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Start Date July 5


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I posted earlier that I would start on the 3rd not realizing it was before the 4th of July. So new start date July 5. I'm excited. I've talked with my husband who will not be joining me in the Whole 30, but he's okay with my moving all his stuff in the 'fridge to one shelf and all of his stuff in the pantry to one shelf. I'm hoping this will keep me out of non-compliant foods that he buys. I'm excited to do this. Wish me health and happy eating!


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Me too...I was wondering if other people starting this day  (July 5) would like to have kind of a "group log" for accountability and sharing ideas. Maybe in addition to anyone's personal log? I know I like to keep a log just for tracking purposes, but it doesn't necessarily bring the community support that is so helpful here. 


I see a few more people who started the 5th. Sister.Journey since you have another log started how would you feel about this thread becoming more of a group log? 

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this time I'm really trying to focus on the mental shift it will take to sustain life changes after the 30 days. Really trying to understand why I would choose things that don't make me feel good physically or mentally (or emotionally tbh)? Really trying to break the food=fun/comfort/escape/love link in my brain and create a strong "food=fuel" link. 


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I went thru my calendar and noted the entire timeline on it. It's good to record these feelings! Just remember why you're doing this...for me, I need to have a more productive relationship with food, to believe I can be trusted to feed myself, and to give my overstimulated gut and body the chance to heal from so much inflammation that I know is caused by my food and drink choices. It's not forever, we've got this!!

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Yup. Same reasons for me -- I was on a year long project that took up nearly every hour of the day, my family suffered, and so did I through poor eating, etc. Now the project is over and successfully completed, I'm doing this to bring my body back into balance from all the poor eating and stress. Thank you for reminding me :)

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Day 3: Meals today: sleepless night, early doctor's appointment, no time to cook this morning.

Breakfast: One banana and a handful of almonds, black coffee.

Lunch: Salad with left over roast chicken breast, avocado, walnuts, sunflower seeds, veggies and olives with oil and red wine vinegar. Handful of Cherries.

Dinner: two egg Frittata with tomato and potato and one chicken sausage, apple sauce cup.


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Sister one reason you might be feeling deprived is you're eating so little! I would be so hungry if I ate that.

Even just adding some more fats to the meals you have might help.

Once you have a few days of meals logged you can post them to the "troubleshooting my w30" forum and the mods can evaluate.


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I did not know that misshannah. My dinner tonight had me feeling guilty. A 3 egg frittata instead of 2 eggs and I ate the Whole Thing! I will go to the forum for troubleshooting tomorrow for help. I feel like I'm eating a lot of fat from avocado, olive oil, etc. I'm worried about the handful of fruit or almonds too. Thank you!


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Thanks for inviting me! I started 7/5 and so far so good. I have a bit of an advantage though. My husband and I don't drink alcohol, and my daughter has a medical condition that doesn't allow her to eat dairy or soy so we dont eat much of those anymore anyway. Grains and sugar have been hard though, no doubt. 

I started my Whole30 because since I had my daughter almost two years ago my skin has been a mess. I've mostly gotten it under control with the help of a dermatologist, but I'm using like 4 creams and prescriptions for it. I want to see if changing my eating will help at all that I can quit some of them. So far what I've learned though is that I do a fair amount of mindless snacking and just finishing what my daughter doesn't eat. That's been the toughest part, to see half a peanutbutter sandwich on her plate and not to just eat it. Throwing it out seems wrong, that just how I was brought up. But I've been doing it.

Yesterday's meals: (I'm not going to list all the way back to day one):

breakfast- a big bowl of cinnamon  pumpkin apple sauce with berries, a cut up banana, a handful of almonds, and almond milk on top, and a hardboiled egg.

lunch and dinner- bigos (Polish pork, sausage, and cabbage stew) My mother in law made the bigos, but had me make sure all the ingredients were compliant. We had to leave out the bacon because of the sugar but it was still delicious. I also luck out that she and my brother in law make their own polish sausage so I know what's in it.


good luck to everyone! 

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Near Miss!!! Put a nice thick ham steak in a pan to prepare in the oven, then stopped to read the package. The second ingredient is SUGAR! So disappointed. I had made my meal plan the night before and was excited about my first weekend breakfast with leisure time to cook and enjoy. I really had to pull away. I picked it up and put it in a freezer bag for after the 30 or for my partner to make himself. It is hard to adjust once I had a plan and since I had eaten everything up all week there were few compliant things to eat. I settled for a banana and a handful of almonds. I'll go grocery shopping and make a good lunch and dinner. This is not fun and rooting around looking for something to eat when hungry isn't good in our house where only one of us is on the program. I'm a little shook up but glad I didn't eat something off-plan. I'll be more careful shopping for meats! :(

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Thanks for the invite!

Also joined 7/5 and looking for some support... so far it's going ok-ish. Today has been much better than previous days. After 15 years as a vegetarian I started eating meat again yesterday. I can only eat fish once a week max or it upsets my stomach. There's only so many eggs you can eat! So made the decision to try some roast chicken and have been feeling much, much better all day.  

Have a couple of questions:

1. I've been sleeping really badly - lots of vivid dreams. For the past 3 nights waking up around 2/3am. I don't normally remember my dreams or have problems waking up. And I cannot get out of bed in the morning. Thoughts? Anyone else having this? My coffee consumption has gone down significantly as I'm not having my mid afternoon energy slump and the resulting large americano

2. I work out most days - 1 hour/moderate intensity/weights and cross training style. I used to always have a Vega protein shake and sweet potato post workout. That's gone now due to the stevia and pea protein. I've replaced it with egg/chicken and sweet potato. And overall my protein consumption has increased. But my muscles are not recovering as normal. I normally have some soreness 2 days post workout. Now I'm sore within 4 hours. My workout's have been the same, perhaps a bit on the easier side due to starting this.

Anyone experiencing the same?

Would appreciate any input or ideas. Thanks!

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Another day done and no mistakes. 

Breakfast: eggs (5! That seems like so many but it filled me up and was how many could fit in my hand) scrambled in coconut oil and a bunch of cherry tomatoes.

lunch: chicken salad lettuce wraps with more tomatoes and some grapes. I found compliant black garlic mayo at my grocery store (I love wegmans!) and it was pretty good.

dinner: compliant chicken sausage sliced over salad topped with cut up apple and tomato. Guacamole instead of dressing. I'm realizing it was a very tomato-y day. Oh well. It's summer.

I went to Starbucks with my husband today, and even though I usually get unsweetened green tea (iced or hot), I saw the other stuff and felt the urge to indulge. Didn't though. Stuck to my guns.


Tonight and tomorrow morning I'll be making  my grocery list for next week's meal. A lot of it is based on price, availability, and what I have in my freezer and pantry already, but if anyone has any meal suggestions they've loved so far, I'm all ears.


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