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If it feels naughty, it probably is....


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Well, I am pretty sure I know the answer to this but here goes anyway.  I just discovered making almond milk.  I refused to buy it because there is no reason to buy something processed and packaged when I can easily make it at home.  My conundrum?  It really nicely adds the creaminess of milk to my tea and a hint of sweetness from ground dates in the recipe.  Now, I don't feel that my morning tea is a bad thing, in fact with the varying I do between tea and herbals and the additions of spices, I think it's a good thing.  However, I have been sorely missing the creaminess of milk in it and the coconut milk just hasn't cut it.


Am I SWYPO-ing myself into a corner here and falling head first  into a dragon trap?  Or is it fine to enjoy my cuppa with some creaminess?

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Lots of people are making almond milk. The sweetening of it with dates kind of puts a red flag up for me, but I have quite the sugar dragon to keep in hibernation. I have seen others talk about that recipe and I don't remember seeing a mod nix it.

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Just almond milk? or almond milk "creamer" concoctions?


the former's fine. the latter we don't love, but are technically compliant.


M had this to say about it on the blog this morning:


Tip: Regarding “Paleo†coffee creamer… sigh. We know there's a recipe out there where eggs, coconut milk, dates, and some voodoo magic are combined with prayers to create a thick, creamy concoction that can take the place of your cream and sugar (or Coffeemate) and once again transform your undrinkable black coffee into sweet, creamy caffeine. Technically, we suppose, you could do this and still stay compliant, but we really wouldn't recommend it. Instead, we'd encourage you to take a look at why you need this at all. Do you really like coffee, or are you drinking it for the hit of sugary flavor?


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Not some crazy concoction.  I ground up 1 cup of sprouted almonds with 1 date and 2 cups of water, then strained it.  I wasn't looking for a creamer, I just wanted to accomplish making almond milk and it happened to work perfectly in my afternoon tea.  


Hmmm, maybe I need to meditate on what feelings and possible cravings this could bring about, and make the wisest choice for my brain and body....

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Not some crazy concoction.  I ground up 1 cup of sprouted almonds with 1 date and 2 cups of water, then strained it.  I wasn't looking for a creamer, I just wanted to accomplish making almond milk and it happened to work perfectly in my afternoon tea.  


Hmmm, maybe I need to meditate on what feelings and possible cravings this could bring about, and make the wisest choice for my brain and body....


That is exactly the right thing to do. May your meditations go well!

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I personally make hazelnut milk for my coffee and I use dates, cinnamon, vanilla beans, and sometimes 100% cocoa powder. many people use coconut milk, I just don't like the way it tastes. I don't drink more than one cup of coffee per day. I know this is a fine line, but I also believe whole30 is not about taking away everything you love, we are learning to love and enjoy our food and make the healthiest choices for us. my first go around I was concerned every time I made something I LOVED until it was brought to my attention that we are hear to find things we love that are healthy for us.


that being said, it is a personal decision about whether this is SWYPO for you.

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I have been making butter(ish) tea up till now, mixing 1/2 tbsp ghee 1/2 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp coconut milk and 1 tsp cocoa into my tea.  That helps sustain me through to lunch and not get hungry however, I was sorely missing my morning cuppa.  I can drink it without milk and enjoy it but it's so much tastier with a splash of something creamy.


I don't know, I think perhaps since I can happily drink tea without additions then the small indulgence of adding almond milk ain't all that bad.

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