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Best Mayo!


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I just made the best mayo that I've ever made... actually it was yesterday, but had it for the first time this afternoon. OMG is it good! I used Melissa Joulwan's basic recipe... that's where I learned, but made a few tweaks. First, I used an immersion blender... works like a charm and no drizzling oil. Here's what I did...

1 egg

1 T. lime juice

1 T. lemon juice

1/2 t. dijon mustard

1/2 t. salt (I used celtic)

1 C. light tasting olive oil

I did let the egg and juices come to room temp together... then added the rest of the ingredients... used the immersion blender and in a few minutes I had the best mayo I've ever made. So yummy!

Ingredients listed for the Dijon mustard: distilled vinegar, water, mustard seed, spices (vague, I know), turmeric. Compliant? I hope so!

Give it a try... :)

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No, I just used the wide mouth canning jar that I store my mayo in. One less dish to clean and less mess. :) Please try it... I think it's great... the only thing you may want to adjust is the mustard. I used a level teaspoon and to me that works.

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An imersion blender is the handheld stick blender that you can put into any container. It's the easiest way of making mayo but I have done it in a jug blender also. Yep, there's loads of us eating raw eggs in mayo on here and we've all survived :)

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Hey Betsy...

I need a good Mayo. Couple questions: what is an immersion blended and is it safe to eat a raw egg?
Here's the immersion blender that I have and love it.

I'm a perfect example that raw eggs are safe to eat... I've been consuming them in one way or another as far back as I can remember. In my not so healthy days I used to mix up yellow cake batter, which included 2 raw eggs and ate it!!! :blink: Also had raw eggs in protein shakes... now mayo and have never had a problem. Enjoy!

ETA: Come to think of it... doesn't cookie dough have eggs in it? Who doesn't love raw cookie dough???

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Also, every organism on earth can only survive and thrive within a narrow pH range. The addition of the acid (ACV or lemon/lime juice) changes the pH enough to make the medium inhospitable to bacteria. Of course, if you leave it around for months, the bacteria may eventually evolve to overcome this, but for most of us, this is never a problem. Once you start making your own mayo, you'll look for new ways to use it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tried to make olive oil mayo twice today. Both times I used my fancy-sh-mancy food processor, FAIL!! Even tried the "fix" for when it breaks, adding another egg yolk and whipping in the broken mayo slowly with a whisk by hand. None of it worked. So bummed. It seems my egg issues have followed me, never been able to make a meringue either. Please someone tell me what I need to do. I really don't want to buy any more kitchen equipment. Yolks and lemon juice were room temp. I drizzled the oil "ever so slowly" as suggested. While drizzling slowly, I did see a mayo-like substance form and then it was gone by the time I finished drizzling "ever so slowly"? HELP, I REALLY NEED MAYO ;)

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I only have one speed on mine but if I had a choice I'd go with the highest. I just hold it at the bottom of the jar still it all starts to emulsify and then slowly pull it up and sort of swirl it around the top. It thickens even more after it's been in the fridge.

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Thanks for responding everyone! I followed the recipe in ISWF both times. 1 & 1/4 cup light-tasting olive oil. Now, I did notice I used one egg yolk and not the whole egg. Wouldn't think that would matter because many recipes I saw call for just the yolk. I don't know maybe that was the problem? Used my food processor. It only has one speed. The "fix" I tried was with my whisk by hand, it was really runny. Maybe I'll try the recipe in Nom Nom Paleo and do it all by hand?

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I made Melissa's mayo from "Well Fed" last week but used Avocado Oil instead since I didn't have any light olive oil on hand. I felt that the mayo ended up being a little too tart, as it called for 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Did you find yours tart at all?

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Connie, I use one egg and one egg yolk with 1.5 cup oil, 1 Tbls lemon juice and 1 tsp stone ground mustard. It's very thick with the extra yolk but I like it that way. I use a Breville immersion blender on almost highest speed but not quite. Your recipe should work fine. Try blending it with just egg and lemon and mustard until frothy before you drizzle the oil in S L O W L Y. It could have just been a fluke. I still occasionally have mayo fails.

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I made Melissa's mayo from "Well Fed" last week but used Avocado Oil instead since I didn't have any light olive oil on hand. I felt that the mayo ended up being a little too tart, as it called for 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Did you find yours tart at all?

Two TBS was too much for me. We use only one and like it better that way. Tastes vary, right?!

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Tried to make olive oil mayo twice today. Both times I used my fancy-sh-mancy food processor, FAIL!! Even tried the "fix" for when it breaks, adding another egg yolk and whipping in the broken mayo slowly with a whisk by hand. None of it worked. So bummed. It seems my egg issues have followed me, never been able to make a meringue either. Please someone tell me what I need to do. I really don't want to buy any more kitchen equipment. Yolks and lemon juice were room temp. I drizzled the oil "ever so slowly" as suggested. While drizzling slowly, I did see a mayo-like substance form and then it was gone by the time I finished drizzling "ever so slowly"? HELP, I REALLY NEED MAYO ;)

Hi Connie... I now use an immersion blender that has one speed and it works like a charm. When I did use my blender I used slow speed on stir. This video from the master, Melissa Joulwan might help you... it helped me when I did it her way and never had a failure.

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