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I can't get started...

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I've followed this program before, but never actually did a "whole30". I know it makes me feel better, sleep better, better mood, lost weight, I physically I feel great when I am eating with this plan. but, currently I am 'off the wagon" and can't seem to get back on it. Does anyone have some words of wisdom?


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Sometimes it can be so tough to start something you know is good for you, but also takes commitment, dedication and for W30, lots of cooking and prep. I had about a year off from the gym. Most of which was my own doing and not necessary. I broke my leg badly and had surgery, was not able to walk, drive or much of anything else. Well, I rehabed (as much as I could stand it) and just kept putting off going to the gym. I just had this mental road block. Finally, I decided to sit down and write pros and cons on a piece of paper. Well, as to be expected, the pros list was MUCH longer. In fact, I had to really think about the cons to even come up with any at all. I know the W30 is different, but it may help you to write down what you look to gain and what, if any, cons you can come up with.

Good luck and jump back on that horse. :)

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You know what is a great read to help get out of that mindset? The Paleo Coach by Jason Seib. It focuses a lot on the mental block people have that prevents them from doing the thing they know is right, which in this case is adopting a paleo diet. I found this book to be exactly what I needed to get over the trouble I was having staying committed to being paleo.

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Maybe just commit to doing it for 10 days and then re-evaluating at the end of that, or even just a Monday to Friday. Or try cutting out some of the bad stuff that you're eating and increase what you're cutting out each week. Derval posted a great plan for going primal without really trying in this thread: http://forum.whole9life.com/topic/9420-im-always-hungry-now/page__p__94719__hl__+paleo%20+steps__fromsearch__1#entry94719

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I have been trying to get back to this way of eating for over a year and it is SO hard to get started. There are two opposite approaches that work for me, depending on mood:

1. Give up one of the "forbidden" foods for a whole week, then add another the next week, etc until you're on track. IE, I started with wheat, then rice, then oats, then all grains, then diet soda, dairy, etc.

2. JUST DO IT. I kept waiting for the "right time" or "inspiration" to strike me, and it just hasn't. So last week I just decided. I signed up for the email program and decided I just had to start the next day. I had enough compliant food to make it through breakfast and lunch then hubby went shopping today. For some reason, this approach is working - I didn't have time to convince myself it was too hard to start over.

Thanks for the book recommendation, guys!

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I am a "do it" type of person, too. glad you broke through! I think this is why I've not gone back to adding anything into my diet other than chocolate...and I had some tortilla chips the other day, I'm terrified I won't be able to get back here!

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There's no doubt that planning ahead can be a great asset for a W30 but sometimes overthinking, overplanning just encourages procrastination and like Anandi, we just have to jump in and do it. I think the emails are great, they really helped me stick to it the first time I did a W30. I'd advise anyone to get them. Good luck

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I found that getting a partner to do it with me (IRL or online) was what I needed to get motivated. Oh, and knowing I was going to land in Cancun Feb 1... that was an excellent motivator!

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