compliant through the end of the thirty days. But I'm persisting - it's just so distracting! The last thing I feel like doing is meal planning,and I didn't get any prep done yesterday to get me through these last few days.


I think I might try to introduce dairy back in first, and have some ice cream this weekend. Yummmmm

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I think I might join you in just launching right into a new Whole30 on April 1! That would put me done before my birthday, and give me plenty of time to try reintroducing the two things I really wanted to see how I reacted to (dairy and sugar). I've loved how I've been emotionally feeling while eating this way. I haven't seen any real tangible, physical improvements (still not hungry, still no period, still getting headaches, still bloated... ugh), but my emotional state and relationship with my body have improved, so I think I might just need to give it a little longer. I was really unkind to myself for a really long time, and all the mods say that it can take more than 30 days. So I'll be around here still to cheer us along with you!!


I really want to watch Fed Up, now - the whole sugar epidemic is absolutely terrifying and fascinating!


Are you in the Savannah/Charleston area, too?! If so, color me jealous!!


Enjoy your pizza!! :)


& CG -- Hang in there!! I mean, the pregnancy is AMAZING news, but you can totally last another two days!! You've got this! If you have to, just pop by Chipotle or Five Guys for meals (the only places I've found where you can definitely get compliant meals without having to ask a billion questions)! (Also - I know nothing about pregnancy - so sorry if those are things that aren't suggested)

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I think I might join you in just launching right into a new Whole30 on April 1! That would put me done before my birthday, and give me plenty of time to try reintroducing the two things I really wanted to see how I reacted to (dairy and sugar). I've loved how I've been emotionally feeling while eating this way. I haven't seen any real tangible, physical improvements (still not hungry, still no period, still getting headaches, still bloated... ugh), but my emotional state and relationship with my body have improved, so I think I might just need to give it a little longer. I was really unkind to myself for a really long time, and all the mods say that it can take more than 30 days. So I'll be around here still to cheer us along with you!!


I really want to watch Fed Up, now - the whole sugar epidemic is absolutely terrifying and fascinating!


Are you in the Savannah/Charleston area, too?! If so, color me jealous!!


Enjoy your pizza!! :)



We are in Charleston too - we moved from Ohio (like 90% of the Charleston population) about three years ago.


Fed Up is really eye-opening! Somebody mentioned it in one of the Facebook groups that I'm following, it definitely is on the same wavelength as the Whole30 philosophy, just focused on the sugar part. I watched it on Saturday, and watched my kids come inside and grab granola bars from our pantry and got really mad at myself. Ha!


I'd love if you joined me again on April 1! I am wondering how different it will be if I don't go crazy over the week or so off. I still have a lot more work to do as well - one thing that has been frustrating for me is that I still seem to get headaches pretty much all the time. I had them for the first week or so straight, which I know was the sugar detox, and then when my period started (which is typical) but over the past 10 days or so I seem to get them almost daily. I started tracking them, and I was thinking that it was when I was waiting too long in between meals. But the last three days or so, I've woken up with them? So I'm not sure what to do at this point. It's definitely some kind of pattern. Regardless, I know that I still have so much to continue learning, so I'm excited to keep going.


And for the record, CG & katieblue - I always, always, would recommend chipotle, pregnant or not! ;)

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Okay, here comes the jealousy again! Haha. I will definitely have to get down there and say hi to you and Galaxigrl. :)


I'll probably get a chance to watch Fed Up while I'm baking the Easter carrot cake on Friday... Hopefully it will help me not lick my fingers or the batter or anything! </3


I'm sorry to hear that you're getting headaches! I wonder if maybe your meals need a little tweaking? I know the mods have had some suggestions for me. But I'm still getting headaches, too, so I may not be the best one to try and help solve them. :P


I agree, there has been a LOT of learning through this first one, and I'm sure another one will only further it! My boyfriend is going to think I'm crazy... he really misses his coffee with sugar and milk, and beer. Haha. Will you have the kids on board this time, do you think?

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I agree, there has been a LOT of learning through this first one, and I'm sure another one will only further it! My boyfriend is going to think I'm crazy... he really misses his coffee with sugar and milk, and beer. Haha. Will you have the kids on board this time, do you think?

No - not yet. I'm thinking if I detox them from sugar in the summer then late summer or next school year they may be able to do it with us sometime. I was talking to my husband about it and his response was "you'd just have to pack their lunches," but unfortunately it's more difficult than that. School parties, birthdays, rewards - they are all foods, and all junk, always. So our kids would REALLY have to be on board, understand the difference between processed foods and whole foods, and be willing to say no. I think that if they had it out of their system already it would be easier for them, rather than expecting them to go cold turkey like us and be able to make those choices - that have been hard for us even as adults! As an example, my son came home on Friday and told us about a class reward party that they had earned - "we had pizza! And ice cream and cookies!" and I just can't imagine him being able to say no to that just because I told him it was healthier for him. In the summer, they are home with my mother in law, or very rarely they are at camps (where we pack all of their snacks and lunches) so we have WAY more control over what they eat than we do during the school year. My son, who is very aware of how he feels as far as his energy, his impulse control, etc, I think would be on board once he was feeling good after the sugar was out of his system, but getting him to buy in before that point is the tough part. I know there is a chapter in the W30 book about kids, but I skipped it because I knew we weren't going to have them on it with us this time, but hopefully it has some tips for me too. :)

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Oh yeah, there is a lot to think about when it comes to kids. I know I've seen a handful of people who have had their kids on board, but I think you're right; they've always had to make sure they supply food for the little ones all the time. Sounds like even more work; I know even making sure my boyfriend is fed in addition to me has been super stressful! (I know I'm not asking him to do it with me again unless he decides to fend for himself some - it's too hard to plan two different meals for breakfast and sometimes lunch every single day!) I have a newfound respect for moms/dads who do this all the time!!

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bwilliams - This is just a thought, but have you considered talking with your kids' teachers about this, to see if you can get them on board as well? If they see tangible benefits in your kids' performance & behavior in school perhaps they'd be more motivated to provide healthier alternatives to cookies and pizza? 

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I would totally be on board with starting another Whole30, maybe even a Whole60!  Those two months are always the most stressful time of year for me.  

I am extremely pleased with the way I have been feeling.  If I follow the sample schedule for reintroduction, the last day (gluten) is on the 1st.  I can probably shorten it by a day, if it seems like legumes or non-gluten grains have no ill effect on us.  The main reasons for starting this Whole30 for me was to kick sugar cravings (check!) and see if my little one had any type of food intolerance.  His doc said I should be able to tell if that is the case within a day of reintroducing a food to my diet.  I was planning on following a Whole30 lifestyle after figuring all that out, because moving forward it seems like it would be beneficial to the health of both of us.


bwilliams and katieblue - I wonder if your headaches could possibly be caused by a nutrient deficiency?  Are you taking any supplements or multivitamins?

I was going to wait until this summer when the new season of Orange Is the New Black starts to renew my Netflix subscription, but I think I might get it sooner to watch that documentary!  

I agree with CDinDC, try talking to their teachers.  I know some teachers here who will offer fun, healthy snacks like rainbow carrots and fresh fruit to their young students!  Maybe if you can get some of the other parents on board to speak with the teachers too? Is this something that could be addressed at any PTA meetings?

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ksea, I think it's so awesome that your sugar cravings are gone!! And it would be great to have you on board for an April 30, too!

It's definitely going to be interesting to see what the reintroductions of foods are like after this... I wonder if things will taste "wrong" now! (I saw some people talking about that on other threads)


I do take some whole foods supplements and vitamins as prescribed by my doctor, and all my blood work and CT scans and everything have come back normal for the last several years. But there's something not right with me, seeing as I haven't had a period or a sex drive in about two years. :( I'm turning over the idea of seeing an endocrinologist and checking out from that angle.

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Hi, everyone!  This board is bumping today! :)  I've been super busy at work today, which is a good and bad thing.  I can't believe tomorrow is the LAST DAY!  I want to keep eating Whole30 (at least at home) after tomorrow, but I really need to figure out how to reduce the amount of time spent meal planning/prepping/shopping.  I'm someone who normally cooks dinner 4-5 days/week, but it still has felt like an incredible amount of extra time.  Although, every week seems to be a little less time doing those things.  Maybe it won't seem so bad if I'm not doing it for every single meal.  I just wish it were easier to eat out. Katie, what do you order at Five Guys?  I hadn't even thought of that as a possibility.  


I hate to say it, but I'm really ready to weigh myself on Wednesday morning.  I'm just trying to set my expectations where I don't get super bummed if the number on the scale isn't what I want it to be.  I wish I only cared about the NSVs, but I secretly (or not so secretly since I'm admitting it now) care what the scale says.

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@CG: Congrats on the pregnancy. I just came over to this thread to see what people say who are at the end of the program. I am personally on day 17 right now.

I wanted to chime in real quick because I read through all the testimonials they have on this website and I came across a couple from pregnant women. Just so you know, this is completely safe to continue during pregnancy and would secure your baby the best start to his/her life.

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Galaxigrl, I totally agree, it feels like all my free time has been spent cooking!! I think the trick will be to just do more bulk prep on one day instead of spreading it out over several days. Maybe a massive crock pot meat dish on a Sunday and lots of chopping for veggies to go as sides with it. Also, since it will be getting warmer, perhaps more grilling - can be a LOT simpler than some of these more elaborate dishes. I could totally tolerate burgers and grilled chicken most nights! And the steam in the bag veggies instead of chopping/steaming which is time consuming. ;) AND DOUBLE EVERYTHING.


I haven't actually eaten at Five Guys, but I did discover recently that they do not add any seasonings at all so it's totally safe to order a bunless burger with any of the veggie toppings (lettuce, tomato, onion, jalapenos, green peppers, mushrooms)! Might just want to bring your own condiments if you like ketchup or mayo - not sure about the mustard or hot sauce they supply.


bhenningsen, good luck on the rest of your journey!! :)

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CGinDC:  Congratulations!!  What exciting news!!  And so great that you've been able to start this new life developing with the best foods you can.  :)


bwilliams and katieblue:  I'm sorry to hear about your headaches.  I can totally relate.  Prior to W30, I was a 3-5 day/week headache sufferer.  Most of them were tolerable without taking anything, but sometimes it felt like I'd put my head through a brick wall.  I always thought it was sinus or weather related, but now . . . I have to suspect food or inflammation.  My last headache (and it was a doozy that woke me up at 4am) was on February 21st.  I don't recall a time I've ever gone 30 days without a headache and it's a huge NSV for me.  I hope hope hope you're able to find the source of your headaches quickly.  I can really empathize.  :(


galaxigrl:  I wish I could also say the number on the scale doesn't matter to me.  But it does.  Along with digestive issues, weight loss was a big motivator.  So I'm looking forward to weighing myself too but will do so on Saturday (because I have to extend a few days).  I took measurements on the first morning but no pictures.  I can definitely see a change in the mirror though and it will be interesting to see what the scale says.  And I have a doctor check up next week, so I'm curious what my BMI will be since my last visit on Feb. 17th.  Even though the scale matters to me, I'm hoping the desire to check once or twice a day (embarrassing to admit, but yes) will be gone and that once or twice a week will feel sufficient.  This could be an area in which a W30 isn't enough for me and that extending even longer may be what I need in order to break that relationship. 


Not wanting to ruin Easter, I'm only allowing myself sugar the first few days and I'll keep it limited.  My in-laws are hosting dinner and will have a Honeybaked ham, which has sugar on top and I've not checked yet, but could have soy added also.  I'll be providing some roasted vegetables, a marinated vegetable salad, and bacon-wrapped sweet potato bites.  I'm making an allergy-friendly strawberry pie for the allergic kids and will have some mixed berries with coconut whipped cream for a sugar-free dessert for myself.  I'm sure the rest of the clan will be enjoying the traditional sides and a variety of cookies, pie, cake, or whatever.  I'm looking forward to a holiday in which I buck tradition by having a "normal" sized meal and knowing that I won't feel yucky and tired afterward. 


My first off-plan food will be on Saturday.  While grocery shopping today, I bought myself a Green & Black's 70% dark chocolate bar.  It has sugar and soy, but no dairy.  It was one of my favorites before starting this.  I'll have a small square or too and I'm wondering if it will taste as good after taming the sugar dragon . . . .  

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@CG: Congrats on the pregnancy. I just came over to this thread to see what people say who are at the end of the program. I am personally on day 17 right now.

I wanted to chime in real quick because I read through all the testimonials they have on this website and I came across a couple from pregnant women. Just so you know, this is completely safe to continue during pregnancy and would secure your baby the best start to his/her life.

Check back in here over the next few days.  I'm sure there will be lots of postings of NSVs as we update on how we're doing.  Congrats on making it past halfway!

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