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Hi All,

Long time sufferer of migraines. Once (sometimes twice) a month. generally lasting 3 - 5 days. Standard symptoms - severe headache, neck ache, nausea, sensitivities to light and sound, Extreme hot flashes followed by extreme cold flashes. They are connected to my cycle.

I have to admit that they are quite a bit better since my first whole 30 - down to suffering anywhere between 1/2 day to 2 days still. And only once a month. I am still wondering if there is something more that I can do.

A friend suggested I try a 21 day liver cleanse - consisting of Hot water and lemon, Milk Thistle supplement, and digestive enzymes. Once a day after breakfast. It sounds reasonable.

Wanted to get some peoples' feedback on this. Or any other suggestions to alliviate the pain.

Second question - Are digestive enzymes the same thing as probiotics?

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I'm glad your migraines are getting better.

I don't suppose the proposed liver "cleanse" would hurt, but I think it is a waste of time. Most cleanses are useless in my opinion.

Digestive enzymes and probiotics are different. There is a pretty good article about them at http://www.livestron...stive-enzymes/.

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I agree with Tom, a "cleanse" is pretty useless for something like this that is obviously hormone-driven.

Green tea and parsley (not together, yuck) are two herbs that I know of that can help regulate hormones. I'll check around with some of my other health coach colleagues and see if there are any other suggestions.

My migraines are 99% gone with clean eating, thank goodness! I still get one now and then if I eat too much starch/sweet too close to bedtime (ie squash or fruit) but that's insulin-related, not hormonal.

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Thanks for the insight. I figured the "cleanse" couldn't hurt, but I wasn't sure if it would really help me either. Although I have had two Chinese medicine doctors (on seperate occassions) diagnose me with the same thing - an inflamed liver.

Obviously clean eating is helping. But not certain if I just need to hang in there and just take it longer than 30 days.

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Hi Renee,

It's actually my second. My first one was a whole 40 which ended October 1st. I saw a dramatic improvment in many areas. Including the migraines. My first post 30 migraine was essentially a headache for a few hours, along with some sound sensitivity (not bad at all by my standards) But the one after that was back to normal. So after that one I got back on the whole 30. I have had one migraine during this time and it ran for about 2 days with all the usual symptoms.

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If you've had two Chinese docs say your liver's inflamed, you might want to check that out further in whatever way feels appropriate to you.

Anyway, hot water with a bit of lemon first thing in the morning is really nice for your liver, and milk thistle is a commonly used liver-supportive herb. Think of hot water / lemon / milk thistle as more like liver maintenance and support rather than a 'cleanse.'

But, I don't know if that would help with migraines, though liver / migraines / cycle can all be related. I don't know what digestive enzymes would do.

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Hi Silk,

Thanks for you input. Me too I totally understand the lemon+hot water, milk thistle but I don't get where the digestive enzymes fit in. I mean I understand how they may help my digestive issues - and as Tom suggests - I can't see how they would hurt. But me too I would see this more as a long term thing rather than an actual "cleanse"

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am a fellow sufferer just starting the whole30 tomorrow, have been on paleo however (with cheating) and 17 days of migraine oer month turned into 1 a week.

I cut coffee, cilantro, and limit pork meat to once a week. No gluten does the rest of the trick. I personally want to see if more discipline could improve the situation.

Cutting some stuff might help for you too. Good luck!

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Hallo Simone,

Hoe gaat het? Bedankt voor uw suggestie. Both my parents are from The Netherlands - so I can speak a little bit. (Understand a lot)

I have been toying with a caffeine free whole 30 or at least enjoy a coffee sparingly (maybe once a week - because I do enjoy a good espresso) Cilantro will not be a problem as I never have really liked it, and pork - I already have digestive issues with pork so I do consume in minimal quantites anyway. But it's good to know that these things might affect me.

The coffee is something I suspected but haven't been really willing to give up at this point. But if it will make me feel better it will be definitely worth it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Carlaccini,

Het gaat goed, dank u. :) maybe you can replace the regular coffee with acorn coffee? I don't like coffee anyway but drank a lot of tea, that i have no replaced by herbal or decaf teas (tthough nothing beats a good earl grey). I don't think an espresso once a week will kill you though ;)

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