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Whole30 JUNE GROUP (:


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Having become really bored with breakfast, I took a new approach today. Compliant breakfast sausage from a local farm, sliced and tossed in homemade curry ketchup, 1/2 an avocado, 1/2 a tomato, 1/4 of a very large sweet potato, and a few black olives. Delish. Could have had more veggies, but I've been having plenty - and green - every morning. I think I'm okay. The ketchup recipe came from Eating for Idiots; I just added the curry. Ever since living in Germany, it's one of my favourites.


Last night we had the meatloaf, also from Eating for Idiots. It was terrific! Thanks for the reminder, megmac! I had forgotten stumbling upon that site earlier.


As for delvallex's post about what's next - I plan to stick pretty close to W30 indefinitely. Exceptions will be when on the road or a special event. At home I think it will be pretty easy. Honestly, I've not really missed anything. I haven't had a single day of, "Oh, I'm dying for..." That said, would I eat a stack of 10 mini-eclairs if I weren't on the W30 and they were put in front of me? Sure would. I can't say that my entire orientation to food has changed. At. All. And that's powerful motivation to continue to stick to the W30. So, what will I do regarding the various food groups?


I already know that gluten is off the list for me. I've been almost 100% GF for a while now. I will probably try to avoid getting back in the habit of Udi's GF toast because I tend to overdo it. What I will likely allow myself is the occasional corn tortilla; I love fish tacos and getting them in lettuce isn't always an option. I'm not a big fan of rice, etc. so that's not hard. I rarely drink alcohol so the infrequent glass of wine, sure. It's easier to pass on the sugar since I'm GF and all the stuff I really love, done well, contains gluten.


My "biggies" will be legumes and cheese. When I'm not working from home, there are too many GF black bean dishes that are great for taking to work. I can easily give up milk, which I love, if I can't have it with a large slice of cake or stack of chocolate chip cookies.  :D But, cheese? I'd easily give up chocolate before cheese. Speaking of which, I'm much more of a baked goods person so passing the candy isn't too tough. And, I'd rather have one piece of high quality chocolate than an entire bar of something mediocre.


All over the map? Maybe. So, my strategy will be to follow the W30 template, but allow myself the occasional indulgence. Remember those women on the Titanic who passed up dessert...




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Good morning everyone!  Didn't sleep very well last night....our dog (senior) sleeps with hubby and I on our bed and he is getting on in years and losing his mobility, sight and hearing. Poor Gus was crying and I was trying to figure out what he needed/wanted. He finally settled down...I got up at 3 a.m. to take him out...but both hubby and I are a bit tired from the broken sleep.


Food-wise, last night a had too many pistachios again (sat there shelling them, eating them, they're gone now...don't think I should buy anymore for a while).


Been doing a little ab work (exercise)....any my lower tummy hurt last night...not sure if from ab exercises or from too many pistachios and my digestive system fighting back (:


Even though a little tired, feel very good, positive and ready for Day 20! Wooo hooo! Wasn't very hungy this a.m. so just had two eggs pan fried in ghee....and I added the leftover veggies from going out to dinner last night (steamed broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus) and now I am having coffee with coconut milk as my additional healthy fat.


I will check in later....I need to read the posts from last night ...


Have a good one.



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I too plan to stick with Paleo after finishing the Whole30. Although it's a lot of work, I enjoy cooking all of my meals for myself and my family. I will introduce raw milk cheese, occasionally, and probably some dark chocolate and wine, but in strict moderation. I still crave sugar so I know that beast is still on my back.

I also want my next goal to be creating healthy snacks/foods for my daughter (19 mo). She pretty much eats what I do but I give her Lara Bars and snacky things like that on occasion that I would prefer to be homemade. I also still give her pasta and oatmeal and wonder if I should switch to non-gluten options.

It feels so natural to be eating this way now, I can't imagine going back to a SAD.

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Post 30- I am hoping to figure out a way to keep this going. Like Kevin, I am turning 40 this year and want it to be a permanent change. So far I haven't been very adventurous in the cooking department. Plain cooked meat and veggies with ghee. But I've got to figure out a way to make this a lifestyle for me AND my family. Two of my boys live on almost 100% carbs (especially the 12 year old with ramen noodles). I guess I need to start looking at other books or blogs on how to become paleo for life.

Other than Eating for Idiots, what do you recommend if you have lead a paleo or GF diet previously?

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Tracy, good luck with the kids! I have an 11 year old carb fiend so yeah, I know. And he's my kid and totally should be off grains (rings under his eyes, fatigue) but he's so freaking picky. He has at least agreed to go gluten free recently so we're trying that and so far he does say he isn't tired as often. My 14 year old however went Paleo on her own, after watching me. She's totally into it :D

I really like this site http://nomnompaleo.com/ She also did a Whole 30 so if you search, you'll find her recipes for that (most of her regular recipes are good for Whole 30 but some might not be).


I made the chocolate chili recipe from this site the other day http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/ and it was fantastic. Her blog in general is not as straightforward and I'm a bit ADDish, so I ordered her book from the library.

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Tracy- along with those blogs ^^^ I also like the Well Fed, Practical Paleo, and Paleo Comfort Foods cookbooks. I order/check them out from the library first and if I like them I'll purchase them.

Other blogs: paleOMG, and Paleo Parents are great!

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Often I just Google a favorite food, and add the word "paleo" in front of it.  I have fallen in love with a Panang Curry recipe this way.  Lots of recipes come up, as well as some interesting sites.  This gets easier after your W30 if you are not so worried about a small amount of sugar in an ingredient (panang curry paste, for example).  Just do your homework on these-not all paleo recipes are created equal.

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sniff.... had a terrible night, woke up at 3 am with Stomach Ache... I couldn't even eat anything for breakfast, it hurts really bad.  Just had a sweet potato cause I know I have to eat something but thinking of proteins or fats makes me nauseous... I hope it goes away soon...  Have had lots of tea, I don't think it was last night's dinner  (chicken, mashed pumpkin & macadamia nuts)  I want to think it is the body doing a self cleaning?   Not a good feeling specially when you've been eating nothing but healthy food :(

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I am really wanting to continue eating this way as well. I can tell I have lost some weight, but not nearly the amount I want. I know that weight loss isn't suppose to be the end all result of the Whole 30 adventure but that is one thing I am truly hoping for. I was on WW for ever and my weight did not budge. Now that I have given up processed foods, sugar, dairy, grains, legumes you would think the weight would just be falling off. 
I do feel better, so that is a positive from the Whole 30, but after the Whole 30 I may try to incorporate counting points so I can continue eating paleo but also follow on weight watchers and keep within my points. 

I have been doing yoga throughout the Whole 30 but not much other exercise because my knees give me such fits.  Eventually both knees will need replacements. It is a vicious cycle, I start exercising, then my knees swell and become more painful so then I quit exercising....... 

If anyone has a solution I am open to hear it.

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Eats for day 20:

**sausage and sweet potatoes, coffee

**steak salad with balsamic vinagraite and grilled peaches, Pelligrino

**grapes and dry roasted almonds, Tehava tea

Good energy today! 19yo dd and I had a spat and I glaringly noticed my need for "comfort" food to help process my feelings of frustration. Hence the grapes and almonds. Teenagers!!! Meh. Otherwise I was aware today that I'm just really not that hungry and can easily go 4 to 5 horse between meals. I'm also feeling FULL much sooner.

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Day 20

M1-eggs, ghee, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, coffee with coconut milk

M2-Whole Foods salad bar…lots of good organic veggies, hard boiled egg, shredded chicken, bay shrimp, EVOO, balsamic vinegar, flavored mineral water

M3-chocolate chili, kiwi, almonds, egg salad, strawberries, blueberries


Reflections-huge salad at lunch...didn't have veggies at dinner...lots of fruit.

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Hello day 24.

Well, just when I thought my sore throat had left, last night it escalated into what sounds/presents like laryngitis.Sometimes sound comes out, and other times nothing. Hopefully someone at my doctor's office can see me today: I'm now thinking  this is a virus.  Meanwhile, I think there'll be little talking and LOTS of tea and chicken broth in my future today.


Besides that, and the occasional post-nasal drip, I'm fine.  ;) 


But seriously, everything Whole30-wise continues to go well.


Made crab cakes yesterday from the Paleo Comfort Foods recipe:  my husband said they weren't bad (I haven't tried them yet). Instead of the Worcestershire sauce called for in the recipe, I used apple cider vinegar. Couldn't find a Worcestershire sauce that didn't have sugar, corn syrup or other nasties in it (I assume molasses aren't W30 compliant either). Anyone know of a good recipe substitute for Worcerstershire sauce (more curiosity than anything - I use this ingredient maybe once every 3-5 years)?

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anaxg, I hope you're feeling better! I also had some issues last night. The food was technically compliant, but very spicy so maybe that was it for me.


GFChris, I hope the chicken soup works quickly :)


Pam21e, are there any exercises you like that don't involve the knees? I know it's not perfect, but you could lift weights while sitting or do that chair yoga, or maybe something like a bike? My husband has arthritic knees and running is right out, even walking is hard at times, but he has no problem with a bike so that's his main exercise.

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Hi all -


Finally finished with the work travel - nearly had a breakdown at the airport as I lugged around my 8th salad in three days. Seriously I wanted to cry and throw the salad on the ground and stomp on it. I am chalking it up to kill all the things round 2? Then my flights were all messed up which resulted in me getting home at 3 am and having to work two jobs the next day. BUT. I am happy to report that I got by quite well on 3 hours of sleep, felt clear-headed and alert even while physically tired, powered through late night grocery shopping as well. i blame that completely on Whole 30- pretty awesome.


happy to be home with my full range of foods, cooking all my meals again. Made the salmon cakes from Everyday Paleo and I found them a little too eggy and dense, in case anyone tries those maybe cut back on the eggs and season more heavily.


just made my own almond milk (for coffee) - SO tasty! and easy (used a clean nylon as the nutbag/cheesecloth, worked great).


happy day 21! 3 weeks down!

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Hi all -


Finally finished with the work travel - nearly had a breakdown at the airport as I lugged around my 8th salad in three days. Seriously I wanted to cry and throw the salad on the ground and stomp on it. I am chalking it up to kill all the things round 2? Then my flights were all messed up which resulted in me getting home at 3 am and having to work two jobs the next day. BUT. I am happy to report that I got by quite well on 3 hours of sleep, felt clear-headed and alert even while physically tired, powered through late night grocery shopping as well. i blame that completely on Whole 30- pretty awesome.


happy to be home with my full range of foods, cooking all my meals again. Made the salmon cakes from Everyday Paleo and I found them a little too eggy and dense, in case anyone tries those maybe cut back on the eggs and season more heavily.


just made my own almond milk (for coffee) - SO tasty! and easy (used a clean nylon as the nutbag/cheesecloth, worked great).


happy day 21! 3 weeks down!

dellvalex-  can you tell me how you made your almond milk? I see you're in Brooklyn, I moved from there to Austin two years ago. I lived in Park Slope and Ditmas Park, how about you? PS Great job on keeping compliant while traveling- what a task!

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I am really wanting to continue eating this way as well. I can tell I have lost some weight, but not nearly the amount I want. I know that weight loss isn't suppose to be the end all result of the Whole 30 adventure but that is one thing I am truly hoping for. I was on WW for ever and my weight did not budge. Now that I have given up processed foods, sugar, dairy, grains, legumes you would think the weight would just be falling off. 

I do feel better, so that is a positive from the Whole 30, but after the Whole 30 I may try to incorporate counting points so I can continue eating paleo but also follow on weight watchers and keep within my points. 

I have been doing yoga throughout the Whole 30 but not much other exercise because my knees give me such fits.  Eventually both knees will need replacements. It is a vicious cycle, I start exercising, then my knees swell and become more painful so then I quit exercising....... 

If anyone has a solution I am open to hear it.



Counting points while on Whole30 (counting points ever, really--recovering WW-er right here) sounds really dangerous. I think you will really easily fall into a pattern of undernourishing yourself and becoming afraid of fats and protein, which are almost always high points items. I am guessing you just need more time on the Whole30 for your body to settle in and your weight to adjust to where it needs to be.


Also, I don't know for sure, but joint pain sounds like it could be an auto-immune thing. Perhaps you should look into following the auto-immune protocol (AIP) version of Whole30. Do a search on the forum and you will find tons of people who are doing it and lots of information. I know my mom has huge problems with arthritis, but when she avoids nightshades (as on the AIP), her pain goes way down.


Good luck!

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Have I mentioned that I'm having such a strange W30? 


At the end of week 3 finally.  I'm sleeping well, but otherwise not noticing any big changes.  But again-all I really cut was dairy and alcohol, so I probably expected too much.  My jeans are fitting well today, so perhaps I really am losing some fat. 


The odd thing is that I can't wait for this thing to be over, yet I'm not really planning on adding much back.  I think I am playing some serious mental hopscotch this time around.


What I really want is my Scoby to grow so I can make some Kombucha.


Have a great weekend everyone-see you in week 4!  :)

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Counting points while on Whole30 (counting points ever, really--recovering WW-er right here) sounds really dangerous. I think you will really easily fall into a pattern of undernourishing yourself and becoming afraid of fats and protein, which are almost always high points items. I am guessing you just need more time on the Whole30 for your body to settle in and your weight to adjust to where it needs to be.


I second this! If you have been counting calories/points for years and years, there is a good chance your body is doing a serious metabolic reset right now and that is why you aren't losing weight right away. It may take more than 30 days for your body to go out of "starvation" mode.

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