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Starting August 1!


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My migraine showed up on schedule as well!  I kept my meds by the bed though and used a bag of frozen edamame as an ice pack (can't eat 'em so make em useful).  This morning I don't feel great, but happy that I weathered the first storm....glad, so so glad, it's the weekend.  I have some work to do, but I wouldn't want to spend days 2 - 6 in the office without a break to nap and read the forum... and rock in the corner mourning my diet coke a bit....

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Day 2 went well for me. I felt pleasant throughout the day.

This morning however I am feeling a little queasy. It may be because I didn't (and will not) drink coffee today.

If this keeps up I'll make myself some bone broth which used to be a great hangover remedy for me, lol.

Going to a small family bbq today and my sister is about to read ISWF so she was kind enough to buy plenty of compliant food for me! So thankful!

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I may be wrong, but I think to be tested you need to have been eating gluten for a certain amount of time (ie, not eliminating it..,)

Amberino21: Thank you for your response. When my Doc called she said I should stop eating gluten until I see a GI, which I already had since Thursday. I did a little research since she called me and from what I got from what I read is the next step is to stop eating gluten, lactose and grains for a period of time, at least 30 days, and then reintroduce them and see what happens. After reintroducing them, I believe that's when they do the more accurate test to see if the issue is gluten intolerance, celiac's disease or something else. If the test is positive for celiac's disease then a biopsy is normally performed, to be certain.

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Well, day 3 and so far so good.  I did 21 days back in May, paused for my husband's and my annual beach weekend, and followed immediately with a full Whole30 that ended late June.  I really didn't fly off the rails until mid-July, so this isn't my first rodeo :)  Day 1 was kind of meh, primarily because the weekend prior was flat-out slammed and I didn't have much time to prepare or even remember to thaw some homemade sausage I'd put together last time through, but as I'd picked up some fresh sockeye salmon I declared it Salmon Fest and proceeded to eat salmon for breakfast (along with an egg), lunch, and dinner, along with appropriate fat/ fruit/ veggie accompaniments.


I also baked up a bunch of chicken thighs that evening because even fresh sockeye salmon gets old ;)


When I'm not a crazed fish-lady, which is most other days, my eating tends to be along these lines:


Breakfast:  2 eggs, broccoli, berries (either strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, or a combination thereof), and half an avocado.


Lunch:  1.5 boneless/skinless chicken thighs, more broccoli, and the other half of the breakfast avocado.


Dinner:  generally baked fish because our Sam's tends to have in frozen wild-caught sockeye salmon or cod, and it's easy for me to remember to haul a couple portions out of the deep freeze the night prior and leave them in the fridge to thaw before dinner the next night.  I usually have that with more broccoli, because Sam's frozen broccoli is about the best frozen variant I've found -- and it's generally less expensive than fresh -- topped with olive oil.  Or I may steam or roast asparagus depending on where I am in the week, and drizzle some ghee over the top.


Emergency rations (mostly things I can cram in my purse):  compliant Larabars, Paleo Pacs, Paleo Pacs jerky (that stuff is addictive), flaked coconut mixed with fruit juice sweetened dried cranberries (I found them on Amazon -- not cheap, but a little goes a long way), or coconut butter with berries.  My next goal is to get my own food dehydrator and make my own jerky, because anything compliant is expensive!  Plus it might be fun to try to dry other things :)


Tonight I'm breaking out of my routine.  We're having Melissa Joulwan's carnitas for dinner from Well Fed, which means I'm going to be starting cooking on that, say... around 2 or 3 this afternoon so it has time to cook.  I'm pretty psyched, since one thing I miss on Whole30 is my carnitas from Chipotle.  Ever since that went non-compliant I've been bummed, so here's hoping I love this even more!


I'm also going to roast two heads of cauliflower, because roasting does amazing things to it, and perhaps I'll roast a little asparagus along with the cauliflower since I have to beat my sons off that with a stick.  I love that I have to protect my veg from predation by my children, LOL... well, except when they eat it all :P


Have a good one, folks!

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Day 3 and as expected, I woke up foggy headed.  The good news is that I confident saying that I've identified two foods to which I am intolerant.  One is shell fish and the other tomatoes.  After eating both of these, I have had two sleepness nights, a skin reaction and stomach distress.  Who knew!  I love this program and would recommend that everyone try it at least once.  Here's to learning much in the next 27 days. 

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Three days down already. I can't believe it. After day one migraine, I didn't have any problems yet. I may be a little more tired, but am not sure if it's from the diet or the heat. What I definetely need to do on Monday is homemade mayo. I do like an olive-oil/balsamico-dressing, but if I eat that every day the next month, I will hate my salads... And I think I read that I can make different dressings based on mayo.

At the moment I don't even have any cravings. Even my sugar dragon seems to be asleep... Lets see when he is gonna wake up. Though I think I'm pretty relaxed, because I know "It's only thirty days". I will see what I am gonna reintroduce after that...

In the middle of that adventure I'm going to eat out for our wedding anniversary. It's gonna be a Brazilian "Rodizio" with a lot of meat, and I can pick the veggies. So no big problem. Just that one: marinades often include sugar, right? So no marinade meat?

Hope you are all doing fine!!!

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I didn't sleep well last night at all. My husband and I were both awake at 2am so we went outside and looked at the stars, played with the cats a bit, and sat and talked for a while. It was actually kinda nice. But of course I am really tired and worn out today and still have a bit of a headache.

Still not very hungry today. Looks like its going to be just 2 meals today as its after 3pm already and I never did eat lunch. I've got some pork chops defrosting that I got at the farmers market so I'm looking forward to seeing if they are any good. I'd love to buy all my meat locally if possible!

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Happy day 3 everyone.

I've been too busy to post!

i went hunting and gathering this am, and spent the rest of the day cooking.

I cooked:

3 lbs ground beef seasoned

1 bunch of kale with garlic and lemon

1 bunch swiss chard

2 small bunches baby bok choy with diced red pepper, onion and finely shredded carrot

1 large zucc. and 1 large summer squash with a bit of onion and a can of diced tomatoes

On deck:

fennel, cauliflower, cabbage, tons of lettuce still, avocado, broccoli, green beans and ( b.sprouts.

I also splurged and bought local pastured organic chicken breast and thighs with skin... and a bag of wild caught sockeye o (salmon

I stocked up on blueberries and eggs, a canteloupe, and made some mayo (always too much lemon for me)


M1: 3 fried eggs, raw broccoli and blueberries, coffee with coconut milk

M2: sunflowerseeds, almonds, turkey and a cucumber:

PWO: 1/2 serving gr. beef with tbsp homemade mayo stirred in



20 lunges, 10 pushups (x5)


PWO: can of sardines!!! (this is VERY new for me), throwing some sweet taters in the toaster oven while I sweat and grunt to my workout.  Like candy aren't they? Mmmmm.


M3: one of the above mentioned vegetable dishes with the ground beef I cooked up, maybe a soft cooked egg on top too...I love how the yolk acts as a sauce....which by the way is yummy as a dip for raw broccoli. :-)


I'm feeling fine today....no fog.  As long as the miserable monstrous migraine from hell stays away, we'll be good.


Cravings so far: diet soda, my usual cream with iced coffee, cheese (all very mild cravings)

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Well, I have to say that I am not suffering, LOL! I had no idea what to expect, so I am pleased at this point, though I realize this is only the beginning. Still, no evening cravings is a VERY good thing.

Wishing each of you a successful tomorrow!

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Well, Day 3 is in the books! I've managed to eat a bit less fruit today and yesterday, since I know I ate more than I should have the first day. Physical symptoms today were mild. The first 2 days I was ridiculously tired. I'm having a really hard time forcing myself to eat enough at each meal. I'm a grazer, and never eat large portions. As soon as I have a few bites of each thing and I'm no longer feeling hunger pangs, I really don't want to eat anymore. Plus I don't just really love meat. I definitely feel hungry though 2-3 hours after my meal, so I know I'm not eating enough.


Also, did anyone start this from a pretty lousy, carb heavy diet? I just basically went cold turkey from a normal American diet to this. It's emotionally and mentally HARD. I just miss eating "normal" foods. Everything feels strange. I feel almost homesick for my old ways I guess is the best way to describe it. I know that I need to learn to have this new way eating of eating become my new normal, but I think there's no substitute for time in that regard.


Tomorrow's going to be a big challenge as I will be gone from home from 11am to 11pm! I think I'll be able to sneak back home around 4pm for some dinner, but I won't be able to eat anything after that unless I bring it with me. I'm focusing on eating a lot at that meal, and I will probably bring an apple with me. (Yes, I know, not ideal, but the best I can do.)

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Well, Day 3 is in the books! I've managed to eat a bit less fruit today and yesterday, since I know I ate more than I should have the first day. Physical symptoms today were mild. The first 2 days I was ridiculously tired. I'm having a really hard time forcing myself to eat enough at each meal. I'm a grazer, and never eat large portions. As soon as I have a few bites of each thing and I'm no longer feeling hunger pangs, I really don't want to eat anymore. Plus I don't just really love meat. I definitely feel hungry though 2-3 hours after my meal, so I know I'm not eating enough.

Also, did anyone start this from a pretty lousy, carb heavy diet? I just basically went cold turkey from a normal American diet to this. It's emotionally and mentally HARD. I just miss eating "normal" foods. Everything feels strange. I feel almost homesick for my old ways I guess is the best way to describe it. I know that I need to learn to have this new way eating of eating become my new normal, but I think there's no substitute for time in that regard.

Tomorrow's going to be a big challenge as I will be gone from home from 11am to 11pm! I think I'll be able to sneak back home around 4pm for some dinner, but I won't be able to eat anything after that unless I bring it with me. I'm focusing on eating a lot at that meal, and I will probably bring an apple with me. (Yes, I know, not ideal, but the best I can do.)

LauraJane, coming from a SAD to this will be hard - but so worth it!! Keep it up and you'll be rewarded :)

Meat shouldn't actually be a huge part of your meal - 1-2 palms isn't that much, I find the majority of my plate to be vegies, which I love :)

When you make breakfast or lunch for your long day, could you make extra and pack it for the night time? That would be a much better option than an apple. Or pack a HB egg or two, and some vegie sticks? A piece of Chicken and vegie sticks with a few nuts or avo/mayo to dip?

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Also, did anyone start this from a pretty lousy, carb heavy diet? I just basically went cold turkey from a normal American diet to this. It's emotionally and mentally HARD. I just miss eating "normal" foods. Everything feels strange. I feel almost homesick for my old ways I guess is the best way to describe it. I know that I need to learn to have this new way eating of eating become my new normal, but I think there's no substitute for time in that regard.

I had been trying to eat Paleo for months and had some small successes, but I didn't feel ready to go all the way and certainly NOT to go sugar free.  My gym had done a 21 day sugar free challenge a while back and I decided to try it by myself in July, when I finally felt ready.  I went 3 days.  Started back up again the next day and went 7.  And then I took some time out to think about what went wrong and plan, and decided to go Whole30.  I think having support (not doing it alone), knowing some of my downfalls, not bingeing and trying out some of the rules beforehand, cleaning out the kitchen, and pre-planning will help me succeed at the Whole30 where I failed at my sugar detox.  I'd be super scared to try this all at once, you are so brave.  Stick with us! 

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Doing well so far!  I am on the lookout for Ghee, tired of making my own clarified butter.  But I like butter :)

Last night had a salad, a steak and 1/2 a sweet potato with cinnamon.  That so hit the spot!  DId some rehash of last nights dinner this morning, heated up a little steak, fresh slasa and some avocado. added an egg and was only able to finish 1/2 my plate. Left over was mostly the egg.

I still have a little headache, but I have started to pee....a lot.  I never get up at night to go and had to get up 2 times last night.


Today I'm trying Kale chips, roasting some beets and making sure my meals for the next three days are covered. 


For me planning is key....if I'm not prepped I go rogue!


I can feel the diffrence already.  I'm remembering what it was like when I did Atkins (years ago).  I was a good Atkins follower....but I like this so much better.  I used to look at the ingredients in those shakes and think how could this be good for you?? 


Have a great SUnday everone!!

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My name is Michelle and I completed my first W45 in November and then completed a W100 in April. Since April I have been about 80% compliant and I have been experimenting with "rising my own bike". It's been difficult in some areas for me (ice cream is my challenge) and some have decided to do another W30 and I started on August 1st. I am happy to follow along with you and provide any support and assistance that you need.

Fear--I get it. Ask yourself if you can do anything for only 30 days.

What I learned during my first w45 is to take 3 deep breaths (or more) before the temptation to offroad. I Center my mind and tell myself it's only 30 days.

I learned so much and i feel so much better ( and lost 20 lbs that I thought would be mine forever!). I have also learned that the journey is never over. I am continuing to learn I'm happy to be your cheerleader.

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Day 4 - and thank goodness for the coaching emails!  I woke up mad at the world, and was grumping around when I stopped to read the email, which said something about apologizing to one's family in advance for how grumpy today would be.  I managed to work through things before my BF woke up; he is not usually here and I don't want to fight with him because of food.  I am hyper sensitive today - when the upstairs neighbors were walking around I got mad at them, too.  Today is not a day to try and figure my life out, LOL.


I thought that since I had already given up gluten and sugar that this wouldn't be so hard for me.  I was wrong.  The Day 3 email (feeling hung over) was right on target too; sigh. 


I think this leaves me feeling a bit scared.  The way I deal with that is make a plan.  I work Monday through Friday so this afternoon (Sunday) I am going to cook up some stuff for the freezer and make sure I am ready for a busy week. 


I'm enjoying everyone's sharing.  I'm so glad to be here, even if I am grumpy today...



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Well, Day 3 is in the books! I've managed to eat a bit less fruit today and yesterday, since I know I ate more than I should have the first day. Physical symptoms today were mild. The first 2 days I was ridiculously tired. I'm having a really hard time forcing myself to eat enough at each meal. I'm a grazer, and never eat large portions. As soon as I have a few bites of each thing and I'm no longer feeling hunger pangs, I really don't want to eat anymore. Plus I don't just really love meat. I definitely feel hungry though 2-3 hours after my meal, so I know I'm not eating enough.


Also, did anyone start this from a pretty lousy, carb heavy diet? I just basically went cold turkey from a normal American diet to this. It's emotionally and mentally HARD. I just miss eating "normal" foods. Everything feels strange. I feel almost homesick for my old ways I guess is the best way to describe it. I know that I need to learn to have this new way eating of eating become my new normal, but I think there's no substitute for time in that regard.


Tomorrow's going to be a big challenge as I will be gone from home from 11am to 11pm! I think I'll be able to sneak back home around 4pm for some dinner, but I won't be able to eat anything after that unless I bring it with me. I'm focusing on eating a lot at that meal, and I will probably bring an apple with me. (Yes, I know, not ideal, but the best I can do.)

In the grand scheme of things...this isn't really "HARD"....it's a little tough...it's kinda pesky sometimes, but as Melissa says in ISWF "Quitting heroine is hard"  Chin up...you can do this...but you have to toughen up your 'tude a little bit!! :-)

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Hi, everyone! I started my Whole30 on the 1st, too! So far so good! It wasn't a huge adjustment for me since I'm allergic to wheat, corn, dairy, peanuts, and a few other things, but it has still been an adjustment.

I've felt great these last few days, but woke up feeling like crap this morning. I would say it's carb flu, but I think it is more likely to be mastitis, unfortunately. I'd rather have carb flu, though, since I know it will pass! Any suggestions for dealing with mastitis while on the Whole30?

Even with whatever crud I have, I'm glad to be here!

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Let's try this again.

My first post was eaten.

So, day 4 huh?  I'm feeling pretty awesome... No slug, no headache, no fatigue, plenty of  energy.  So far today have picked about a bushel of green beans, chased a calf back to her pasture, picked some cauliflower, snipped all of the beans and as we speak I'm processing the last 3 jars of dilly beans, the rest will be roasted for supper.  Ever had roasted green beans? If not, you must.


m1: handful of sw. potato, handful of broccoli florets roasted, topped with 2 poached eggs, 2 tbsp of homemade mayo (kinda like hollandaise!!) handful of canteloupe on that plate,and some applegate farms sausage too.  Big mug of decaf with coc. milk, didn't finish it.  So far today 60 oz of water.

M2: about to eat: ground beef, mayo, cukes/tomatoes

M3: big ol' salad along (added fat) with the roast, b.nut squash, onions and carrots i put in the slow cooker at 8 am....and some fruit with coconut sprinkled on....:-) (more added fat)


Still have housework to do, fortunately for me, i have plenty of energy.

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I've been cruising along without too much difficulty so far. I've felt a bit tired, but no other problems. To be fair, I started practicing the template about a week ago, just not wholly compliant. And I made the switch to mostly grassfed meats last year. 


Yesterday was my godson's 4th birthday party, and there were temptations all around. I ate a good breakfast full of healthy fat and packed some compliant chicken sausage to throw on the grill with everyone's hot dogs, etc. There wasn't much in the way of compliant sides (chips, crackers, and cheese ball, anyone?) so I nibbled on watermelon and blueberries and drank a ton of water. Came home to grassfed shortribs from the slow cooker (prepped after breakfast) with a big salad and some sauteed zukes. Added half an avo and some lemon juice and olive oil to my salad for a little extra fat. I was stuffed!


So far, today was slow cooker chicken (I put a whole chicken in there), snap peas with a bit of ghee, and a few grapes and pistachios. I'm drinking tons of water and also added a little coconut water today. Lunch will be in the next 30-45 minutes, and I'm planning to eat more of the leftover short ribs with cabbage and carrots (sauteed in ghee). 


After lunch, I'm hitting the stores to restock for the week. I'll do a bit of a cookup tonight to prep for the week ahead, as well. I'm working Tu-W-F this week, so I want to make sure I have plenty of meals prepped for those long, 12-hr shifts!

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Tonight I'm breaking out of my routine.  We're having Melissa Joulwan's carnitas for dinner from Well Fed, which means I'm going to be starting cooking on that, say... around 2 or 3 this afternoon so it has time to cook.  I'm pretty psyched, since one thing I miss on Whole30 is my carnitas from Chipotle.  Ever since that went non-compliant I've been bummed, so here's hoping I love this even more!


What did you think about the carnitas? I absolutely love them! In fact, my grocery list for today involves lots of lemons and limes for exactly that reason. Seriously, one of my favorite recipes ever. I make them this way all the time now, and my non-paleo/Whole30 friends all love them, too.

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Today I just want to stay in bed all day and tell everyone to leave me alone...lol. Still a mild headache but it feels like its lessening every day. Also still not very hungry, but other than that I'm feeling pretty good. Stick with it guys! I know things will get better soon!

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Today has been good so far! Yesterday I was

So emotional and cried about a few things that were pretty simple. But today I woke up headache free, still a bit sleepy but better than yesterday. Managed an hour long walk with my son, in laws and dog. :)

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Still groggy today but that might be underlying health issues.

Suprisingly no sign of the sugar demon yet, though the real test there is going to the supermarket and walking past everything.


Query - if your protein portion is something very rich (e.g. paté), do you stick with the larger amounts?

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Amberino21: Thank you for your response. When my Doc called she said I should stop eating gluten until I see a GI, which I already had since Thursday. I did a little research since she called me and from what I got from what I read is the next step is to stop eating gluten, lactose and grains for a period of time, at least 30 days, and then reintroduce them and see what happens. After reintroducing them, I believe that's when they do the more accurate test to see if the issue is gluten intolerance, celiac's disease or something else. If the test is positive for celiac's disease then a biopsy is normally performed, to be certain. 


Hey DominiqueJorg: Yeah, I've had all of that done. The only thing is I'm not sure why your doc would have told you to get off of gluten because the initial test is for antibodies in your blood. If you've been off of gluten then the antibodies won't show up in the initial blood test. If the first test doesn't come back positive, then most of the time they don't test for Celiac. The test for Celiac is the biopsy, which is done during an endoscopic procedure. The bad thing is that's the only thing they can test for - Celiac. There's no test for gluten sensitivity. I was on an elimination diet when I talked to my doctor, too. When I told him that a lot of things changed for the better he also suspected I had a problem with gluten, but also told me that I would have to go back on gluten in order for the test to show anything. I did not want to do that. Due to other digestive issues and the fact that I was in Germany and this is how they roll, I ended up getting tested for Celiac anyway as part of a "routine" endoscopy. I tested negative. But I do have a gluten sensitivity. The elimination diet you're describing is how I figured out my gluten issue as well as my dairy problem. And it wasn't lactose either. It's casein. In dairy, casein is what makes cheese gummy...kinda like what gluten does in bread. So, I guess it makes sense. It basically acts the same in your digestive system. In the end, I think that if you have a gluten sensitivity, there's not a lot that the GI can do for you. There's no meds for it. You just have to eliminate it. Hopefully, though, since you've been off of it you will continue to feel better as your body heals from the damage. It took me a good six months to really heal from it after eating it for about 40 years. LOL! If you already know that you feel better without it, then go with what your body is telling you. I'm going to a brand new GI in September but it's because I have a hernia that I need fixed. Other than that, my previous doctors told me what I'm telling you. Listen to your body. Eliminate that which makes you feel yucky. You will definitely see a difference the longer you give your body to heal and then learn to keep it out of your daily diet. I hope you feel better!! Good luck with everything!! 

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