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Whole30 JUNE GROUP (:


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Been too busy to check in the last couple of days.  Day 1 started out OK for me with breakfast, made my Desperate Chicken Salad for lunch, then dinner was almost a disaster.  The day got away from me and there I was was at 7pm trying to brown 2 lbs. of ground beef with onions (in a skillet that really was too small for the job) so I could have something for my dinner AND cook something else for my husband and son.  We also wanted to watch a movie that night, it was getting later and later and we didn't want to stay up too late and be tired in church the next morning.  I just lost it and I was crying while trying to cook my beef in the too-small pan.  It seemed like I would not be able to juggle everything going forward with the Whole30 and meal planning.  I ended up eating a salad and my plain, old ground beef.  Not the greatest, but it was compliant.  I've been able to use the ground beef in a couple other ways since then and that's been good.  I might run out of the cooked ground beef tomorrow so I'll be back to Square 1, and likely desperate again.  I could feel a migraine coming on the night of Day 1 and sure enough, it was my constant companion all of Day 2.  Thankfully it was gone Day 3 and I don't think I've really had any other withdrawal symptoms.  I've been drinking tons of water so that probably helps.  I'm not starving between meals and not having any cravings.  That's good, but my meal planning skills are terrible so I need to work on that.  Having a crazy schedule is not helping in that dept.

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MM (how funny-I didn't realize I was MM too!)-it's hard to tell if you're eating enough since I really can't tell what your serving sizes are.  The foods look good, but I'm guessing that if you are hungry enough to snack that you're not eating enough.  I am a huge believer in NOT SNACKING (I'm sure people are getting tired of hearing me say that) and I think it's one of the biggest components of this plan.  I quit snacking for #2 and it made a huge difference.  Try to wean yourself off-especially the nuts only as a snack.  I did it by making hard boiled eggs.  I don't like them, but if I'm really, REALLY hungry, I'll eat them and they work.  As soon as I left the nuts at home and brought eggs...I no longer snacked.

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Very long day today! I have had two bananas - that's probably 1 to many. But I found myself in the gas station at 3:00, starving and staring at the candy isle. Happened across a banana at the register and opted for that to stay compliant. Work was so busy. Lunch was pretty small, just 4 slices of turkey with a bit of spinach and peppers wrapped inside and banana #1. Had to eat and work at the same time. Didn't work so well and made me miss by huge green smoothie that usually accompanies me in the car on days like today. At least wit that I was getting about 2 cups of greens. 

Why am I so freaking hungry?! :wacko:  I'm just sitting here counting the minutes until we get to have dinner. I could eat a house. 

I'm also really tired again today. Wanting to eat to soothe the fatigue I guess. 

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Lunch was pretty small, just 4 slices of turkey with a bit of spinach and peppers wrapped inside and banana #1. Had to eat and work at the same time. Didn't work so well and made me miss by huge green smoothie that usually accompanies me in the car on days like today. At least wit that I was getting about 2 cups of greens. 

Why am I so freaking hungry?!


You know your own body way better than I do, but that sounds like a pretty tiny lunch. Maybe that accounts for the hunger?


I found myself going to bed hungry last night and made sure to add more protein to my lunch today. Seems to be working.


I hope you have a delicious, satisfying dinner!

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Day 5 for me in the antipodes :)


Had a nice fatty breakfast this morning – lamb loin chop (yum!) in coconut oil, two eggs in ghee, and a small handful of raw almonds. There really should have been some veg in there too, but I ran out of time to cook some kumara as well. I should have diced some the night before. As the old adage goes, failure to plan is planning to fail. Having the nice fatty lamb chop was great though. It's almost 11am here and normally I'd be counting down the minutes to lunch, but all I want is water at the moment. I cooked up two extra for Thurs and Friday as well.


Lunch today is leftover chicken curry (which was made with leftover veggie-stuffed squash). Dinner will be roast rolled beef, roast carrot and parsnip, caramelised beetroot, and some baby spinach.

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Lunch was pretty small, just 4 slices of turkey with a bit of spinach and peppers wrapped inside and banana #1. Had to eat and work at the same time. Didn't work so well and made me miss by huge green smoothie that usually accompanies me in the car on days like today. At least wit that I was getting about 2 cups of greens. 

Why am I so freaking hungry?!


You know your own body way better than I do, but that sounds like a pretty tiny lunch. Maybe that accounts for the hunger?




Yes it was really small. Sorry if I didn't make it clear that I know this.   ;)  That was the point. I didn't have time to stop and eat lunch and my planned mini- meal became my lunch  :o . Not good! Re-learning to eat, I mean really eat is difficult. Calorie counting since I was 12 has really screwed with my head. Also still getting used to the heavier meals (vs rice, beans, and veg and fruit). Makes me feel a little heavy at this point, pun intended.


I am so very ravenous though. I feel like I could eat and eat and eat and eat . . .  and this is tricky for me. This is where I screwed up last time I did a whole 30 and went on a meat and coconut oil bender. The right amount is probably good for me  . . . going over board is bad for my booty.  :P

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Hi everyone.


Nearing the end of day 4! Things are going well so far, had horrible headaches day 2 and the morning of day 3 but none today. So annoying because I rarely get them! Was so tired today, my 18 month old daughter decided to wake at 5:45am- way too early for mommy!- so I took an hour nap around 11 and thankfully felt so much better and rested for the rest of the day.


As for food I'm truckin' along..I'm fortunate in that my mother is also doing the whole 30 with me, she's retired and I stay home with my daughter, so we've had a lot of time to plan, shop, and cook. We also really enjoy cooking and the time we spend together in the kitchen. I also believe that being prepared is the key to a sucessful month. Mostly been doing eggs and veg for breakfast (along with this great roasted jalapeno hot sauce I made), protein with some kind of salad for lunch...dinners so far have been grilled chicken, lamb chops, cod- all with some veg. Tonight was homemade spaghetti sauce over spaghetti squash (totally overcooked it, it was very soft, not strand like, but I then sauteed it with ghee and garlic- delicious) and steamed broccoli. The homemade mayo has been a lifesaver, I can't believe I ever bought the stuff! Yesterday I was hungry and wanting to snack all day so today I ate more during meals and didn't have the urge. I had to stick the dates in the freezer, and hide the cashews in the back of  the fridge- those are really the only two things in the house I've had around and had cravings for.


So...so far so good! Going to work on getting to bed earlier tonight. Going to try a cycling class on Thursday. Want to check out crossfit too but think I'll wait until after the whole 30.


Great job everyone! Love reading all of your posts! Stay strong! :)

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Hey Rachel, we will be in the same boat that week.  I'll be a camp counselor the week of June 24-28, and I have to admit that I'm a little nervous.  I am going to call the camp and ask about low-carb options and tell them I'm lactose & gluten intolerant... which I am.  Hopefully that will help calm my fears if I know what foods they will be fixing.  I also plan on finding some extras to bring with me, like homemade Lara bars and produce.  I'm determined to stay the course, and I know you can do it too!


I'll be traveling both for business and with family this month as well, here's my plan for backup/emergency food - trying to avoid snacking. i've picked up several single serve packets of almond butter, some pureed fruit pouches (nothing but fruit, that natural baby food kind), and i'll make little packets of nuts and olives also. considering ordering some whole 30 compliant beef jerky online as well. For the business travel, I booked at a b&b so I could have fridge/kitchen access and buy my own groceries. Also remembering that I am now going 6/7 hours between meals some days, so in most situations it shouldn't take too long until i can get my hands on food that will work for me. good luck!



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Been too busy to check in the last couple of days.  Day 1 started out OK for me with breakfast, made my Desperate Chicken Salad for lunch, then dinner was almost a disaster.  The day got away from me and there I was was at 7pm trying to brown 2 lbs. of ground beef with onions (in a skillet that really was too small for the job) so I could have something for my dinner AND cook something else for my husband and son.  We also wanted to watch a movie that night, it was getting later and later and we didn't want to stay up too late and be tired in church the next morning.  I just lost it and I was crying while trying to cook my beef in the too-small pan.  It seemed like I would not be able to juggle everything going forward with the Whole30 and meal planning.  I ended up eating a salad and my plain, old ground beef.  Not the greatest, but it was compliant.  I've been able to use the ground beef in a couple other ways since then and that's been good.  I might run out of the cooked ground beef tomorrow so I'll be back to Square 1, and likely desperate again.  I could feel a migraine coming on the night of Day 1 and sure enough, it was my constant companion all of Day 2.  Thankfully it was gone Day 3 and I don't think I've really had any other withdrawal symptoms.  I've been drinking tons of water so that probably helps.  I'm not starving between meals and not having any cravings.  That's good, but my meal planning skills are terrible so I need to work on that.  Having a crazy schedule is not helping in that dept.


If you don't have time to do a lot of your cooking right now - is there a place near you where you could order a bunch of stuff so you'd be set for the week? For example, if there were a middle eastern place, you could get ask them to do a bunch of kebabs in olive oil or something and deliver it - then you'd at least have meat for several days (or at least a few meals)? Might not be perfect in terms of organic, grassfed, etc etc but could work. Also boiling a whole batch of eggs or something like that at once gives you a quick protein option.

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DAY 4:

Meal 1:

3 egg omlette with asparagus, bell peppers and zucchini and black pepper

½ avocado

½ sweet potato

Coffee with coconut milk

Meal 2:


Olive oil

Sweet potato

Jerk chicken


Green tea

Mineral Water

Meal 3:

1/2 yam

Egg white omelette with black pepper

1/2 avocado

Chicken broth with zucchini


Dinner tonight was strange....running out of cooked food...need to make more stuff. Funny, seemed like so much food and lots of containers in the refrigerator on Saturday...but I guess that's when I'm used to leftovers for lunch or dinner...but eating them 3X a day...it goes so fast! Heading to the store to get more groceries and then prep a few things...lesson learned (:

Still a bit tired...no workout today.

Two things at work today - boss brought cookies...looked at them but was NOT tempted. Also, boss took us to Peets for coffee...would normally get a latte or frapp....but got an iced coffee and back at the office I put in some coconut milk...yay me.

Hope everyone has a good evening...on to day 5!


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**Eats for Day 4!


**Two eggs fried with broccoli, blueberries, coffee

**Last leftover lamb/beef burger with mustard, cucumber, red pepper, grapes

**Dry roasted sunflower seeds, raspberry Kombucha (seeds had more ingredients than I suspected :angry: )

**Salmon, broccoli, sweet potato fries along with a big scoop of homemade mayo, more grapes


The best thing I ever bought before going Paleo was a non stick grill pan.  I use that sucker most every night!


I use coconut oil for frying everything, and I drink my coffee black.


Very very snacky today.  Cravings hit HARD after school like clockwork and last until dinner.  Managed to evade cake in the staff room.... will probably have a cup of tea before the night is over. 



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Kindercow-please tell me about your non stick grill pan!


Day 5-no more headaches but still not sleeping.  SO unlike me!  Exhausting evening boot camps may not be helping, but it's my only option so I'll have to work through it.  Left over tuna salad and thai chicken curry soup for breakfast.  Yum!

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My work day was okay yesterday, I dragged a bit, and at 7p I was ready to leave. All my meals yesterday were compliant, meal 3 was grilled burger (no bun), grilled veggies which included asparagus, zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms and green peppers. We also grilled peaches and I topped mine with coconut butter (I am not sure what to call it, I take a can of coconut milk and put it in the frig so the solids come to the top, it is very creamy and delish!)


Today is another work day.......meal 1 is my usual scrambled eggs, grilled zucchini and blueberries. 

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Kindercow-please tell me about your non stick grill pan!


Day 5-no more headaches but still not sleeping.  SO unlike me!  Exhausting evening boot camps may not be helping, but it's my only option so I'll have to work through it.  Left over tuna salad and thai chicken curry soup for breakfast.  Yum!




For what it's worth, I love this All-Clad nonstick double-burner grill pan from Williams-Sonoma.  You can use it both on the stove-top and in the oven.  We use it all the time. Currently on sale for 1/2 off online: http://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/all-clad-gourmet-double-burner-grill/?pkey=e%7Call%2Bclad%2Bpan%7C2%7Cbest%7C4294967177%7C1%7C24%7C%252Fall-clad-pan%252Fgrill-pans%7C2&cm_src=PRODUCTSEARCH||Category%7CCategory-_-Cookware%7CGrill%20Pans-_-NoMerchRules-_-

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Good Morning,


Day five has begun.  So far, so good. All meals have been 100% compliant.  I cooked some grass fed angus beef burgers (mixed in some bacon, also local, grass fed and eggs) last night with portabello mushrooms as the buns with tomotaoes. Really good!  After supper, I hard-boiled a dozen eggs, cooked some sweet potatoes and I also peeled and cooked some local green apples with about 3 Tbl spoons of warm water and 1 1/2 Tbl spoons of cinnamon until it turned into an applesauce consistency.  When I got up the morning I cooked some more beef, added in some of the sweet potatoes and cinnamon apple sauce with some scrambled eggs. Turned out really well!

I seem to be a little on the angry side this morning and feel like taking the day off of work and veg at home watching mindless television.


I hope everyone has a great day!

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DAY 5 woo woo!

Usually my hardest day, but have a huge amount of determination today :D

Dreamt about food again last night - eating biscuits and cookies this time! So relieved once again when I woke and realized it was just a dream....!

I slept like a log last night probably aided by the fact I was so exhausted from getting no sleep the previous night. I could definitely use another good night's sleep though!

Went to the gym last night but my body and mind really weren't into into...ended up having a half intensity day and went on the elliptical for around 30 mins. Was enough to stretch my legs though.  

So still a little tired but otherwise feeling physically pretty well; although my face has broken out in little in small spots in places I wouldn't usually get them - detoxing perhaps?

I am planning to get some lunch from Whole Foods today, I like their salad bar because usually everything is labeled pretty well!

Best of luck to everyone today!


PS edit after working a few hours... everything is annoying me today! arggghhh stupid job, stupid tasks etc etc lol

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My work day was okay yesterday, I dragged a bit, and at 7p I was ready to leave. All my meals yesterday were compliant, meal 3 was grilled burger (no bun), grilled veggies which included asparagus, zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms and green peppers. We also grilled peaches and I topped mine with coconut butter (I am not sure what to call it, I take a can of coconut milk and put it in the frig so the solids come to the top, it is very creamy and delish!)


Today is another work day.......meal 1 is my usual scrambled eggs, grilled zucchini and blueberries. 



Scratch the grilled zucchini, I had 1/2 of an avocado instead. It hit the spot!!

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Hey! I started June 2nd but I'd like to join this group :)


This is my third Whole 30.


The first was fantastic. I felt great, lost weight, kept going after. A few months (plural!) afterward I decided to have some sugar "in moderation". I was back to hard core binging within a week. (by binging I don't mean  a piece of candy, I mean eating until my stomach hurts and I feel like crap and yet still eating because there's some candy left in the package. Actual binging. I only do that with sugar or - when I was eating it - baked goods).


Months (a year?) later I tried a second Whole 30 and just didn't feel the love that time. I finished it but didn't feel awesome and went back to sugar the day after :(


There were a few starts and stops in there too but this time feels different and I think I can do it this time.


I have a family history of obesity, diabetes (I seem to have dodged that gene), alcoholism and emotional/psychological issues. In addition I had an extremely stressful childhood.


I think at this point I have to accept that I have too many issues to deal with and I just can't do "moderation" on some things, such as sugar. Thankfully I never got into alcohol or other drugs but I do think that sugar filled that gap for me. It's definitely far more serious than self control alone can deal with.


I've been grain free (other than some oops) for years and I think that had the biggest affect on my health. So many issues cleared up when I cut them (such as stomach problems, diarrhea, heartburn, fatigue). But now it's about the sugar for me. I think that's my last big health issue. Well, other than stress (my family of origin is a source of constant stress - thankfully my family of choice is wonderful :D )


Ok, just wanted to say hi! I see you guys made 13 pages before I even found you, :blink:  :D I'm glad to see it's a thriving, busy group cuz that's what I need :P

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Hi everyone!  First time to post, but have been following this thread since June 1.  I started on May 31, so day 6 for me.  I mostly started to try and resolve the low energy and poor sleep issues I've had since cutting out processed foods.  I know, sort of a strange reaction and maybe its from something else.  Anyway, could someone help me with a couple questions?  I really miss my green smoothie, wihich I've always made with compliant ingredients.  I have a pretty healthy relationship with food, do you think I could add this back as the vegetable part of my breakfast?  And, excuse the tmi, but my bowels are um, very busy.  Too busy, it seems to me.  Is this normal? 


Lastly, I'm camping this weekend, I think I have a plan but if you have any tips, would love to hear them. 


Great job everyone so far!


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