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Binging vs. compensating for too-small meals


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Folks -

Preface: I'm on Day 8 of my Whole30 - I only started incorporating exercising on Day 6 (was trying to get used to the eating without over-doing anything) and obviously my eating needs to change a little to account for the burned energy

Problem: I definitely had way too small of a Meal 3 tonight, I know this and kind of knew it when I was eating. I decided I'd give myself a treat by making Mel @ The Clothes Make the Girl's Caramelized Coconut Chips - after eating half of the 1 cup of coconut shreds I went back for the second half and added a hard-boiled egg because clearly I was missing something - maybe it was protein. About half an hour later I dug into some baby carrots w/maybe 2 tbsp almond butter. FINALLY I stopped and now I feel uncomfortably full and generally horrible!

Should I restart my Whole30? Everything I ate was compliant - but I almost feel like I binged, though I don't believe it was a psychological response rather than truly not giving myself enough to eat - and can be fixed by preparing better for tomorrow.

I'd love to hear any thoughts, advice and similar experiences!

Thank you for listening :)

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Here's my experience...EXACTLY the same thing happened to me. I was finished with my Whole30, but I stay pretty true to that way of eating because I feel and look so good eating that way. I didn't pay enough attention to my breakfast and underate. Then I was hungry to early for lunch, so had a mini meal an hour before lunch. Then I wasn't satisfied with dinner, so I had another mini meal afterwards. I didn't have any coconut flakes or anything that I could have snack attacked on, but if I did...I'm sure I would have. It was a miserable day. Really, you didn't eat anything off plan, it was just how you ate. So, personally, I would add 8 days and make it a Whole38, but that's just me there probably be arguments for both sides of this one.
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My advice...fill your plate with more than you think you need and eat slowly. Listen to your body for when you are satisfied. Remember, it takes a little bit before you actually feel full. Then you can save whatever you didn't eat for the next meal!

Oh and btw...I've only made the coconut chips once and I definitely ate them all! You are not alone!

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