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Supper at the inlaws?

Patrick Proulx

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So tonight (and pretty much every Sunday night) is dinner at the in-laws.

My wife and I are almost a week into the Whole30 and she has explained this to her mother who is making an effort to ensure she's not making anything that we won't be able to eat, which I'm extremely thankful for (we've explained, no potatoes, grains, added sugars, or dairy).

With that said, she obviously doesn't know the intricacies of the Whole30 and I'm concerned she'll have put all this effort into making a clean meal for us, but she'll have slipped somewhere.

I'm not talking eating mashed white potatoes or pasta or something, but I'm wondering if she used some butter to make mashed sweet potatoes or use sprinkled parmesan in the salad or on the meat.

Would you eat it? I feel like it would be extremely rude not to, but I don't want to start the W30 all over again because of it either.


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My parents actually DID a whole30 themselves(!) and read the book, etc. and they still forget/get it wrong sometimes. Chances are good there will be something for you to eat at this meal. YAY! If there are also some things that don't work, you have three choices: eat it, and restart (depending on what it is exactly) 2) don't eat it, but move it around your plate and pretend you did. 3) don't eat it, but come clean about why if questioned.

I like #3. It gives you a chance to explain the program a bit more for someone who will be cooking for you weekly, which seems totally worth it to me. My mom can be pretty sensitive, but I am able to do this without hurting her feelings, as follows: "You can't imagine how grateful I am that you tried to make this dish special for me, but I'm terribly sorry, I can't have it because of the dairy (or whatever). I love you! Aren't you glad I'm feeling so much better eating this way? No, I really don't mind that I can't have it, I'll fill up on more of this delicious (whatever I can eat)"

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This is a journey for you and your MIL. If you told her no dairy, why would she add cheese? Were you clear that you can't have butter and did you take her a lovely jar of homemade ghee?

Love this idea--also, get them a nice bottle of Booch!

Oof - Thankfully, this was a non-issue at dinner :)

She made a perfectly clean meal (pork tenderloin, garlic shrimp, roasted sweet potatoes, spaghetti squash and carrots - with a small fruit salad for dessert). It was delicious!

This sounds superb, and it's so cool that they were accommodating and open minded! Awesome job and awesome positive influence!
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Yes, bravo for all!

I am also always afraid of hurting people's feelings or being rude so I totally get this. I'm glad it worked out for everyone. Maybe this will make your in-laws curious about changing their own diets. My parents and in-laws are all horrible eaters with the health problems to go along. Sigh. Be thankful for open-minded eaters. :)

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Instead of telling what you cannot have, it might be easier for her to remember what you CAN have- straight proteins, steamed/grilled veggies, and suggest one or two manageable fats- and, maybe offer to bring a side dish.

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