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Older women following Whole30


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Hi Julie,  I also can't tolerate onions or garlic (the latter in large amounts). I think once you get into a groove with recipes you will not miss them as seasonings. I usually make a crock pot stew to bring for lunch to work. One thing that really helps the flavor is adding my own beef broth. It's surprisingly easy to make in large batches (I also make it in the crock pot) and I freeze it in jars so I always have it handy. I also use a lot of salt, Real Salt (a natural sea salt from Utah) because I'm not eating any processed foods with sodium in them, and that does help a lot with the flavor.


I would get tested, it sounds like you may be in perimenopause, and I had issues at that time. W30 can help with hormone reset, but it does take time and you may need some extra help. Good luck.

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Hi ladies! Hoping I can join your awesome group. I've been reading thru the messages and you are such a supportive, helpful group! I'm Julie, 48, mom to 6, ages 4-18, I homeschool and recently went back to work part time as a nurse. I've found in the last couple years that I don't tolerate wheat, dairy, onions, and garlic. Makes for a pretty boring diet, seasoning-wise. I've been a paleo fan but never very strict. Since finding the food intolerances I often feel deprived so potato chips, corn chips, and gluten free desserts have become staples. I've had trouble losing the last 10 pounds from my last pgcy, added a few, dropped a few, now I'm back up and fed up with it. I'm only 5'1" and felt my best at 112# after my third baby and working my tail off for it. My hormones are a mess with hot flashes, feeling irritable, no energy, not sleeping well, and all kinds of joint pain. I was so excited to find W30 and the support to help get thru a cycle or 4!

I used to be pretty active and was running, even ran a half marathon 18 mos. ago. I had bunion surgery a year ago and I'm just not bouncing back from a relatively straight-forward procedure. It hurts to go for a meaningful walk so I don't. I think if I can get back to eating clean I might get some energy and everything will fall into place.

I picked up some progesterone cream yesterday from my health food store and used some this a.m. Now I'm wondering if I should have hormone levels checked before I use the cream. Ack! I suppose I should make an appt with my doc.

Anyway, hoping weightloss is a side effect for me! I'm off to start reading the book :)


I definitely would get your hormone levels checked.  If you don't want to see an MD or don't have access to one who would even want to test, I think you can still do the saliva tests through www.canaryclub.org.  I did both canary club and through an MD and the results were nearly identical.  


It is a fine balance!

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Thank you for the suggestions. I'll put a call into my doc and get some levels drawn. I do make broth, more so in the winter but I think my gut could use it more regularly so I will get back in the habit. A few weeks ago I started yoga....it's such a gentle workout and I love it, especially for my core. Anybody else do it? What exercise did you all do, if any, during your Whole30? Trying to figure out a weight lifting program that I can stick with.

Starting W30 officially tomorrow!

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Hi-- I'm a  fit looking 52 year old as I  have always exercised and continue to workout 6 days a week however I have arthritis, herniated disks, spondylitis, IBS stomach issues that are triggered by dairy consumption and menopausal issues like night sweats, low libido and vaginal atrophy which i take hormone replacement therapy for. I have been on some form of HRT for the last three years because i feel better on it and every time i try to come off of them my symptoms come back. My question is should i try to do the Whole 30 with out the HRT or should i keep taking the HRT and see if the Whole 30 can rebalance my hormones? Is it even realistic to expect that a woman over 50 will ever enjoy sex again? Maybe i am being pushed by society and the media to think that i have the obligation to? 

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Just finished my first completely compliant Whole30! (I am 53). Am going on to another one right now! I am trying to lose weight, get fit and healthy for an upcoming trip to Peru where me and a friend are doing the Inka Trail hike in to macho Picchu. It is 4 days and a lot of elevation so work work work! OK...seems like every time I bring up weight I get these laid back roll with it do not worry kind of responses. I know Whole30 does not focus on weight loss. But I HAVE to because I am FAT!  So I need to lose an avg of 10 pounds a month before I leave in lae August in order to be at a weight I feel is comfortable hauling these legs up to 14,000 feet elevation.

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Hi-- I'm a  fit looking 52 year old as I  have always exercised and continue to workout 6 days a week however I have arthritis, herniated disks, spondylitis, IBS stomach issues that are triggered by dairy consumption and menopausal issues like night sweats, low libido and vaginal atrophy which i take hormone replacement therapy for. I have been on some form of HRT for the last three years because i feel better on it and every time i try to come off of them my symptoms come back. My question is should i try to do the Whole 30 with out the HRT or should i keep taking the HRT and see if the Whole 30 can rebalance my hormones? Is it even realistic to expect that a woman over 50 will ever enjoy sex again? Maybe i am being pushed by society and the media to think that i have the obligation to? 

Women over 50 are just getting to the best part of sex!  Freedom… you need to get to that place.  FYI:  I'm not there either but I know many women who sure are there.   :mellow:


I am probably like you:  fit on the outside but chaotic on the inside.  I am about to be 49.  My latest symptom of menopause seems to be histamine intolerance.  I have scoliosis, pelvic organ prolapse (from chronic constipation, childbirth and heaving weight lifting in cross fit for years), hot flashes, intermittent hives of unknown origin, low libido and a strained marriage.  I think the strained marriage has the biggest impact on the sex drive and not the health issues.  Perhaps that is you?


I don't have the answer about doing the Whole30 on/off of HRT.  I have not taken he leap to HRT since I am a medicine-phobe (I tend to hyper react to meds so I hesitate to try anything).  I will say that Whole30 greatly stabilized my moods and eliminated my hot flashes during the day.  Sadly, they are back at night being in the post-Whole30 phase but I really cannot pinpoint why.


Hang in there!  There is so much to learn about how food affects our body and which foods are problematic.  

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Hi Ladies! 

I'd like to hang out here with y'all on this thread as I am 48 year old perimenopausal woman.  Today is day 28 of my first Whole30, which will actually be a Whole46 as I am doing it concurrent with Lent. 


Here's a repost of what I was sharing elsewhere.  I'd appreciate any feedback...


I've had a prickly red rash that migrates on my face since November too.  Mine is sides of my chin and beside my eyes (outer area, just off corner of my eyes).  I am convinced that mine is autoimmune progesterone dermatitis.  I've been taking natural micronized progesterone pills since August to lengthen my luteal phase because I am one of the perimenopausal women who, instead of skipping periods, started having continual periods and became dangerously anemic.  This progesterone protocol has cured my anemia, but this rash is dreadful.  The only thing that helps it is a very high powered steroid ointment, clobetasol propionate.  I hate having to use a steroid ointment so often; I know that can't be good in the long run.  I was hoping the Whole40+ would help, but mine's unchanged. 


Re sleep:  Once I'm asleep, I sleep great (always have slept like the dead), but the past week I am very anxious and wakeful as I lie there waiting for sleep to come.  I don't know why.  I've started taking my Natural Calm again the past few nights to see if it helps, but I still am anxious at bedtime.  I think it helps me fall asleep better though.  Of course the 14 days of the month I take my progesterone (which I have to take right before bed) a side effect is the progesterone knocks me out cold. 


Maybe my hormones are changing with the Whole40+.  I  will see my gyn soon.  I'd like to get off the progesterone if possible.  I just don't like being dependent on stuff like that.  And I hate dealing with this face rash. I am on the email list for Dr. Sara Gottfried, the lady who wrote The Hormone Cure.  I've been putting off buying her book because her emails come across like a snake oil salesman and I took a little online hormone cure test and the results were gobbledy-gook.  But a lot of the paleo people I follow and really respect (like Abel James) think she's awesome.  So I'm divided.  But I'd really like some help to healthfully and naturally navigate this menopause stuff. 


Julie, I'm a 48 year old mother of 6 too!  Mine range in age from 9 to 24. And I'm an ex-homeschooling mom. :)  

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Hey peahen,

re: Sara Gottfried's book... I bought it and didn't think it seemed like snake oil sales, but it was a bit confusing. It was an interesting and educational read.

By the way, glad I'm not the only one with histamine intolerance, hives and God knows what else as part of a changing hormone profile after age 40. My worst symptoms resolved with a paleo diet, but I still have excess weight, intermittent trouble sleeping, acne, hives, severe dandruff, and worst of all muscle pains not related to exercise. Whole 30 has improved my muscle pain, just need to figure out what it was that was making that flair. Please God, let it be dairy not wine :).

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Ah! Another brave girl with 6 :) And medical too...I'm an RN (thought about being a vet years ago but decided that was waaay too much school!). I wonder if you switched the type of progesterone? Would that make a difference? I really feel for you, constant periods?? Ugh! I have no room to complain...I haven't had a cycle in months. I don't know what to tell you guys about the histamine problems, just sounds really aggravating and frustrating. My oldest and youngest tend to break out in hives for no apparent reason. I think my youngest might get it from dry skin but not idea about my oldest...it's very strange.

I have been having trouble sleeping as well. I'll dose off reading, turn lights out, then lay there. I'll later wake to the 4 y.o. climbing in bed with me then have trouble getting back to sleep.

I am curious...do some women just accept these stupid hot flashes and not take anything? Seems like it will just prolong the inevitable. I need to read more on hormones.

My husband and I are taking a few days away while he works in Vegas and leaving the kids home. Only drawback will be having to have sex daily! LOL No libido sure makes it a struggle :-/ Wish me luck!

P.s. Day 1 was a success!

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Hi peahen, I also had the never ending period and was on progesterone for awhile. But I eventually had an endometrial ablation, which took care of that. You should ask your doctor about it.


I did recently have a hot flash recurrence. Not horrible, but definitely annoying. Hopefully they stop soon.

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Ah! Another brave girl with 6 :) And medical too...I'm an RN (thought about being a vet years ago but decided that was waaay too much school!). I wonder if you switched the type of progesterone? Would that make a difference? I really feel for you, constant periods?? Ugh! I have no room to complain...I haven't had a cycle in months. I don't know what to tell you guys about the histamine problems, just sounds really aggravating and frustrating. My oldest and youngest tend to break out in hives for no apparent reason. I think my youngest might get it from dry skin but not idea about my oldest...it's very strange.

I have been having trouble sleeping as well. I'll dose off reading, turn lights out, then lay there. I'll later wake to the 4 y.o. climbing in bed with me then have trouble getting back to sleep.

I am curious...do some women just accept these stupid hot flashes and not take anything? Seems like it will just prolong the inevitable. I need to read more on hormones.

My husband and I are taking a few days away while he works in Vegas and leaving the kids home. Only drawback will be having to have sex daily! LOL No libido sure makes it a struggle :-/ Wish me luck!

P.s. Day 1 was a success!

I do not take anything for my hot flashes.  Not even black cohosh or other herbs.  Dietary restrictions seem to do the trick, for the most part, but sticking to it has been my problem.  Living the rest of my life Whole30 is not what I want to do!


Congratulations on Day One!  I found it took a little over 2 weeks for my flashes to be gone when I did the Whole30 for the first time a year ago.  They gradually reduced, so at least I had some motivation to continue!  I went from a 2 month period of having a hot flash every hour to nothing in about 2-3 weeks (with 1 day of cheating on the Whole30).

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I just wanted to share this blog.  I don't know if I shared before on this page so I apologize if it is a repeat.  I just find myself a kindred spirit with this lady.  I think, for me, this is a large part of my problem.  Last year I took out parmesan (my favorite; daily habit) and thought I was dealing with glutamates (I am an MSG reactor if it is free in foods like Chinese) but wondering now if histamines were it?


I have always been sensitive to things as long as I can remember:  Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed puts me into orbit), codeine (family still talks about my wisdom teeth extraction dinner table manic episode from 1982), Thimerosal (old contact solution *burns* ouch), MSG, etc.  Long standing anxiety has really bumped up a notch since I started perimenopause.


My only hope is that having a hormonal link means this will be over as my body adjusts to life post menopause… whenever that will be.


I just don't want to live this way much longer.  It has a huge negative impact on my already strained marriage.  It is difficult to remain optimistic when you feel so unstable.  Working on underlying marital issues just never seems to be on the top of my priority list when all I want to do is make it through the day with hives or tachycardia or dizziness.  My husband doesn't understand what I am going through, and honestly might not believe me at some level, but I have recently been very blunt in telling him what I need from him so cross our fingers that he comes through as best as he can (he is an MD.  They can be very dismissive of illness in family members unless we are bleeding from the ears.  lol).


I'm not miserable;  just frustrated!


Have I said how much I appreciate coming here to share stories?  It means so much.

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Still wondering about my progesterone. I started this cycle's 14 days of it a couple days ago and have been very depressed and weepy and tired two days now. This is day 33 of my WholeLent (W46). I've had headaches in the evenings too. I know I'm eating too much fruit and nuts but it comforts me :( I'm stressing about how to go about reintro. An avid exerciser, i dont want to move. Husband did take me for walks past two nights but still blah. Any advice on a good book about health, food, hormones, for us OLDER WOMEN. Looked at Hormone Cure and Woman Code - I don't think either are speaking to my stage of life. I just feel like nobody understands. Even me.

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Jen, you asked :" My question is should i try to do the Whole 30 with out the HRT or should i keep taking the HRT and see if the Whole 30 can rebalance my hormones". Your medical provider is the only one who can give you medical advice. But in my own experience, estradiol was critical ( I used vivelle, bio identical transdermal form). I can't imagine suddenly going off it right when starting the whole30. Perhaps do the whole30 then work with your doctor to adjust ht levels. For vaginal atrophy, I've never heard of any diet that can address that. Good luck.

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Hello ladies, I've tried to catch up on this thread although I haven't read everything. So much good information, so much great dialogue! Tomorrow is Day 1 for me, first time ever delving into this way of eating. I hope it's not too early to join the thread. I'm menopausal but am not taking any HRT or other prescribed medicine. I get night hot flashes and until now have used SoyCare which obvioiusly I'm giving up. I'll be watching carefully to see what effect eating clean on whole30 and forgoing the soy has on my sleep-disrupting hot flasing.  My primary concern is reducing inflammation. I have osteoarthritis and colitis, both inflammatory diseases obviously. Thanks for letting me tag along with you all on this journey.

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I did take HRT for one year, and the flashes stopped immediately. However, I then had some suspicious breast tissue, which wasn't cancerous, but my Mom had breast cancer, so my GP and I decided to stop the HRT. As I just posted, they flashes come and go. They have gotten much better on W30.


I will be W30, to some extent, for my whole life. I have several AI diseases, and frankly, I feel SO good at this point, that I don't want to go back. Every time I 'cheat' I feel like crap. It's just not worth it.


Pam, I think this will help you. I don't think many of us realized how sick or malnourished we were. And how important food is. As far as peri-menopause, it will get better. I went through hell then, but eventually things got better. My husband is supportive, but I do think he thinks I'm nuts :lol: , I should also tell you I started taking Zoloft 2 years ago for anxiety, which I've had most of my life and it has made a huge difference. It's even improved my digestive issues (I have IBS/Chron's and hashimoto's thyroiditis). I've had luck with the AI W30, it eliminates a lot of inflammation from food.


It is different for us, our hormones are messed up. Melissa has said that women this age probably need more than just W30. They have recommended going to a naturapath to help get the hormones regulated. It might be worth it.

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Just checking in to this thread as I am turning 57 this year and was interested in hearing about women "of a certain age" doing W30. I am on day 20 of my first one and it's been good so far. Giving up wine was probably my biggest challenge along with jumping on the scale every 5 minutes. Anyway, I'm glad that you all are here and I hope to chime in from time to time.



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Just checking in to this thread as I am turning 57 this year and was interested in hearing about women "of a certain age" doing W30. I am on day 20 of my first one and it's been good so far. Giving up wine was probably my biggest challenge along with jumping on the scale every 5 minutes. Anyway, I'm glad that you all are here and I hope to chime in from time to time.



Hi Sparklefiftyseven,

Glad you are doing the W30. This is my second one, my first being in January this year. I am on day 3! I too find that wine is my biggest challenge, I don't have much trouble with food choices. While doing my first W30 I said to myself I would not drink during the week once I finished, but we went straight overseas so I went back to my daily drinking habit pretty quickly. That is why I am doing another one now. I know I feel better, and I lost 4 kg, 3 which I have put back on. I am not over weight but feel better when that bit lighter. I know how bad the alcohol is, after all it is sugar, but it to such a social thing for me as we go out a lot to restaurants and dine with friends. Plus my husband won't do W30, he still drinks every night and is about 20kg overweight.

I have put the scales in the cupboard as I always get on the scales every morning, it is a habit, just like the opening of a bottle of wine every night after work is.

Anyway that is enough of that, great you are at day 20, not that long to go.

Have a great day.


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I did take HRT for one year, and the flashes stopped immediately. However, I then had some suspicious breast tissue, which wasn't cancerous, but my Mom had breast cancer, so my GP and I decided to stop the HRT. As I just posted, they flashes come and go. They have gotten much better on W30.


I will be W30, to some extent, for my whole life. I have several AI diseases, and frankly, I feel SO good at this point, that I don't want to go back. Every time I 'cheat' I feel like crap. It's just not worth it.


Pam, I think this will help you. I don't think many of us realized how sick or malnourished we were. And how important food is. As far as peri-menopause, it will get better. I went through hell then, but eventually things got better. My husband is supportive, but I do think he thinks I'm nuts :lol: , I should also tell you I started taking Zoloft 2 years ago for anxiety, which I've had most of my life and it has made a huge difference. It's even improved my digestive issues (I have IBS/Chron's and hashimoto's thyroiditis). I've had luck with the AI W30, it eliminates a lot of inflammation from food.


It is different for us, our hormones are messed up. Melissa has said that women this age probably need more than just W30. They have recommended going to a naturapath to help get the hormones regulated. It might be worth it.

I spent much of my 20s and 30s trying different antidepressants and I just can't go back there.  I'm glad it worked for you.  I feel better eating cleanly than I *ever* felt on meds.   I am glad to hear it will end or at least change and get better.


As far as another poster saying they don't think even they understand themselves anymore:  I AM SO WITH YOU ON THAT ONE!  This truly is 'the change'.  At times I feel like I am navigating a mine field.


My hot flashes have come back during the day now that i am post Whole30.  I've got to get a handle on what is triggering that one!  Yesterday it was blue cheese.  I googled it and saw it was one of the highest histamine foods out there.  In addition to the typical hot flash my palms were all red and mottled; almost like unraised hives.  I really think I have a histamine issue at this point, too.  

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Hi Sparklefiftyseven,

Glad you are doing the W30. This is my second one, my first being in January this year. I am on day 3! I too find that wine is my biggest challenge, I don't have much trouble with food choices. While doing my first W30 I said to myself I would not drink during the week once I finished, but we went straight overseas so I went back to my daily drinking habit pretty quickly. That is why I am doing another one now. I know I feel better, and I lost 4 kg, 3 which I have put back on. I am not over weight but feel better when that bit lighter. I know how bad the alcohol is, after all it is sugar, but it to such a social thing for me as we go out a lot to restaurants and dine with friends. Plus my husband won't do W30, he still drinks every night and is about 20kg overweight.

I have put the scales in the cupboard as I always get on the scales every morning, it is a habit, just like the opening of a bottle of wine every night after work is.

Anyway that is enough of that, great you are at day 20, not that long to go.

Have a great day.


Julie, you and I could be the same person! I am worried about drinking after my W30 because I, too, would tell myself no drinking during the week only to be drinking my wine daily soon after. I also am not overweight but I have felt much better with just a little gone. And my hubbie also did not want to do W30 but he has stopped drinking. We are pretty sure it's the thing that is keeping his 15 kg of excess weight on. I put our scales in his bathroom to put them out of sight and out of mind. Amazing! I have a feeling that I will dive right back in and do a second W30. I don't really want to spend Easter weekend stuffing myself with bread and sweets and drinking wine. I feel too good right now! Good luck on your second one!

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Hi. I'm 64 and started whole30 two days ago. I feel pretty good. I'm trying to maintain a 133 lb weight loss for five years now. I'm up about 15 lbs and as a WW employee need to be closer to goal.

I have a lot of food sensitivities. My son has anaphylactic allergies to peanuts and a host of other far less serious food allergies. I'm a nurse. My husband a MD so we've spent our sons life (29) teaching him how to stay safe.

I'm no stranger to giving up foods. I just cannot be around good bread and sugar. I keep it out of the house.

I think I can do this pretty well. I'm excited to be here on day 3 and feeling successful.

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Hi Peg! I think is so great that this board exists. 


I am sure you can do it. It's amazing that you maintained that significant loss for 5 years. Fantastic really. Yeah, I can't keep bread or other non W30 stuff in the house. I have a hard enough time keeping away from the dried fruit and nuts. I had to get rid of most of that stuff, too.


Cheers to all.

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I'm amazed at how well I feel and how easy this is. I may have had a few bad days around day 2-5 but I'm in fine fettle now at day 12. I restarted after tasting something not compliant but that's no problem since I plan to stay this way. So it's day 3 really.

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Hi Everyone!   I'm back to do a "spring cleaning" W30.  Did a couple last year and one this year in January.  I'll read back a ways to see what I've missed over the last few months on this fabulous thread.


Happy to be back, taking action and getting rid of the winter blues!!!!


Day One tomorrow.

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This is my first. What do you do when you end a whole30. I imagine there are some things I won't bother to reintroduce. Or is that a pipe dream? Do the old habits come crashing back? Or I imagine it's up to the individual. I don't tolerate dairy so why bother. Same for soy and maybe glute. Those are the biggest. But once you make a commitment like this how easy is it to slide back?

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