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I wanted to push the double 'like' button for the above Jen.

I've not been very good with sugar lately. I am fine not having it at home but when I push myself to not eat the free treats at work I seem to go off the rails later on so I am trialling having the free stuff if it is there. Wine also seems difficult.. When I tell myself not to have it for a week I break then have too much too many days in a row. So now I've stopped "restricting" it and I am having less naturally.

I guess we get tired of the rules after awhile.

My main goal at the moment is to focus on exercising a decent amount each week. That together with lots of probiotics seems to help compensate for a bit of offroading right now.

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I hear you on the restriction/overindulging.  I think I was having less calories in the evening when I had a simple glass of wine then I am now trying to avoid the wine and instead snacking on nuts, etc.  The big thing that kept me going on WW was knowing I could have a glass of wine at night.  I'll have to think this one through.


I think healthy eating and exercise with a bit of indulgence, is what life is all about.  It is balancing that indulgence level that is so hard.

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Totally get needing to let go of the rules for a while.  Sometimes we just get tired of saying no.


Sara - how does a glass of wine at night make you feel?  If it doesn't make you feel bad, maybe let yourself have it while you work on other things (sugar, nuts, whatever)?  Not very W30 of me to say, but...   I love a glass of wine, but it makes me feel not so great - I get sleepy and flushed and more allergyish and then don't sleep well and then feel icky in the morning - just from one glass.  So, I don't have wine often.  But, if it doesn't make you feel bad, have it if it helps with the rest.  Just a thought.


Balance is the hard part!  We are so spoiled that we have this problem.  LOL

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And just to confuse me totally, AF snuck up on me a bit early and now I wonder if that was the main reason for my sugar cravings.... Go figure.

When I have wine infrequently I wake up physically tired the next morning ...don't notice it so much when I have it all the time but that is not the right reason for having it more often LOL

Went for my 6 am 6 km walk at 530am and a lunchtime 6km run, very windy so felt like a lot more, then a yoga class tonight to prevent soreness.... Rocking the exercise right now

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Great job on all the exercise, Juz!  And I love how you are mixing it up, speaking of balanced.  :)


As for wine and me, I don't notice anything from a glass.  I sleep fine, I wake up fine, no stomach issues, etc.  Maybe I will allow it, one glass only during the week.  See how it goes...


Jen - Yes, very lucky/spoiled.

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Love your exercise!  I've just started walking again, with very slow jogging interspersed.  I look forward to moving up to actual jogging at some point soonish.  Your program is very inspiring.


I don't drink wine.  At all.  One sip and I feel it.  I think it's the sulphites.  I never get to the pleasant buzz/relaxation stage, it's just a mess in my brain from the first swallow.

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You ARE rocking the exercise!

I've been pondering the alcohol question, too, and I'm asking myself what are its benefits, if any, and what the deeper thing I'm after with using it and if there is such a thing as healthy behavior around alcohol. Sunday will be the end of my W85, so reading about your off-roading experiences has helped me think about how I'd like my own to go. So, thank you!!

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Wow, well done on the 85... In advance.

I've had a ridiculously busy week at work so not much exercise... Blaming AF also... But tomorrow is another day, right? And also the weekend LOL.

I think I would be happier not drinking just now but I know I am not well placed right now to add restrictions into my life, instead I am focusing on additions LOL

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm still here, not doing much exercise as its too cold to go to the gym and too rainy to go outside :(

Had a bad patch of eating some wheat, sugar and dairy and having wine every day and feeling off colour but my gut is so much healthier now it takes longer before I suffer significant effects which is a two edged sword!

Back to whole 30 eating again except for a little bit of chocolate and sugar. Trialling eating two main meals a day and not much else, to redevelop my hunger/appetite. Too much of my eating lately has been from habit or boredom and I want to re establish fat adaption, and stable blood sugar as quickly as possible. So far I am finding it easier than I expected. I still have a lot of bloating but I feel like I am reducing fluid retention and perhaps a bit of fat. I had reached my clothing limit so it was time to do something! But I didn't want to follow a diet mentality and measure or limit calories at each meal. So this approach seemed to make sense.

When my training kicks in again I will no doubt need to add some post WO snacks but in the meantime this is a good fit with winter hibernation LOL

I hope everyone is going well and those in the northern hemisphere are enjoying the summer days and nights!

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I was happy with my experiment of eating twice a day to redevelop my hunger but I certainly suffered in the regularity department so not worth continuing... Was it from not having enough enzymes to digest two large doses of protein, or eating less fibre over all since my third meal is usually salad based, or maybe also lack of carbs?? Interesting and not what I expected.

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I generally suffer when I stray from the simple elegance and routine of the w30 template and meal timing, even in the name of educational experimentation. It's always a good reminder!

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My regularity is so precariously balanced that any changes at all impact it.  Hope you can find a way to balance it all out.


I do not envy you the cold and rain at all right now.  We've been having beautiful weather, although too warm for running.  My paces are off with the heat, but I know how running in the heat will pay off once it cools down.

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I haven't run for a few weeks now but I did manage two 6km walks today so it won't be long. Oh, I did do interval run/walks on the dreadmill on Sunday also... Quite fast but only a minute at a time. Looking very short and dumpy at the gym atm but at least I am working on reversing that!

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Let's be shamelessly and fabulously short and dumpy together. Attitude is everything!

And cheers to walking and all gentle movement. Our bodies and spirits love it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Doing well with dry July as in still dry... Might start counting down to the end now which is sort of telling me I have some dependence, even if it is just restriction backfiring.....

Had a bit of an epiphany a week or so ago.... I like whole30 eating but the way I do it makes me fat? When I don't eat junk or treats my mind tells me I can eat more but my body doesn't agree. I don't think I easily get to the place many do where their body tells them how much to eat and their mind listens.

So I am trying something that might work for me. Sticking to small whole30 meals and factoring in an afternoon treat like half a nut bar which might have sugar or some rice crackers or dry fruit or popcorn, and allowing a couple of mints and jellybeans from the work jars a day without unduly worrying! And walking nearly every day 6-12km to offset my sedentary job.

I don't miss rice or dairy or sugar in my meals and cutting this from my standard diet has made a huge difference to my health but cutting out completely seems to have more downsides than up. And of course is isn't supposed to be a whole360 but despite nearly two years of trying I am still figuring out whether there is a magic formula that works for me.

Going to try it for a couple of months anyway as I know it will undo some of the weight gain at least.

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