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Good wheat items to reintroduce?

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I'm going to reintroduce wheat tomorrow.

(I'm scared -- I've felt so amazing on the Whole30 it's hard to want to go back. BUT, I am taking a month-long trip to Europe soon, so I have to know what affects me and what doesn't so I can travel without too much crazy stress).

Dairy didn't seem to be a problem -- had light cheese in my omelet, a marsala cream sauce on chicken at lunch, and a scoop of ice cream after dinner. Felt a little sluggish the next day, but really not too bad. Haven't craved much dairy this whole plan, and I don't miss it much.

What are some good wheat items to introduce? I'd rather not just go and eat a donut and a giant sandwich and a bowl of pasta -- I'm trying to break habits, after all. Any suggestions for "less bad" wheat choices?

Thanks in advance!


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And for goodness sake.... Don't eat grandpa!!! Even if you are finished with w30... He's probably tough and stringy anyway....

Sorry, I'm nuts today

Also ... I wouldn't eat a donut as your really not sure if its the sugar,oil it's fried in, flavorings, or the wheat.... If you have a bad reaction

Best something plain like Tom said

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For something like this, I might make a bowl of hot cereal using wheat berries. Something where you can add a bit of coconut milk and vanilla and fruit berries, and keep the experiment free of other added ingredients.

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You might try considering what kind of wheat items you would encounter in Europe (as in, what you may think you would eat) and try reintroducing something like that starting with the most simple ingredient food first. I would imagine bread and pasta are pretty good possibilities, so like Tom said, try bread first and then depending on how that goes, try pasta.

Enjoy your trip!

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