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I started my first Whole30 last Monday after hearing about it from a friend. I was traveling on business, so I was eating out for pretty much all meals. I had a couple of accidental slip-ups (i.e. didn't know that IHOP uses pancake batter in their omelettes, didn't realize that most salad dressings have sugar in them, etc.). After 5 days, however, I let the Final Four festivities get the best of me and I fell off the wagon. :o

I thought about giving myself a mulligan and continuing with Day 8 on Monday. But then I thought about ISWF (purchased from B&N on 4/5) p. 202 "NO CHEATS. NO SLIPS. NO EXCUSES." So, I decided to start over.

After reviewing some of the posts on the forum, I decided to start keeping a log of everything I eat. Some potential issues I've personally encountered:

1) I'm still on the road which is challenging. Some restaurants are full-disclosure on ingredients via their website. For those that are not, I've found it best to stick with a salad with grilled meat/seafood. Dressing? I typically stick with balsamic vinegar and olive oil if available. NOT balasamic vinaigrette (usually has sugar). When I return home, I can experiment with making my own.

2) At the office, snack options usually include candy, potato chips, sweets...pretty much vending machine food...free and readily available. I've countered that by keeping fruit and nuts handy, but...

3) I think I'm eating waaaay more fruit than I should according to the plan. Might be my body's response to no more soda, sweet oatmeal, coffee with sugar and cream, oreo cookies, etc.

4) I'm an avid cook, so I've been reading Whole30 and Paleo recipes like crazy. Can't wait to try them when I get home. But, while traveling, I seem to be reduced to: breakfast - find somewhere with real eggs and get omelette or eggs/meat/fruit; lunch&dinner - salad or burger minus the bun/cheese/ketchup or piece of meat with veggies and/or salad.

5) Watching out for sulfites, carageenan, MSG and hidden sugar is the biggest challenge thus far.


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Starting over was a good choice. Pancake batter in your omelet can be a real sore point for your gut.

Life on the road is hard, especially in corporate settings where you are not carrying your own ice chest with good foods. Many people eat too much fruit because it tastes good and is so easy compared to finding acceptably prepared veggies. Unfortunately, eating a lot of fruit can keep sugar cravings alive.

Thanks for sharing your findings from the road. They may help some other travelers.

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I am in a similar boat, SH. I am staring over on day 10. I felt so great those several days, but then I let peer pressure get the better of me. It has taken me a few days to get back on track, so I am considering today my Day 1 again. Here's to both of staying on track this time!

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